Consider the instructions and the composition of the drug "Ginkoum". Currently, this remedy from the company "Evalar" is very popular. The universal drug improves cerebral circulation, attention and memory in people. It also eliminates tinnitus and headaches. The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. The composition of Ginkoum is unique.
About the drug
In the event that a change in the weather often affects the general well-being, for example, a person suffers from headaches or tinnitus occurs along with dizziness, you should know that all this can be provoked by a violation of the blood circulation of the brain, as well as poor vascular he alth. This pathological condition is eliminated by the drug described by us, which is a natural medicine produced on the basis of the well-known plant ginkgo biloba. In the instructions for use, the composition of Ginkoum is described in detail.

It is no coincidence that more than sixty percent of elderly patients around the world take medicines based on this component with age. The drug reduces blood viscosity, it prevents the appearance of blood clots, improving peripheral circulation. Thus, by taking this remedy, regardless of the weather, the state of he alth will remain good.
Among other things, this medicine has a positive effect on memory, attention, and in addition, increases mental activity in people. It additionally helps with the appearance of heaviness in the legs, relieves the feeling of cold, discomfort when walking and relieves painful cramps. Currently, this drug is very popular not only in the domestic pharmaceutical market, but also in the world. The medicine is convenient in that it can be used regardless of the time of the meal. You can buy the drug in a network of pharmacies that are partners of the Evalar company. Next, we will learn about the components that are contained in this remedy.
Ginkoum composition
The main ingredient, showing a lot of positive properties, is a dry extract from the leaves of biloba ginkgo. In addition to the main component, Ginkoum from Evalar contains glycosides and terpene lactones, auxiliary substances are microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate and silicon dioxide.

Issue form
The described therapeutic drug is available in the form of hard gelatin capsules that are brown in color. Themthe contents are represented by partially crumpled yellow powder with white and dark inclusions.
Pharmacological action
The composition of the drug "Ginkoum" is of vegetable origin. The effect of the drug is due to the nature of its effect on the cellular metabolic process. It has a positive effect on the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation, and in addition, on the vasomotor reaction of large blood vessels. Thanks to the drug, cerebral circulation improves along with the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain.
"Ginkoum" also has a vasodilating effect, preventing platelet aggregation. It normalizes metabolic processes, has an antihypoxic effect on tissues. The drug stops lipid peroxidation and the formation of free radicals in cell membranes. As a result, the agent has a pronounced anti-edematous effect in peripheral structures and at the brain level. Under various pathological conditions in patients, this drug minimizes the increase in the proteolytic activity of blood serum.
The therapeutic agent under consideration belongs to angioprotective herbal medicines. What does the composition of "Ginkoum" from "Evalar" help from?

Remedy for pain in the head
The drug under consideration has a number of possibilities that make its use appropriate for headaches. Its main properties are as follows:
- Improve the circulation of the brain and its supply of glucose andoxygen.
- Normalization of blood flow.
- Prevention of platelet aggregation.
It is worth noting that the capsules of the Ginkoum medicine contain flavonoids necessary for each person (we are talking about routine and terpene lactones), which reduce capillary fragility and inhibit blood clotting. They also increase the elasticity of red blood cells, thereby normalizing the blood supply to the brain.
Indications for use
Ginkoum's herbal formulation is appropriate for use in a number of the following cases:
- The occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents, which are accompanied in patients with attention disorders, intellectual impairment, memory problems, dizziness, headache, and tinnitus.
- The appearance of various disorders in the peripheral circulation and microcirculation, which, in turn, is accompanied by a feeling of coldness in the extremities and discomfort while walking.
- For conditions where a person has painful cramps, heaviness in the legs, and paresthesia.
- When inner ear dysfunction occurs, which can be manifested by dizziness, unsteady gait and noise in the head.
What is included in the "Ginkoum", it is important to find out in advance. Despite the safety and naturalness of the drug, there are some restrictions on its use.

