Cholesterol - what is it in the blood, how to reduce and norms

Cholesterol - what is it in the blood, how to reduce and norms
Cholesterol - what is it in the blood, how to reduce and norms

Cholesterol - what is it in the blood? Not everyone knows this. It performs different functions. Its presence in the body is not evidence of disease. There is no need to refuse products containing this element, mistakenly believing that it is extremely harmful to he alth.

Cholesterol performs important functions that are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs. So, through the element in question, a layer is created that protects the cell, the substance gives strength to its membrane, contributes to the normal functioning of enzymes.

What do you need

Cholesterol - what is it in the blood? Many do not even realize the value of this substance. This element is a fatty alcohol containing one to three hydroxyl groups. The literal translation of the term means "hard bile." First found in gallstones.

20% of cholesterol from its total composition in the body comes from consumed foods, and the rest is synthesized by organs: adrenal glands, liver, gonads.

In the blood, this formation moves as a compound, since it does not dissolveneither in water nor in blood. Cholesterol is used to form other, more complex compounds or as a building material for cells.

high blood cholesterol
high blood cholesterol

This substance is distinguished with low and high density. The latter type is the key to good he alth, and the first negatively affects the functioning of the organs. The promotion of cholesterol in the blood involves a combination of these types and their specific ratio.

In general, the volume of the two types should be the required rate. If it is exceeded, it will lead to vascular diseases and, as a result, cardiac pathology. At the same time, low blood cholesterol can be dangerous. Some kind of balance is needed.

Positive functions in the body

What is cholesterol in the blood, and why is it needed, some do not even guess. He is a direct participant in all the processes that constantly occur in the body. Among the most important are:

  • promotes digestion, as it participates in the absorption of fats;
  • without cholesterol, the process of removing toxic substances from the body is impossible;
  • takes part in the regulation of enzymes;
  • stabilizes the adrenal glands;
  • promotes the production of bile needed for the digestion of food;
  • cholesterol is essential for normal metabolism;
  • formation of vitamin D is impossible without the element in question;
  • strengthens cell walls;
  • improves memory, mental abilities;
  • prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Thus, cholesterol must be in the body necessarily, but in the norm. Any deviation up or down can lead to various diseases.

Negative sides

At the same time, considering the question of what it is - cholesterol in the blood and what it does, it should be remembered that the high content of this element with a low density contributes to its growth on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, plaques form that interfere with normal blood flow.

Narrowing of the lumen due to cholesterol
Narrowing of the lumen due to cholesterol

Consequently, the flow of oxygen and necessary useful elements to all organs, including the heart, is disrupted. That is, because of the narrow gaps in the vessels, blood does not adequately flow to some parts of the heart. As a result of such formations, ischemic heart disease, heart attack, stroke develops.

In addition, plaques contribute to the formation of blood clots, which can come off or completely block the artery, which is life-threatening. It is also necessary to take into account that the vessels lose their elasticity, therefore, at high pressure they can burst.

Internal signs of high levels

High blood pressure is the first sign of high cholesterol. For neglected hypertension, pain in the region of the left shoulder blade, arm, chest is characteristic, the heartbeat becomes frequent. Patients feel constant fatigue without physical activity, possible suffocation and complications in the form of thrombosis,ischemia, infarction.

Cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels
Cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels

The muscles of the legs atrophy, the patient begins to limp. With any load, walking, running, pain occurs, ulcers appear, fingers on the lower extremities go numb. Possible gangrene.

Pathological changes in the brain are typical. Nerve cells, as a result of insufficient circulation of blood in the vessels, undergo deformation. The first stage of the development of the disease is characterized by low performance, frequent headaches, memory impairment. If the necessary treatment is not taken in a timely manner, the disease becomes chronic, the symptoms worsen. The patient's mood often and completely unreasonably changes, unreasonable aggressiveness appears. In some cases, speech becomes unrelated. Against this background, pathological changes in the functioning of the brain appear.

Improved lung function. The first signs of painful changes in this organ appear at a late stage, since no changes are observed at the beginning of the development of the disease. The disease is characterized by shortness of breath, persistent cough, skin color changes, acquiring a pale blue tint. As a result of the lack of oxygen supply, the neck veins increase.

Cholesterol plaques affect the artery of the abdominal region, as a result of which the circulation of the legs, digestive system, and kidneys is disturbed. The blood is not able to supply the required amount of oxygen to these organs, since the aorta is damaged and has a small internal lumen. Gases, abdominal pains, heartburn are formed. Sickcan rapidly lose weight.

Timely treatment is necessary to exclude severe consequences in the form of thrombosis. In addition to the listed ailments, liver diseases, increased blood glucose levels, and obesity are possible.

External signs

Elevated cholesterol levels are indicated not only by internal symptoms, but also by external signs:

  • Yellowish wen appear on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Larger fat formations appear on the elbows and fingers, up to 4 cm in size.
  • A white or gray-tinted arc can be seen on the cornea of the eye.
  • Under the skin, in the area of the tendons, the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands appear tuberculate formations of white color.

Cholesterol indicator for women

The amount of cholesterol for women is:

  • normal ranging from 3.59 to 5.19 millimoles;
  • admissibly increased from 5.19 to 6.20 units;
  • above 6, 20mM level is considered significant.

