Bleeding from the ears: possible causes, first aid, medical advice and treatment

Bleeding from the ears: possible causes, first aid, medical advice and treatment
Bleeding from the ears: possible causes, first aid, medical advice and treatment

Bleeding from the ears is the result of serious he alth problems. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. In any case, urgent therapy is needed to rule out complications. The causes of bleeding from the ear and treatment are described in the article.


Bleeding from the ears is not a separate disease. This is a symptom of a pathology that occurs in the body. Usually, this sign indicates mechanical damage to the tissues of the organ.

bleeding from the ears
bleeding from the ears

It is not excluded the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms that can bleed. For any reason for bleeding from the ear, the person needs help to prevent complications.


Causes of bleeding from the ear in adults and children may be associated with mechanical tissue damage. This is observed when the ear passages are not properly cleaned with hygienic sticks or other devices. Because of this injury, a crust appears, which eventually disappears. The wound itself is tightened if it is not touched. Usually affected cellsable to recover quickly. Special therapy is not needed in this case.

Small bleeding from the ears occurs when the eardrum is injured.

ear bleeding causes
ear bleeding causes

Bleeding from the ears comes from a traumatic brain injury. This condition is dangerous, so if it occurs, urgent medical attention is needed. This is a rare occurrence, but such a factor should not be ruled out.

Injury to the auditory organ is the main cause of bleeding from the ears. They can be obtained under various circumstances. It should be borne in mind that eliminating the symptom in this situation at home will not work. Seek medical attention required.

Children bleed from their ears when a small object is inserted into them. This is a common explanation for this pathology. Parents need to be attentive to their children in order to prevent this problem. A foreign object often leads to inflammation, which requires a visit to the pediatrician.


Bleeding from the nose and ears appears with infectious diseases. A person also has other symptoms inherent in the pathology. Usually, people with such complaints are diagnosed with myringitis. Pathology develops from infection from the external environment. When the disease is likely to appear:

  • tinnitus;
  • pain;
  • malaise due to severe poisoning of the body with toxins.

If there is no timely treatment, the disease becomes severe. In the second stage, a person bleeds. It is undesirable to delay treatment, as this leads to dangerous complications.

The problem comes from a boil. Suppuration occurs due to abrasions and microtraumas on the skin. Because of them, bacteria and viruses easily penetrate the body. As a result, inflammation occurs, which are easily detected. Harmful microorganisms are able to penetrate the follicles and start disease processes. These reasons explain the occurrence of a boil. The growth often increases in size and causes discomfort.

Infection appears from a candidal pathogen. With the defeat of a yeast-like fungus, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity. They become thin and begin to burst. Therefore, there is blood from the ear. When the disease is likely to appear:

  • unnatural ear discharge;
  • itching;
  • skin maceration.

In difficult situations, deafness appears. Acute otitis media is also referred to as a factor that causes bleeding from the ear. Pus may also come out, which is considered a sign of infection.

High blood pressure

Internal bleeding of the ear appears with hypertension. The problem appears with high blood pressure. Often the disease manifests itself in the form:

  • throbbing in the head;
  • pain in the back of the head;
  • flies before the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • facial redness;
  • nosebleed.
nose and ear bleeding
nose and ear bleeding

To eliminate the symptoms of high blood pressure, you need to take a drug that normalizes its performance. What is better to use, you need to consult a doctor.


Blood in the ear occurs due to a growing neoplasm. Its character can be benign and malignant. Due to the tumor, hearing loss, constant dizziness and pain in the affected area appear. A polyp develops in the ear canal. Often it is a consequence of a local complication of chronic suppurative otitis media. This neoplasm occurs when the timely treatment of the disease is neglected.

A cancer that results in blood from the ear is called a carcinoma. The growth can be large. The neoplasm is capable of squeezing the blood vessels, which is why they are torn.

First Aid

The bleeding from the ear needs to be stopped. First aid can be performed independently by anyone. In this case, it is required to lay a cotton swab in the ear canal, which is pre-moistened in an antiseptic solution. They also wipe small wounds through which infection can enter.

help with ear bleeding
help with ear bleeding

Not everyone knows how to help with bleeding from the ear. Often the symptom disappears on its own. If bleeding occurs within an hour or more, then an urgent appeal to a qualified doctor is necessary. This is an alarming symptom that may indicate a dangerous illness.


According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), bleeding from the ear has been assigned the code - H92.2. Treatment depends on the cause. With this symptom, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, since this specialist monitors the earpathologies.

How to stop ear bleeding? In diseases of the organ of hearing, doctors usually prescribe medications. Often treated with:

  • antimycotic agents;
  • antiseptics;
  • systemic antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is undesirable to use medicines without consulting a doctor. If the sign is considered a consequence of the neoplasm, then an operation is required to stop the tumor-like body. To this end, doctors prescribe for execution:

  • radio wave therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryolysis.

