How to do Kegel exercises at home?

How to do Kegel exercises at home?
How to do Kegel exercises at home?

The set of exercises for intimate muscles was originally intended for patients suffering from urinary incontinence. Its regular use has shown good results in solving other problems associated with the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Today, Kegel exercises are used not only by women, but also by men. In Europe, there are entire schools that teach all the subtleties and rules for using this technique.

correct execution of kegel exercises for men
correct execution of kegel exercises for men

To tone the muscles of the pelvic floor, it is not necessary to attend special courses. Gymnastics is so simple that anyone can do it. And about what problems it helps to cope with, what exercises it includes and how it is useful for men, we will tell in our article.

What are the symptoms of weak intimate muscles?

The muscles of the pelvic floor are not subject to daily stress, because of which they gradually weaken and lose their tone. Since their role in our body is enoughimportant, such a phenomenon entails a number of unpleasant consequences.

Females report the following symptoms:

  • reducing the brightness of sensations in the process of intimacy;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • cycle breaking;
  • development of hemorrhoids.

Men are at risk of prostatitis, erection worsens, depression develops.

potency problems help solve Kegel exercises
potency problems help solve Kegel exercises

When these symptoms appear, do not panic. Kegel exercises can fully restore the elasticity of the pelvic muscles and even improve their functionality. Daily gymnastics guarantees:

  • increased sex drive for both partners;
  • improving the quality of intimate life;
  • normalization of the urinary system;
  • reducing the risk of developing genital diseases.

For women, this gymnastics is considered an excellent prevention of uterine prolapse during pregnancy, a way to normalize hormonal levels. Kegel exercises for men provide an opportunity to reduce the risk of developing prostatitis, improve erection, and ensure blood flow to the penis.

How to determine which muscles to train?

Before starting classes, both men and women are concerned about one question: "How to understand which muscles to train?". It is quite logical, since in everyday life we do not feel their presence.

Since the muscle structure of both sexes is similar, for this purpose you canuse the generic method. It is based on the interruption of urination.

Forcibly stop this process for a few seconds. You will feel the tension of the muscles you need. They will be involved in the process of performing Kegel exercises.

Kegel exercises to train the pelvic floor muscles
Kegel exercises to train the pelvic floor muscles

There is another way to determine the tissues of the pelvic floor, but it is only suitable for the female sex. For its implementation, lie on your side, put your hand behind your back. Place your palm so that it is in the crotch area. Now squeeze your hand so that your fingertips are inside the vagina. Tighten the muscles in this area and you will feel how strong or weak they are.

Next, you have to learn how to control the movements of intimate muscles, make them tense and relax at a certain moment.

How to do gymnastics correctly?

For Kegel exercises to have the desired effect, they must be regular. In addition, their execution must be correct, comply with certain rules.


  1. During the practice, your breathing should be calm and even.
  2. When exercising, strain only the muscles of the pelvic floor. Abs and gluteal muscles do not take part in the workout!
  3. Allow intervals between multiple sets.
  4. If you decide to do gymnastics for the first time, start doing it in a lying position. Repeat each exercise for more than 5 times.

The following training sessions will no longer be presentedstrict restrictions. It will be possible to strain and relax the muscles in a lying, sitting and standing position. You can repeat Kegel exercises for the uterus 20-30 times.

performing Kegel exercises lying on your back
performing Kegel exercises lying on your back

The location doesn't matter either. You can be at home or in an armchair at your desk. The technique is so simple that it will not interfere with daily tasks.

Standard pelvic floor exercises

If you just want to improve your he alth and improve your sex life, do standard Kegel exercises. At home, classes can be done as follows:

  1. Take a comfortable position and begin to quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the intimate area. Repeat the exercise for 15 seconds. Rest the same amount of time and repeat the workout 2 more times.
  2. Now strongly squeeze the muscles and hold them in this state for half a minute. After that, relax them, hold an interval of 30 seconds and strain again. Do 3 of these sets in one session.
  3. Alternate contraction and relaxation for 2 minutes. Increase your workout time by 3 minutes every day. Do this workout three times a day. Maximum duration is 20 minutes.

Pay attention! When performing these exercises, breathing should be even. Compressions are carried out on inspiration. Only the pelvic muscles are involved in the work. When performed correctly, you should feel that they seem to be pulled up to the stomach. Exercises can be done inany conditions.

Kegel exercise technique for pregnant women

For women preparing for motherhood, exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles are especially beneficial. Their regular implementation helps to facilitate the birth process, reduce pain and prevent tears.

kegel exercises for pregnant women
kegel exercises for pregnant women

Expectant mothers should remember that their goal should not be maximum tension, but regular exercise and a feeling of working the pelvic muscles.

During your workout, use the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back or sit in a chair. Spread your legs slightly to the sides and fix them in a bent position. Tighten the muscles of the perineum (as if you want to delay urination) for a few seconds, then relax them. Do 3-5 of these sets.
  2. Mentally divide the vagina into upper, middle and lower parts. Start tensing the muscles in the upper part, gradually lower the tension down. Now relax the tissues in reverse order. This exercise is more difficult than the previous one, but it is the most effective.
  3. Try to use the muscles of not only the vagina, but also the anus. Alternately strain first one muscle tissue, then the other. Now relax them in reverse order. Movement should be undulating.

