Quotes about smoking: sayings of people with meaning about harm

Quotes about smoking: sayings of people with meaning about harm
Quotes about smoking: sayings of people with meaning about harm

Smoking quotes look pretty instructive. As a rule, people turn to them when they want to become better, get rid of bad habits.

cigarette smoking
cigarette smoking

Striving for self-improvement can bring a lot into a person's life, give special meaning to each incident. When actions are performed consciously, they have a special value. We begin to understand why certain events occur. Quotes about smoking with a sense of harm to he alth are presented in this article. You should pay attention to them if there is a great desire to change your life, fill it with completely different values.

Need for Motivation

Start smoking to prove you're a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man. (Georges Simenon)

Most people who start smoking don't think about why they do it. Someone wants to prove to himself that there are no barriers for him. Others actively tryfollow fashion, while completely forgetting about their own needs. Quotes about smoking show how important it is to be able to recognize your own dreams and aspirations. People sometimes do not understand that they are following other people's goals, moving further and further away from their own ideals.

Psychologists believe that smoking is a very peculiar way to escape from an unsatisfactory reality. Some individuals want to thereby prove something to others. They will have to spend too much time getting back to their true values. Meaningful smoking quotes confirm this truth.

Negative influence

I always won. Defeated creatures that many have not even heard of. And I got cigarettes. (John Constantine)

Many do not even suspect that a bad habit can subjugate them so much that there will be no internal reserves in order to realize their own aspirations. People who thought they were winners in life found themselves losing their power when they started smoking. In the future, they could no longer do without additional “doping”, they did not feel truly happy.

smoking process
smoking process

The bad habit subjugated them so much that it began to control any of their abilities and desires. All great achievements simply faded into the background. Quotes about smoking have a strong energy. Sometimes it is enough to try to take the first steps to change your life.


Now so much is written about the dangers of smoking that I am determined to stop reading. (Joseph Cotten)

An interesting statement that can cheer up a fallen mood, cheer up a person psychologically. Indeed, how many people are ready to give up something secondary, if only not to work on their own shortcomings. Often we justify our bad deeds because we cannot do otherwise. Having certain weaknesses, an individual does not always have sufficient will to change his character for the better. Such funny quotes about smoking make it much easier to perceive everyday problems associated with certain difficulties.

Personal potential

Tobacco lulls sadness and inevitably reduces energy. (Honoré de Balzac)

Mostly people start smoking to hide some of their shortcomings. This is a very easy way to feel your power, to disguise existing complexes.

overcoming a bad habit
overcoming a bad habit

In fact, this is a great self-deception, a trap that many fall into. Quotes about smoking great people form the understanding that with the help of a bad habit you can drown out inner pain for a while, but at the same time a sense of peace of mind will never be achieved.

The ability to overcome oneself

Struggle against bad habits must be consciously and courageously. (Confucius)

Everyone should strive to work on themselves in order to reach a certain result. We must not forget aboutown needs, turn down opportunities.

quit smoking
quit smoking

If you really want to defeat the invisible enemy, you will need to gather your will into a fist and take action. Sometimes you will have to refuse the tempting offer to "raise up" more than once or twice, learn not to succumb to a negative habit. Quotes about the dangers of smoking, like this statement, look unambiguous. People often know how much harm they are doing to themselves, but they cannot stop. It is the ability to overcome oneself that testifies to inner strength. This can and should be striven for.

Blurred consciousness

Thoughts under the influence of tobacco weaken and cannot be expressed clearly. (L. N. Tolstoy)

If someone tried to coherently express his thoughts after smoking a lot of cigarettes, then he probably noticed that it becomes very difficult to do this. There is a kind of clouding of consciousness. Problems seem trifling, I do not want to take on their solution. As a result, the individual loses the ability to adequately perceive others. Anyone who has the habit of smoking constantly begins to notice that they are increasingly overcome by laziness, the desire to act actively, to achieve their goal, disappears. Such a person loses vital energy, constantly complains that close people do not strive to meet expectations.

Justifying inaction

Smoking allows you to believe that you are doing something when you are not doing anything. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Smoking habitdaily can have a negative impact on daily life. Not only physical he alth deteriorates, but the spiritual component also suffers. There is an excuse for one's own mistakes. If a person is not able to critically approach his actions, then he cannot be called fully accomplished and mature. We must be responsible for our actions. Otherwise, life can hardly be called harmonious and orderly. Smoking per se does not eliminate suffering, but only adds to the problems.

cigarette in an ashtray
cigarette in an ashtray

A person cannot fully develop if he has bad habits that guide him. That is why it is so important to strive for self-improvement, to draw appropriate conclusions in a timely manner. Self-confidence is not born spontaneously, but will definitely come when you manage to get rid of a bad and bad habit.

Defining personal boundaries

What moral values can there be in a world where people start smoking at 12 and hardly ever read books? (Heath Ledger)

People sometimes pay a lot of attention to false values. They waste precious years in vain, and then regret the mediocre moments lived. Everything comes from the inability to prioritize, to strive for something meaningful. The definition of personal boundaries is necessary so that a person does not forget in which country and world he is. If an individual acquires the habit of smoking at a young age, then it will be very difficult to get rid of it in the future. Psychologically, we are so arranged that it becomes too difficultget rid of the clinging "anchors" that control our actions and thoughts. You need to learn to understand what is meaningful and valuable specifically for you. If a person really loves himself, then it would hardly occur to him to poison his own body with tobacco smoke.

overflowing ashtray
overflowing ashtray

Thus, quotes about smoking are worth reading if only to test yourself how much you are affected by a bad habit. If a person loves himself and sincerely cares about others, then he will not harm his own he alth. No wonder there is an opinion that a cigarette is a companion of losers who are used to justifying their defeats by one or another external circumstance. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but many people get acquainted with this habit in their youth. Only the need to work on yourself, to strive for self-improvement encourages you to try to reconsider your own values, to extract some benefit from the current situation. The more consciously a person lives, the less bad habits he has. Ideal if they are completely absent.