The indicated level is not a constant value. It changes with age. That is, the rate of cholesterol in the blood at 60 years old differs from that at 30 years old. This can be seen from the table below. It presents the rate of cholesterol in the blood.

Table by age for women.

Age Cholesterol levels
24 to 30 years old 3, 30-5, 70
30 to 36 3, 36-5, 94
36 to 40 years old 3, 60-6, 20
From 40 to 45 3, 65-6, 64
46 to 50 years old 3, 90-6, 80
50 to 55 years old 4, 19-7, 37
55 to 60 years old 4, 44-7, 76
60 to 65 years old 4, 46-7, 68
65 to 70 years old 4, 42-7, 84
70 and over 4, 47-7, 23

This data is very important to know. The above is the rate of cholesterol in the blood in women by age. The patient is protected from plaques before the onset of the menstrual pause due to the hormone produced, which is directly associated with this substance. If the hormonal background decreases, then the cholesterol level also rises. After a pause, the female body is most susceptible to angina pectoris, coronary disease.

For men

Due to changes in the hormonal background and the restructuring of the body, the cholesterol level in the male half also changes.

The norm is from 3.5 to 5.19 mmol. If at the age of 25 its content varies from 3.43 millimoles to 6.30, then by the age of 50 these figures increase - 4.10-7.16 millimoles.

Experts recommend checking the amount of this substance every 5 years. Men are more prone to rising cholesterol, regardless of lifestyle andnutrition. Studies have shown that starting at the age of 25, it is necessary to check its level regularly.

Determination methods

Laboratory study of blood composition provides for various methods. The amount of cholesterol can be checked in any hospital, it is enough to donate blood for cholesterol.

Analysis for cholesterol
Analysis for cholesterol

At home, it is also possible to conduct a similar study using a special household appliance. To do this, you need to make a small puncture in the finger and attach it to the strip, treated with a special substance. The device will display the necessary information.

Reason for increase

The causes of high blood cholesterol can be different. These include existing diseases, gender and age. This disease affects not only older people, but also young people, especially those who have bad habits.

For men and women, cholesterol levels rise with age. Pathology can appear as a result of malnutrition and malnutrition, lack of physical activity, and treatment with medications. For women, the condition in question may also be related to pregnancy.

If there are diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, high sugar, it is recommended to regularly take an analysis to determine the level of this substance in the body.

One of the main reasons for elevated blood cholesterol is obesity. Everyone who goes in for sports is mobile and active, the blood circulates quickly, and fat does not have time to be deposited, it breaks down. And in sedentary people, the blood becomes thicker.

Obesity as a cause of high cholesterol
Obesity as a cause of high cholesterol

The disease is not inherited, but the predisposition is determined at the genetic level. Therefore, if the next of kin had such a problem, then you should pay attention to your state of he alth in a timely manner.

Some drugs increase cholesterol levels. These include diuretics, hormonal. If a causal relationship is established, these remedies must be canceled and replaced with more fuming ones.

Effective treatments

It is possible to normalize high blood cholesterol in women and men with the help of medications. However, some folk remedies are in no way inferior to them in terms of effectiveness and at the same time do not have side effects.

If the level of cholesterol has increased, then this is an occasion to think about your diet. First of all, it is necessary to refuse products containing fats of animal origin, smoked, refined, industrial sausages, dyes, instant coffee.

Junk food
Junk food

It is recommended to eat fiber, plant foods, fish. You need to diversify your menu with low-fat cottage cheese, milk, vegetables, seaweed, fruit and vegetable juices, berries.

He althy foods
He althy foods

Application of flax seeds

Besides diet, there are many other means that cleanse the vessels of plaques, destroying them and removing them from the blood. Most in demand forsuch a disease flax seeds. They contain acids that act directly on cholesterol formations.

One of the recipes is like this. Flaxseeds are ground to form a powder, which is eaten daily, one tablespoon before breakfast, with water. The course of treatment depends on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the organism, but on average it is four months.

Other options

Lemons in combination with garlic and honey lower the level of "bad" cholesterol well. Practice has confirmed the effectiveness of treatment with juices from fresh vegetables or fruits, especially a mixture of carrot and celery juice in a ratio of 2: 1, beet and apple. However, a number of precautions and recommendations for use must be observed. This is especially true for those who have stomach problems, allergies, kidney disease.

Oats removes "bad" cholesterol, preventing its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Use as an infusion, three times a day, two hundred grams. The course of treatment is designed for a month.

Bee product - propolis, cleanses the body at the cellular level, relieving it of the content of fatty alcohol. This substance prevents heart disease, cleanses blood vessels. You can use this product directly without impurities and additives, but tinctures based on it with alcohol and milk are also useful.


In the fight against atherosclerosis, not only diets, he althy foods and folk methods of treatment will help, but also sports, morning exercises, and walks in the fresh air. The level of mobility depends onage.

Need to get rid of smoking and excessive drinking. These habits destroy blood vessels, negatively affect their elasticity and contribute to the formation of plaques. Narrowed passages in the vessels cause an increase in blood pressure. Cholesterol is necessary for the body, but its amount must be normal. Any deviation will negatively affect he alth.
