Patch "Nicorette": instructions for use, reviews

Patch "Nicorette": instructions for use, reviews
Patch "Nicorette": instructions for use, reviews

People who have never wanted to quit smoking find it hard to realize that the craving for a cigarette can be so strong that even a smoker who has quit many times cannot stop and starts smoking again. Most likely, these people never thought about the consequences of their addiction to their he alth and environment. There is nothing unnatural in such behavior. It is very difficult to quit smoking on your own, both physically and psychologically.

Assortment "Nicorette"
Assortment "Nicorette"

When a person quits smoking, he must fight hard against the desire, because his body is used to the intake of nicotine. It takes more than just willpower to stop and reduce the likelihood of rejection. The solution is to gradually reduce your nicotine intake. A safe, no-harmful path from suddenly quitting smoking is the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). It helps to suppress the desire for it by supplying pure nicotine to the body, especially in the initial period when you are without cigarettes.

Fight withdesire. Safe path

The Nicorette patch contains just the right amount of nicotine in controlled amounts to try and prevent withdrawal symptoms. Nicorette gives your body nicotine without the other harmful products and particulates found in tobacco smoke. Because you were already a smoker, NRT can't hurt. On the contrary, you are already addicted to nicotine, and Nicorette was designed to help smokers use it (and then reduce the dose) without cigarettes.

Show willpower
Show willpower

Proven business success

Using the patch, it has been proven that the chance to get rid of an addiction is doubled than without it. The Nicorette patch, and other products of this brand, was the first NRT in the world and is the basis for further development of nicotine substitutes.

Personal control over one's own smoking

Today you can buy the Nicorette patch in all pharmacies without a prescription. Choose which type suits you best until you decide to quit smoking. How can Nicorette help us? The products of this brand are mainly intended to alleviate and overcome withdrawal symptoms (lack of concentration, nervousness, hunger, anxiety, etc.) for those people who decide to quit smoking. By using the Nicorette smoking patch, the chance of successfully quitting the habit, as already mentioned, is doubled. For over 20 years, nicotine replacement with NRT has been used by smokers whowant to get rid of this addiction. While Nicorette's products help curb the urge to smoke, there are a number of ways to avoid smoking.

Get rid of all the temptations and desires that remind you of smoking. Destroy cigarettes and lighters. Take care of cleaning the apartment, workplace, car, removing all smoking devices.

In general, initially you need to limit visits to places, such as a restaurant or cafe, where people usually smoke.

Ask colleagues and friends not to be offered cigarettes.

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, find another activity: walking, sports, work. Make it possible. Think of some old acquaintance. In general, you need to be distracted.

Replace the bad habit of lighting a cigarette, such as after a meal or coffee, with new activities, such as pouring yourself a glass of water or going for a walk.

Efficiency "Nicorette"

Different types of pharmaceuticals, such as sedatives and stimulants, have been tested as aids to smoking cessation. However, these products do not have an obvious effect, as they do not solve the essence of nicotine addiction. Most concerned professionals agree that nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is one of the most effective solutions to help a smoker successfully overcome his addiction. All the possibilities and types of "Nicorette" have long been clinically tested, registered and approved asan effective medicine if the smoker follows the instructions for use correctly.

Efficiency comparison

Research proves that only 5-10% of smokers can be expected to quit smoking with little or no help. This number can be increased by several times with proper (in accordance with the instructions) use of patches. The study also shows that Nicorette products can nearly double your chances of becoming nicotine free.

Nicotine replacement therapy products have become more effective than commonly used acupuncture or conventional therapies.

Using "Nicorette"

So, the smoker has decided not to smoke anymore and wants advice from those who have a lot of experience with this topic. The man has heard of Nicorette, of course, but what does this smoker really know about him?

Nicorette is a range of products designed to reduce the withdrawal symptoms that smokers experience when quitting.

If a person has a great addiction to smoking, then, of course, he has a certain level of nicotine addiction. When he quits, symptoms appear that are a sign that his brain is not getting the nicotine it is used to.

Replacement therapy is a very well established and progressive method of reducing withdrawal symptoms. A fairly professionally proven method to help ex-smokers in their struggle."Nicorette" is the first and most popular product of this treatment worldwide.

Nicotine replacement treatment

As already mentioned, NRT is a method that replaces, to a controlled extent, nicotine in the body of an ex-smoker who would normally receive it by smoking cigarettes.

Who can use Nicorette?

Mainly those who have an irresistible addiction to nicotine.

Many people who want to quit smoking use the benefits of Nicorette almost every day.

In general, NRT is much safer than smoking. You should be aware that although the level of nicotine in NRT enters the body is different and safer than when smoking, however, it can lead, in some cases, to side effects. For example, "Nicorette" rubber bands are not suitable for people who have problems with a lot of weight or teeth.

It should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with stomach ulcers, severe angina pectoris, recent heart attacks or inflammation of the esophagus. Nicotine patches "Nicorette" should be used carefully, according to the instructions. If you experience discomfort, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Use very carefully if the quitter has kidney failure, as there is a decrease in nicotine clearance, while its plasma level rises as much as kidney function is impaired. The same rule applies to patients suffering from liver failure.

