Eyes hurt in a child: types of pain, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Eyes hurt in a child: types of pain, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Eyes hurt in a child: types of pain, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Caring for the he alth of the child is the task of parents. A lot depends on them. In order not to reproach yourself in the future, you should pay attention to any complaints of the child. Especially if the child's eyes hurt. Well, if it's a temporary discomfort, but if it's a serious problem?

Baby eyes

Vision is not just eyes. This process involves the optic nerves, the brain. Thanks to the latter, the resulting image is analyzed. The perfect interaction of all participants in the process guarantees excellent vision in the future.

The visual organ consists of:

  • eye sockets;
  • century;
  • lacrimal apparatus;
  • eyeball.

A person is born with an immature eye apparatus. By the age of eighteen, it is fully formed. Over time, the color of the eyes may also change. Babies up to two years of age have two-dimensional vision. Only by the age of three, sometimes by the age of four, does it become binocular.

conjunctivitis causes eye pain
conjunctivitis causes eye pain

If a child has an eyeache, only a specialist can determine the cause. There are many factors that cause pain.

Overwork and damage to the cornea

Fatigue is considered one of the main reasons why a child's eyes hurt. The muscles of the organ cannot withstand a large load. Painful sensations, they say that it's time to rest. In this case, discomfort is most often felt behind the eyeball. Associated symptoms - pain, dry eyes. This disease affects older children. Those who can watch TV, play on the computer. This state of affairs does not disappear without a trace. It leaves behind - blurred vision.

The second, often occurring, reason why a child's eyes may hurt is damage to the cornea. Getting a small mote causes discomfort. The baby begins to rub his eyes, which is very dangerous. Sharp edges of a foreign body can damage the cornea. Parents should explain to the child that you need to be a little patient and not touch your eyes. If mom or dad cannot help their baby, then you should consult a doctor, but usually, the mote is easily reached with the corner of a handkerchief. It must be clean. If this method does not help, then the eye can be washed with a solution of chamomile or cooled boiled water.

TV time limit
TV time limit

Eye infections

They are also the reason why the child's eyes hurt. Everyone has heard of such a disease as conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane. Painful sensations - as if sand or a foreign body got into the eyes. The organ becomes red, inflamed, purulentselection. If the disease is not running, then it can be de alt with at home. But you still need to visit a doctor. Only he can make the correct diagnosis. The cause of eye infections in newborns is bacteria in the birth canal. The disease in the first days of life is very dangerous. That's why the baby is instilled with drops. Due to the underdevelopment of the lacrimal glands in a child, discharge from the organs of vision is yellow for up to two to three months. They are safe and should not scare parents. The duration of the infection is no more than ten days. You should know that, most often, it is contagious. With conjunctivitis, two eyes are treated at once. It is advisable not to take the baby to kindergarten during the period of illness.

cold is the cause of pain
cold is the cause of pain

Diseases that cause pain

But not only conjunctivitis is the reason why a child's eyes can hurt. There are many diseases of the organs of vision that cause this condition.

  • Pathology of the process of lacrimation. Pus may ooze from the eye.
  • Problems of cerebral vessels, their spasm. Painful sensations - pressing. The baby closes his eyes, often rubs them.
  • Myopia. A symptom of this disease, in addition to pain, is visual impairment.
  • Sinusitis. A painful sensation in the eyes is a consequence of the inflammatory process occurring in the sinuses.
  • Chalazion. This ailment is accompanied by the following symptoms, the child's eye hurts, swollen, reddened. Burning and itching are felt in the eyelid area. A lump may appear after a few days.
  • Influenza and other viral diseases lead to the fact that the child's temperature rises and his eyes hurt. After the baby fully recovers, the symptoms disappear.
  • Barley. In addition to pain, swelling appears. Sometimes the body temperature rises. Most often, this disease appears in violation of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic infectious diseases, reduced immunity.

Summarizing reasons

Combining all of the above, we can identify several factors that provoke the appearance of pain in the eye. Parents need to know about them in order to help their child.

  • Viruses, bacteria that enter the child's organ of vision. The reason is dirty hands.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the body of the baby.
  • Cold diseases.
  • Infection of ENT organs.
  • Severe hypothermia.
  • Reaction to an allergen.
  • Heredity and congenital features.
  • Injury to the cornea. It is especially dangerous if the baby starts rubbing his eyes.
  • Autoimmune diseases

A common reason that a child has a headache and eyes is overwork. Unbearable workload at school, a long time at the TV or at the computer provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Parents should control what their child does.

