Many often have dryness in the nasopharynx, but not everyone knows what to do and how to eliminate discomfort. Usually they do not pay special attention to such symptoms, but this is wrong, since such a problem can be a sign of many diseases. Be sure to be able to distinguish the degree of danger of this symptom.
It is important to recognize the signs of a problem in a timely manner and carry out complex treatment in order to prevent the development of dangerous complications.
Possible causes
Often, dryness in the nasopharynx happens with a long conversation or when breathing through the mouth. However, this problem does not always bother a person for physiological reasons. These symptoms can also be a sign of a dangerous disease.
The tissues of the nasopharynx are constantly moisturized, which helps prevent drying out, damage, and also provides the required level of protection against pathogens.

The irritating effect of environmental factors leads to disruption of the functioning of the glands, deterioration of tonevessels and the accumulation of dust, as well as pathogens on the nasal mucosa. With dryness in the nasopharynx, the risk of infection of the mucous membrane increases several times.
To determine the main causes of the problem, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. After a complete examination, the doctor will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.
Physiological factors
There are many causes of dryness in the nasopharynx, which depend on the impact of external factors, the presence of bad habits, environmental indicators. These should include:
- air quality, temperature;
- irritants;
- certain foods;
- mouth breathing;
- taking certain medications.
The cause of dryness in the nasopharynx can be frost or dry weather. In addition, a similar problem may arise with the onset of the heating period, when it is very difficult to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment.
Dry throat can be consumed by coffee, as this drink is characterized by a diuretic effect. This also applies to tea, because it also contains a lot of caffeine. Pickles should also be avoided.

If a person treats rhinitis with various drugs, including vasoconstrictor nasal drops, then the body gradually gets used to such treatment, as a result of which the self-cleansing function ceases to work normally. This leads to frequent drying of the nasopharynx.
Discomfort at night can be triggered by snoring. Often a similar problem is observed in people suffering from nasal congestion. The nasopharynx can dry out due to the individual anatomical features of the human body, for example, the curvature of the nasal septum.
Possible diseases
If there is dryness in the nasopharynx, what disease is caused by this manifestation? This must be known in order to prevent the development of dangerous complications. Among the provoking factors, the following should be highlighted:
- mucosal thinning;
- goiter formation;
- allergy;
- tumors;
- cancer of the throat or larynx.
When thinning of the mucous membrane, the patient, as a rule, feels not only severe dryness in the throat, but also in the mouth and nose. This feature is typical mainly for the elderly and children. Dryness can occur due to excessive production of thyroid hormones. This leads to a deterioration in the processes of digestion and a decrease in salivation.
If dryness in the nasopharynx is accompanied by a feeling of tickling, a cough is observed, then this may indicate an allergy to a certain irritant, in particular, such as plant pollen, animal hair, dust.