If the problem appeared due to an injury to the organ of hearing, then you need to regularly perform antiseptic treatment. These injuries usually do not require special treatment as they heal on their own.

Folk remedies

When bleeding from the ears, the organ is immediately closed with a swab, which is moistened in a solution of boric acid (1 tsp per 200 ml of water). It is required to tie the ear, put the person to bed, and put an ice pack or cold lotion on the diseased part. A visit to the doctor is required to rule out complications.

ear bleeding causes in adults
ear bleeding causes in adults

Folk remedies can be used to stop the blood:

  1. Infusion of yarrow. It will take grinding 1 tsp. herbs. It is poured with boiling water (200 ml), and let the remedy infuse. After that, it should be filtered. Infusion drink before meals from 1 tbsp. l. up to a glass (200 ml) per day. Still canapply lotions. A cotton swab should be soaked and inserted into the ear for several hours. Keep in mind that yarrow is considered a poisonous plant, so it is important to follow the dosage.
  2. Decoction based on yarrow. To prepare it, you need to follow the same steps as for getting the infusion. The difference is that the broth is not insisted, but boiled over low heat. It will take 10-15 minutes. Then the agent is filtered. The decoction is used in the form of lotions. It is an excellent hemostatic agent.

Regarding the use of folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a doctor. And unauthorized treatment can lead to complications.


When bleeding from the ears, the prognosis is generally positive. Blood loss is not considered critical. Bleeding is quickly stopped by modern methods.


Critical complications in this case usually do not appear. The volume of released blood is not very large, so that there is a strong blood loss. Usually, negative consequences appear when blood accumulates in the ear cavity. Complications appear in the form:

  • hearing impairment;
  • infection of the blood with the addition of pathogenic microflora with possible suppuration.
ear bleeding
ear bleeding

In the second situation, in the absence of effective therapy, appears:

  • meningitis - inflammation of the meninges due to the introduction of pathogenic microflora into them;
  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of regional lymph nodes;
  • lymphangitis - inflammation of regionallymphatic vessels.

Very rarely generalized secondary complications occur, but you need to know about the probability of occurrence. This is sepsis - the spread of infection throughout the body with the appearance of metastatic purulent foci in organs and tissues.

It may appear if, with suppuration of the bloody contents of the middle node, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment are not performed. Another likely infectious-toxic shock is a violation of microcirculation in tissues against the background of their defeat by an infectious agent.


To prevent injury to the ears, they must be properly looked after. This should be done regularly. But every day you should not clean the ear canal. This leads to the fact that the glands begin to work in an enhanced mode. Subsequently, an excess of liquid masses appears, which are gradually compacted and turn into ear plugs.

Experts advise deep cleaning of the ear canal no more than 1-2 times a month. And you need to wash the auricle every day to prevent the accumulation of opportunistic microorganisms on the skin. Washing is done like this:

  1. Hands lather with antibacterial soap.
  2. The little finger is inserted shallowly into the ear canal.
  3. The ear is soaping up.
  4. Tilt your head, rinse the outer ear with warm water.
  5. The ear is blotted with a towel.

Water should not be allowed to enter the ear, as this helps to prevent inflammation of the eardrum. This procedure is mandatory when caring for infants, which is associated with the presencefailures in the processes of thermoregulation of the body.

Excessive sweating is considered the main cause of otitis media in infants. Sweat contains proteins and organic compounds that are excellent substrates for pathogens to emerge.

To prevent wax accumulation, cleaning should be done no more than 1-2 times a week. According to otolaryngologists, most often traffic jams appear in people who clean the auditory canal every day. Often using cotton swabs, it will only be possible to push the liquid secret into the bone section of the ear canal. Sulfur masses are compacted and plugs appear.

To prevent the accumulation of sulfur, cerumentolytics are used - products with surface active components. They provide softening of sulfur and its removal from the auditory canal. When performing procedures, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Instill 2-3 drops of a wax softener in each ear.
  2. Cover the ear canal with cotton wool for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide.
  4. The ear canal is carefully cleaned of accumulated fluid.


To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, you need to follow simple preventive measures:

  1. Timely treatment of inflammation is necessary.
  2. Don't put foreign objects deep into your ears to clean them from dirt and wax.
  3. Don't replace sanitary buds with sharp objects that could pierce the eardrum.
how to stop ear bleeding
how to stop ear bleeding

If bleeding is frequent, you need to see a specialist. This will be the only way to identify the cause of the ailment. So it will be possible to cope with the disease at an early stage.