Additional symptoms

Painful eye condition in a child, sometimes accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Itching - you can talk about a reaction to an allergen ormotes in the eye.
  • Discomfort in daylight or artificial light indicates a lack of melanin or medication.
  • Eye pain accompanied by nausea - a reaction to changing weather conditions, overwork, low blood pressure.
  • If there is pain in the eyes and a fever, the diagnosis is a viral infection. Pus may be discharged from the organs of vision. In this case, we are talking about barley.
  • The combination of headache and eye pain occurs with high intracranial pressure, hematoma, vascular spasm.
  • Aching pain in the organs of vision appears with meningitis, encephalitis.
  • There is pain in the eye even after a cold. The sinusoid has a negative effect on the eyeball. Sinusitis, tonsillitis and adenoiditis have a negative effect on the eyes.

What parents should do

The child has a sore eye, what should I do? This question immediately arises in parents. The main rule is that pain cannot be ignored. The baby should immediately be taken to an ophthalmologist. If there is no way to get to the doctor, then help the child as follows:

  • the child has a red eye, it hurts - make a lotion or rinse the organ;
  • the eye is washed with cotton pads: furatsilin, children's eye drops, infusion of chamomile, calendula are used for these purposes;
  • both eyes are washed, even if there is a problem with one;
  • first day treatment is carried out after two hours, for each eye a new cotton pad; on the following days - once every eight hours;
  • do not wash your eyes with saliva or breast milk;
  • during the period of illness, give the baby foods rich in beta-carotene;
  • limit your child's time in front of the TV and at the computer;
  • persuade the baby not to touch the organs of vision with your hands.
parents can help the child
parents can help the child

It is forbidden to self-medicate. See a doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of eye diseases in a child

As mentioned above, only a specialist will correctly establish the reason why the child has a red eye, it hurts and watery. Regardless of the age of the baby, the ophthalmologist will conduct a complete diagnosis.

What is this procedure? Regular check includes:

  • Refraction measurement. For these purposes, a special device is used - a refractometer.
  • Corneal reflex analysis.
  • Measure pupil diameter.
  • Determining the distance between the pupils.
  • Determination of gaze coordinates.

In some cases, additional diagnostic methods are used. For each child they are individual. They depend on age and are prescribed by a doctor.

In order for the treatment to be started on time, at the first symptoms, take the baby to a specialist. In addition, in order to prevent eye diseases, the child should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of eye diseases in a child

The child has sore and watery eyes - urgently see an ophthalmologist. He will prescribe treatment and help your baby. Therapy depends on the cause andthe nature of the disease.

Drugs used for treatment:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • combined;
  • anti-allergenic

They can be in the form of an ointment, drops.

Which of the above medicines will be prescribed depends on the area where the inflammatory process is located.

To prevent further development of the disease, you should monitor the hygiene of the child - hands should be washed. We must not forget about strengthening the immune system - this is another way to get rid of the disease.

treatment - eye drops
treatment - eye drops

For the correction of vision, the child is assigned glasses. You should pay attention to the diet of the baby. The menu should consist of food fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Treatment includes controlling the amount of time spent watching TV or playing computer games.

Special exercises for the eyes will also help get rid of the disease.

When there is a problem with the organs of vision, the main thing is not to miss the time.

Traditional medicine

We must not forget about traditional medicine. Non-traditional methods of treatment will also help save the baby from painful eye sensations.

  • One teaspoon of chamomile flowers, black and green tea is taken. Everything is poured with a glass of boiling water, the mixture is infused for ten minutes, filtered. Cotton pads are soaked in the solution and applied to the eyes. It is advisable to hold a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out - four times a day.
  • Mix cornflower flowers, plantain leaves(five grams). Ten grams of cumin seeds (crushed) are added to them. Everything is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infused for three hours, filtered. Three drops are instilled into the eyes every five hours.
  • Aloe leaves are crushed. You should get twenty grams of gruel, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is cooled, filtered. Cotton pads are moistened, applied to the eyes for ten minutes. The procedure is repeated four times a day.
  • aloe folk remedy
    aloe folk remedy


In order to reduce the risk of pain, preventive measures should be followed:

  • Tell your child not to rub their eyes with dirty hands.
  • Limit the time he spends watching TV and computer.
  • Teach your baby to do eye exercises.
  • Include foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamins in your child's diet.
  • Be sure to bring down the heat of the body.
he althy eyes make mom happy
he althy eyes make mom happy

Take your child to see a specialist at least once a year. This will help to detect problems in a timely manner and prescribe treatment.