Swelling of the mucosa and dryness can provoke purulent inflammation, tumors and infectious processes in the throat. This is due to the fact that saliva cannot properly irrigate the throat.
Severely dry in the throat with pharyngitis, the cause of which isinflammation, thinning of the mucosa under the influence of viruses and bacteria. With the course of acute pharyngitis, a cough may be completely absent. The chronic form of the disease is often accompanied by severe attacks.
Dry throat can occur due to pharyngomycosis. This is a fungal infection that spreads to the larynx, vocal cords and provokes candidal laryngitis.
Feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx occurs with rhinopharyngitis. This is a disease caused by inflammation of the nose and throat. In this case, there is a sensation of a lump in the throat, dryness in the throat, dryness in the nose, degenerative atrophic changes.
Discomfort can provoke xerostomia. This is a disease that is characterized by insufficient salivation and excessive function of the salivary glands. Basically, it precedes diabetes and Parkinson's disease. In addition, it is noted for anemia, hypertension, diarrhea, dehydration.
Symptoms similar to tonsillitis and pharyngitis are observed in acute infections, in particular, measles. This disease occurs in children and adults and develops mainly if a person has not been vaccinated against measles. Usually it proceeds very brightly, with severe symptoms and a strong rash. However, the disease may be completely asymptomatic.
The cause of dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa can be diseases of the teeth and gums. In addition, a similar problem is observed in people with prostheses. All this is accompanied by a metallic taste in the mouth, a burning tongue, a change in taste.
Main symptoms
Dry throat andnasopharynx causes significant discomfort. In addition, it can provoke many complications. It all starts with difficulty breathing, then the person feels stuffy nose on one side. If the disease proceeds in an advanced stage, then the sense of smell may disappear. In addition to the above, there are also such signs:
- cracks in the mucosa;
- headaches;
- snoring;
- cough (especially in children);
- colds;
- formation of a dry crust in the nasal passages.
Symptomatics can be significantly aggravated by talking, constant inhalation of cold or dusty air. If the main provoking factor is not eliminated in time, then the mucosa undergoes atrophy over time, becomes much thinner and loses its main physiological functions.
Sneezing, dryness in the nose, a feeling of nasal congestion with swelling of the tissues can be a sign of the development of rhinitis. Subsequently, rhinorrhea begins to develop and breathing through the nose becomes difficult.
As a result of the drying of the mucous membrane, there is a fairly frequent infection and a gradual change in the normal microflora of the nasopharynx. During the examination, the doctor can identify dry mucous membranes, swelling, thinning of tissues, irritation. Sometimes there are small hemorrhages. At the same time, there are no obvious signs of inflammation.
Based on each case, the symptoms may be slightly different, which is why it is only necessary to consult a doctor about the causes and treatment of dryness in the nasopharynx.
When to see a doctor
Toeliminate the causes of dryness in the nasopharynx, treatment must be comprehensive. The doctor selects it separately for each patient, depending on the provoking factor. Basically, the resulting discomfort is not taken seriously by many. Despite this, after a while, unpleasant symptoms begin to intensify more and more, which makes you turn to a doctor. Be sure to visit a doctor if you have these signs:
- burning and sore throat;
- temperature increase;
- cough;
- weakness;
- shortness of breath.
The doctor will prescribe a diagnostic test that will help determine the cause of the discomfort and prescribe the required treatment.
What to do with dryness in the nasopharynx? This can only be determined by a qualified specialist after a comprehensive diagnosis. Initially, the doctor interviews the patient and examines him, which allows him to somewhat systematize the existing complaints.

You should also check for bacteria, fungi or viruses. That is why, to make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes:
- Taking a smear from the larynx;
- pharyngoscopy;
- ultrasound diagnosis of the thyroid gland;
- comprehensive examination of the oral and nasal cavity.
Then, based on the data obtained, consultation with specialists such as:
- otolaryngologist;
- endocrinologist;
- otolaryngologist;
- gastroenterologist.
In some cases, when there is dryness and pain in the nasopharynx, additional research methods may be required to make the correct diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.
Features of treatment
Often, dryness in the nasopharynx and nose is provoked by an acute runny nose. Already the initial stage of this disease provokes discomfort and itching. After a lump begins to be felt in the throat, after a while, mucus will begin to stand out from the nose. This makes breathing much more difficult.
The main fight against an existing disease should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the violation. For treatment, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, but it is important to follow the instructions clearly so as not to provoke a deterioration in well-being.
No less unpleasant disease is chronic rhinitis. This stage of the disease occurs due to not fully cured rhinitis. The symptomatology is absolutely no different from the course of the acute stage.
A whole range of measures is required to eliminate the existing problem. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. It is also necessary to keep the living and working premises clean and ventilate them regularly. It is also advisable to periodically flush the nasal passages with saline solution 3 times daily.
Sometimes there is dryness in the nasopharynx during pregnancy. As a rule, no special medical treatment is required, but it is still recommended to see a doctor.
If dry throat occurswhen pathogenic viruses and bacteria enter the body, doctors most often prescribe antibiotics or antiviral agents. In order to choose the right drug, diagnostics are initially carried out to determine the type of infection.
Other popular therapies include:
- laser therapy;
- mineral therapy;
- organotherapy;
- ozone therapy.
If a person has a weakened immune system, the doctor may prescribe herbal medicine, which involves treatment with herbal ingredients. These techniques help eliminate nasal discharge and restore the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
The process of therapy includes saturation of the body with useful vitamins and microelements. In addition, traditional medicine is widely used.
If dryness and burning in the nasopharynx were provoked by external exposure to dust or other substances, then it is imperative to carry out wet cleaning in the house as often as possible, consume plenty of fluids.
Drug therapy
Treatment of dryness in the nasopharynx is selected depending on the provoking factor. The discomfort itself is eliminated quite simply. To do this, use the following tools:
- nose drops;
- pills and lozenges for throat;
- ointments.
As drops in the nose, absolutely any remedy based on sea s alts or saline solution ("Sinomarin", "Aquamaris") is suitable. These drugs should be dripped every time before going to bed and 1-2 times during the day. The dosage is no more than 1-2 drops in each nostril.
Lozenges and throat lozenges ("Tonsilgon", "Natursept", "Bobs", "Strepsils") are selected taking into account the characteristics of each specific case. It is worth noting that only a doctor must choose them, who also selects the dosage of the drug.