Standard caution for all drugs likeAs a rule, individual intolerance appears. For the drug "Ginkoum" a similar ban on use is also relevant. Thus, doctors do not recommend taking it and do not prescribe it in case of increased sensitivity to the main component of the drug or to its auxiliary ingredients.
Against the background of low blood clotting, as well as in the acute phase of a peptic ulcer of the digestive system, as well as in gastritis with erosion, it is also necessary to refuse the considered pharmaceutical agent.
In the event that the patient has certain pathologies of the cardiovascular system, you will also have to refrain from using Ginkoum. For example, taking this drug is strictly contraindicated against the background of acute myocardial infarction and pronounced low blood pressure.
It is not suitable for use in severe disorders of the central circulation, as well as in case of high risks of hemorrhage inside the skull. It is forbidden to take drugs based on ginkgo biloba and children under twelve years of age. You should familiarize yourself with the instructions and the composition of Ginkoum in advance.
Instructions for taking capsules
If the doctor has not prescribed an alternative dosing regimen, you should follow the standard recommendations for taking this drug, which are given in the annotation:
- For symptomatic treatment of cerebrovascular accident, one or two pills (respectively, from 40 to 80 milligrams of dry standardized ginkgo extract) should be used three times a The duration of the treatment course in this case is at least eight weeks.
- When there are disorders in the peripheral circulation, patients drink one capsule (respectively, 40 milligrams of dry standardized ginkgo extract) three times a day or two pills (that is, 80 milligrams) twice a day. The duration of the therapeutic course should be at least six weeks.
- If patients have vascular or involutional pathologies of the inner ear, take one capsule three times or two pills twice a day.
Medicinal capsules should be taken with a small amount of liquid, regardless of the meal. In the event that for some reason the drug was missed or the patient consumed an insufficient amount, then subsequent use must be carried out according to the instructions without any independent changes.
What else does the instruction for Ginkoum tablets tell us?

Use during pregnancy
I must say that taking the drug in question is undesirable for women during gestation due to the lack of reliable information about its effect on the child, as well as on the development of the pregnancy process itself.
As for breastfeeding, in this case, as they say, they choose the lesser of two evils: in the event that you do not use this drug for certain circumstances,succeeds, then breastfeeding stops.
Side effects
When treated with Ginkoum, patients may experience some allergic reactions in the form of redness and swelling of the skin, as well as itching. In addition, dyspepsia, decreased blood clotting and hearing loss are possible. But, despite the risk of the above negative reactions, it must be said that in general this drug is well tolerated by people. And side effects usually do not appear at all, or if they are observed, they are usually mild.
When taking capsules, it should be borne in mind that adverse reactions are possible in the form of disorders of the digestive system. Allergic manifestations also sometimes occur, as with the use of any of the drugs that differ in plant origin.
If you experience any adverse reactions, be sure to consult a doctor. Against the background of pronounced hearing loss, it is recommended to immediately stop using the medication and also go to the doctor. Consultation with a specialist will also be required for other undesirable manifestations that may occur during the period of drug therapy.

Drug overdose
This has not been recorded with the use of "Ginkouma" to date. True, the use of too large dosages can cause nausea with the appearance of vomiting, and stool disorder is not excluded. In the event of an overdose, standard actions should be taken, usual in case of poisoning:gastric lavage and use of sorbents.
Interaction of "Ginkoum" with other medicines. Expiry date
Do not use the drug in question with drugs that have an anticoagulant effect. Otherwise, the risk of cerebral hemorrhage may increase.
The shelf life of this natural medicine is three years, after this period it can not be used. The drug is freely dispensed to patients without presenting a doctor's prescription.
Analogues of this drug
Below are the drugs that, if necessary, can replace the medication from "Evalar":
- "Tanakan".
- "Sermion".
- "Stugeron".
- "Bilobil".
- "Ginkgo Biloba VIS".
- "Memoplant".
- "Ginos".
- "Cinnarizine".
These preparations are produced in tablets or capsules. It is important to understand that only a doctor should select a replacement.
Reviews of doctors
Let's consider the feedback on the composition of Ginkouma. In their comments on various sites and forums, doctors often praise him. They note that the drug qualitatively regulates microcirculation in the body.
Doctors write that thanks to the use of this remedy, people noticeably improve the composition of the blood along with its properties and metabolic processes in cells. Moreover, according to experts, the entire circulatory system as a whole improves in patients.
AlsoGinkoum is reported to supply the human brain with oxygen and glucose, reducing the risk of blood clots. Doctors call one of the valuable properties of the drug that it prevents the state of hypoxia, and tissues are protected from lack of oxygen, among other things, metabolism is regulated, and an antioxidant effect is produced on the body. Taking the drug favors the reduction of swelling of brain tissue.
Due to all the above virtues, doctors admit that they often prescribe this herbal medicine to their patients, and confirm its high effectiveness.

Reviews of patients who took the drug "Ginkoum"
People leave a lot of comments about this drug and mostly praise it. They report that this herbal remedy is good for tinnitus and headaches, and improves overall vascular he alth. What other patient reviews about Ginkoum are there?
Consumers say that if you strictly follow doctor's recommendations and follow the prescribed dosage, then you can not be afraid of adverse reactions. In addition, the drug is reported to be very well tolerated. Patients write that they recommend this medication to other people who need it.
We reviewed the instructions, the composition of Ginkoum, reviews of doctors and patients.