Performance of the above exercises will allow you to quickly tone the tissues stretched during childbirth, normalize hormonal levels and return to intimacy.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse
Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

However, when considering how to perform Kegel exercises during pregnancy, pay attention to the fact that such exercises are contraindicated in some cases. For example, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or there are any pathologies. Discuss the appropriateness of such exercises with your gynecologist.

Uterine prolapse: technique

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse are performed using a complex technique. It involves a combination of contractions of intimate muscles and aerobic exercise. Such activities will require you to have free time and comfortable conditions.

Daily workouts are complemented by walking, swimming, and stair climbing. Therapeutic gymnastics includes the "Bicycle" exercise, performed lying on your back, and elements aimed at training the gluteal muscles.

how to do kegel exercises at home
how to do kegel exercises at home

There are several options for Kegel exercises when lowering:

  1. The woman is invited to sit on the floor, push her legs forward, place her hands behind her back. Rest your hands and feet on the base, raise your hips above the floor, perform 10 compressions and relaxations. Return to starting position.
  2. Lying on your back, legs should be bent, feet resting on the floor. Raise the pelvis, perform 10 compressions, lower to rest. Do 5 of these sets.
  3. Take a knee-elbow position, place your head on your hands. Tighten your vaginal muscles as if you want to push the air out. Squeeze the muscles again, linger in thisposition 5 seconds, relax.
  4. Lying on your back, spread your legs apart, bend them at the knees. Place one leg under the buttocks, the other in the pubic area. Tighten your muscles, hold for 10 seconds, relax.

Also for training you can use a special simulator - "Cerineum". It helps to increase the resistance of the muscles and gives them an additional load.

Kegel gymnastics for men: treatment of prostatitis

Kegel exercises for men are based on training the pubococcygeus muscle. They also stimulate blood flow to the penis, normalizing erection. After regular exercise, men notice an increase in libido, brightness and duration of orgasm.

In the treatment of prostatitis, this gymnastics also turned out to be the most effective. Exercises eliminate stagnant processes in the adenoma, stimulate blood circulation in the pelvis, and help get rid of the disease.

Kegel exercises are good for men
Kegel exercises are good for men

The same method of urinary retention is used as the basis of Kegel exercises for men. In the process of training, you should strain the muscle located between the scrotum and anus. In this state, it must be held for about 10 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

Before performing gymnastics, it is important to completely empty the bladder. In the process of training, it is recommended to change the position of the body: sitting, lying, standing.

Pay attention! In the first three weeks of classes according to the method of an English professor, many men experience an increase in sensitivitysexual organ. This can lead to premature erections. As a rule, after 4 weeks of regular classes, this passes.

Gymnastics for men with urinary incontinence

Weakening of the pubococcygeus muscle leads to impaired urination. You can solve this problem with regular training. Kegel exercises for men in this case are performed as follows:

  1. Get into a knee-elbow position and try to tighten your intimate muscles as if you want to pull them in or lift them up.
  2. Lie on your stomach, bend one leg. Start raising and lowering it, trying to tighten the muscles of the pelvis.
  3. Sit on a chair with your legs crossed. Perform several contractions and relaxations of the muscles. Swap legs, repeat exercise.
  4. Lie on your back with your legs slightly apart. As you inhale, lift your buttocks and perform a contraction of the pelvic muscles. In this case, one foot should be raised. Return to starting position and repeat the exercise, changing legs.

Each exercise is performed in 3-5 sets. During the day, gymnastics can be done three times.

how to do kegel exercises for men
how to do kegel exercises for men

Every day, the load on the muscles should be increased. After a month of regular training, a positive result will be noticeable. After 2-3 months, training can be done every other day. But you should not stop there completely.

Feedback on the technique

Kegel exercises are recognized as the most effective therapy for pathologies caused by weakening of the pelvic muscles. High scores andease of implementation made this technique popular all over the world.

Reviews of Kegel exercises suggest that classes have a beneficial effect on both women and men. Most often, the technique is used by women after childbirth. Most of them note the rapid restoration of the previous size of the vagina and the normalization of the cycle.

gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor
gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor

Increasing the elasticity of the pelvic muscles helps to reduce the symptoms of diseases of the reproductive system and complete recovery. Regular preventive training brightens the relationship between a man and a woman, stimulates attraction, and allows you to control the duration of sexual intercourse.

When there are problems with potency, Kegel exercises work better than expensive means. At the same time, even men over 50 years old note high results.

Most patients focus on the convenience of gymnastics. You can train your muscles while driving a car, at the workplace, in line at a store, and in other public places. At the same time, others do not notice anything, and the patients themselves see good results.

Summing up

We reviewed the rules for performing Kegel exercises. The photos presented in the article will help you understand the technique of performing each element. All of them are quite simple, but they allow you to achieve high results.

If you decide to engage in this technique, take as a basis three basic rules:

  • training should be regular;
  • with every lessonload increases;
  • the result is not a reason to quit.

In the process of doing gymnastics, listen to your feelings. Remember, the correct Kegel exercise does not cause pain. If you feel unwell, stop exercising and consult a doctor.