Speaking of applicationpatch by pregnant women and during lactation, then the issue should be considered individually, taking into account the fact that its presence constantly creates an effect on nicotine concentration in the blood. And the occurrence of such side effects that will be superimposed on individual conditions during pregnancy, causing similar symptoms, is not excluded. This can make a woman feel much worse.

It is the action of the nicotine contained in the patch that provokes side effects. The vast majority of symptoms at the beginning of treatment, regarded as a manifestation of side effects, in reality, are nothing more than nicotine withdrawal. Simply put, psychological breakdown due to cigarette abstinence. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of disturbed sleep, dizziness, headache.

The main side effects of the patch are local manifestations and are expressed by reddening of the skin, itching. In some cases, these are rashes similar to erythema or urticaria.

It's all about the dose of nicotine injected through the patch (and not just through the Nicorette transdermal structure). The higher it is, the greater the risk of such side effects as:

  • feeling of a pronounced heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • impaired bowel function, expressed by diarrhea or constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the navel and in the pit of the stomach, nausea and, as a result, vomiting.

There are indications of special significance

Only a doctor who has taken a complete medical history and all risk categories canprescribe NRT for patients with cardiovascular disease.

Accounting for the likely risks is also made for patients who experience an exacerbation of gastric ulcers. And including those who have exacerbated diseases of the duodenum.

Careful risk-benefit assessment is required for pheochromocytoma and hyperthyroidism to anticipate potential complications.

How should the Nicorette nicotine patch be used?

For long-term or permanent control of withdrawal symptoms, a nicotine patch is used discreetly. The substance contained in it quickly penetrates into the bloodstream by absorption through the surface of the skin. Based on this controlled nicotine release, there will be far fewer withdrawal symptoms. The Nicorette patch format is especially suitable for those who, for whatever reason, cannot use nicotine gum.

Before you start treatment, you need to read the instructions in the package.

How to use it correctly?

Nicorette patch should be applied to dry, clean, hair-free skin (shoulder, thigh, etc.).

Hold from ten seconds, pressing firmly against the surface of the skin.

Use in the morning and remove before bed.

During the treatment with the nicotine patch, the patient must completely stop smoking.

Patch "Nicorette": steps and distribution of dosages

A stepwise approach to treatment is applied.

First eight weeks of treatment - one patch (25 milligrams) sixteen hours daily.

1 stage of treatment
1 stage of treatment

Step Two: One patch (15 milligrams) for sixteen hours daily for the next two weeks. The procedure must be performed without interruption, otherwise the entire treatment process will be disrupted.

Stage 2 treatment
Stage 2 treatment

Step Three: One patch (10 milligrams) for sixteen hours daily for the next two weeks. This is the final stage of treatment, after which a complete cessation of smoking should occur.

3 stage of treatment
3 stage of treatment

After the full course of treatment, try to also avoid the main provocation of smoking - alcohol and stressful situations.

Visual instructions for using the Nicorette patch are shown in the photo below.

Visual instruction
Visual instruction

Places of applying the patch must be alternated.

As you can see from the examples, there is nothing complicated in using a nicotine replacement patch. Detailed instructions for the Nicorette patch are included in the package. However, it is not worth allowing the development of addiction to smoking to the stage when it is already very difficult to cope on your own. Despite the effective effect of the Nicorette patch, and other products of nicotine replacement therapy, its side effects have already been mentioned. In addition, it is much more prestigious to lead a he althy lifestyle without any bad habits. Including no smoking.

Speaking ofWhat is the opinion of the users themselves, then the reviews of smokers patch "Nicorette" deserved the most diverse. There are a lot of them on the Internet and not all of them are positive. But this does not mean that the effectiveness of this tool is negligible. Like any other medicine, the Nicorette nicotine patch tends to work more or less. It all depends on the human body, on its susceptibility. So reviews about the patch "Nicorette" can not be taken unambiguously. Especially when you consider that most of them talk about its benefits.

But what reviews of doctors did the Nicorette patch deserve? What do experts think about nicotine replacement therapy? This information can also be found on the World Wide Web. In particular, it has, approximately, the following content:

"The use of the Nicorette patch is recommended only for the most heavy smokers with a very strong addiction, a lot of people who smoke for a long time. A particularly important factor for a person who quits smoking is to actively strive for it himself. A lot of people lose their patience to wear the patch and their relatives literally force them to do it. The result of such a negligent attitude to treatment was the rejection of nicotine replacement therapy due to poor he alth. We need to find out what happened. The person really wanted to smoke, smoked, he became ill. There was no understanding of what that you can’t wear a patch and smoke at the same time. Even if you peel it off, smoke it and stick it in a new way, the content (dose) of nicotine in the body will still exceedusual. There will be at least dizziness, heart pain. Therefore, some reviews of the patch "Nicorette" has a negative character."

He althy lifestyle
He althy lifestyle

Thus, it can be concluded that medical experts recommend this patch. Reviews of smokers and doctors plaster "Nicorette" deserved quite positive. But, first of all, you need to think about whether it is worth starting smoking, so that later you can start treatment and get rid of your stupidity.