To eliminate dryness in the nasopharynx, sprays are used ("Rint", "Olifrin"), which include vegetable oils or honey. They have good antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, eliminate inflammation.
Ointments ("Vibrocil", "Evamenol", "Aquamaris") moisturize the mucosa and make it much softer, and also contribute to its complete healing.
Folk techniques
Traditional medicine involves the use of many different recipes to help get rid of this problem. One of the most effective ways to moisturize a parched nasopharynx, doctors call the consumption of warm drinks. Especially useful in complex therapy are teas made from oregano, thyme, lemon balm. To sweeten the drink and diversify the taste, it is recommended to add honey to it.

Natural apple cider vinegar is also widely used for sore throats. For this, 1 tbsp. l. of this product must be diluted in 1 tbsp. water and use as a rinse. The solution helps not only to moisturize the throat, but also adversely affectson bacteria, and also eliminates irritation of the mucous membrane. To eliminate dryness in the nasopharynx, treatment with folk remedies is recommended in combination with drug therapy.
Maintaining the microclimate in the house
If dryness and burning in the nasopharynx are often observed, then it is very important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the house. Airing the apartment must be daily, at least 10-15 minutes. Everything depends on weather conditions. It is important to humidify the air in the apartment, as this will prevent the nasopharyngeal mucosa from drying out.
To maintain an optimal level of humidity in the house, it is recommended to use a special humidifier or use much simpler, folk methods. To do this, place water containers around the room, hang wet linen, and spray home flower petals with water as often as possible.
It is especially important to maintain an optimal level of humidity during the heating season, to carry out regular wet cleaning. This will make breathing easier by cleaning the room from dust. It is not recommended to use heaters, as they dry out the air very much.
Complications and consequences
When the first signs of severe dryness of the nasopharynx occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. It is worth remembering that such a condition can provoke various kinds of complications.
Violation of the protective properties of the mucosa makes the nasopharynx more susceptible to the penetration of various kinds of infections. ExceptIn addition, nosebleeds may occur in some cases.
To prevent the frequent occurrence of dryness in the nasopharynx, doctors recommend following certain preventive measures:
- drink as much clean water as possible;
- get rid of bad habits;
- do not abuse strong tea and coffee;
- see a doctor in a timely manner if you have respiratory diseases.

Following these fairly simple preventive measures, you can protect yourself from the occurrence of the described problem. Among other things, it is recommended to consume on an empty stomach and instill olive oil, as it promotes hydration. Drink as much hot liquid as possible, such as herbal teas with lemon and honey. It is important to maintain the optimal water balance of the body at all times.