A bag under the eye: causes and remedies

A bag under the eye: causes and remedies
A bag under the eye: causes and remedies

C almost every middle-aged person has experienced this phenomenon. It is worth working late at the computer, falling asleep on the left side, and the next morning in the mirror, a traitorous swelling under the left eye is clearly visible. Or maybe after a fun party, where a fair amount of alcohol or coffee was drunk, the person fell asleep on his right side? Then do not be surprised if swelling appears under the right eye in the morning. Dark circles on the lower eyelid sometimes appear for no apparent reason at all. In any case, they give the face a tortured look. Why does a bag appear under the eye and how can you deal with it?

bag under the eye
bag under the eye

A bit of anatomy

Between the eyeball and the orbit is a layer of adipose tissue, which serves as a kind of shock absorber and is called periorbital fiber. It is separated from the eyelid by a connective tissue membrane. This orbital septum is designed to keep adipose tissue inside the orbit. Until recently, scientists believed that the bag under the eye appears with the lossconnective tissue membrane of its elasticity, when it stretches and sags outward. Therefore, during surgery on the lower eyelids, surgeons strengthened and sutured this septum. And in the summer of 2008, it became known that the bag under the eye appears due to an increase in periorbital fiber. The fat layer begins to bulge outward and goes beyond the orbit. The cause of the increase in volume may be overgrowth or swelling. In the first case, bags under the eyes are permanent and do not depend on the current time of day. And if swelling is the cause of the swelling, then it is most noticeable immediately after sleep. And during the day, under the influence of gravity, the fluid moves away from the upper half of the face, gradually decreases in volume and is excreted from the body.

swelling under the left eye
swelling under the left eye

How to deal with it

The bag under the eye can be eliminated on its own only when it was caused by swelling of the periorbital tissue. First, it is worth identifying and removing the cause - it can be excessive consumption of alcohol, s alt, coffee at night, too long a tan, eye strain, or a consequence of chronic diseases. If, despite all the measures taken, the external condition of the eyelids leaves much to be desired, you can use the appropriate lotion or cream, or choose something from an extensive arsenal of folk remedies. For example, to eliminate the bag under the eye, you can apply a contrasting compress from an aqueous infusion of chamomile, sage, dill or fennel to it. The easiest way is to use discarded tea bags.

swelling underright eye
swelling underright eye

If the cause of bags under the eyes is a hereditary or age-related growth of fiber, then in this case, to eliminate it, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without surgery - eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). Its essence lies in the fact that an inconspicuous incision of the eyelid is made from the side of the conjunctiva or under the eyelashes, and through it sections of adipose tissue are excised to the desired size, and then plastic surgery of the orbital septum is performed. The skin of the eyelids is excised in very rare cases. After a properly performed blepharoplasty, which lasts from 2 to 3 hours, the effect lasts for decades, and the rehabilitation period is 10-12 days.