Colds in a child's body develop rapidly. In just a couple of days, a harmless runny nose can develop into an already beginning cough. But do not worry about this, because at the first sign of SARS, a natural folk medicine will come to the aid of parents and their baby - onion cough syrup for children. It is this home remedy that will be discussed in this article.

Useful properties
Before considering the features of the use of onions with sugar for coughing for children, it is necessary to understand the benefits of this remedy. Back in the days of Ancient Russia, onions were considered the plant that helped put a person on his feet with any colds. Russian healers said that the squeezed juice of this vegetable with honey helps a lot in the fight against sore throats. This vegetable crop is very useful due to its healing properties, thereforeThis ingredient can be used not only for food purposes, but also as a remedy. The benefits of onion with sugar for cough for children are explained by the following properties:
- The bactericidal properties of the vegetable have made onions the main component of many folk remedies in the fight against diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in the body. Onions are excellent at resisting viruses and stopping bacteria from multiplying, thus shortening the duration of the illness.
- It is worth mentioning the chemical composition of onions rich in useful minerals and substances. This vegetable, as a rule, is already endowed with an anti-inflammatory effect by nature. An important role here is played by the substance quercetin contained in the composition of the onion, the healing effect of which has now been proven by many different studies.
- Fresh onion juice mixed with honey is a natural "balm" for raising good mood and vitality. In the case of regular use, symptoms such as frequent fatigue, muscle weakness, and apathy are eliminated. A rich vitamin complex, flavanols and minerals are able to cope with a person even with prolonged depression.
- Simple onions can play an important role as an antiseptic, as well as disinfect indoor air. Volatile essential oils and glycosides contained in onions kill various pathogenic microorganisms. That is why, if you have a virus in your home, you can protect other family members from infection with freshly chopped onion slices that are placed around the room.
- Regular use has a beneficial effect on absolutely all systems in the human body. This product is able to strengthen blood vessels, remove excess cholesterol, regulate metabolism, and establish a he althy functioning of the human endocrine system. That is why experts recommend including this vegetable in the child's menu. However, note that in this case, the onion should be consumed raw. For example, in salads, sandwiches, snacks.

Cough onion with sugar for kids
To begin with, it is necessary to analyze how the process of manufacturing a drug takes place. To prepare this miraculous syrup, you only need two ingredients: sugar and fresh onions. As you can see, the recipe for onion with sugar for cough is very simple, so anyone can make it.
Homemade cough remedy as such a syrup effectively copes with any kind of unpleasant symptom: both dry and wet cough. It is allowed to use onion syrup at the initial stage of the development of a cold, when the baby has a runny nose, a slight cough, and sneezing. The main advantage of this cough onion recipe with sugar is that the remedy is completely natural, and the composition does not contain any dubious ingredients. It is for this reason that onion syrup is used in the fight against colds, and reviews from moms are only positive.

For laryngitis
Please note that the sugar inin the preparation of the remedy, you can replace it with natural honey. Onion with honey for cough and laryngitis soothes a sore throat, relieves the inflammatory process. A very useful syrup is considered if the child begins to complain of pain while swallowing food. Such a mixture not only eliminates pathogenic microbes in the throat, but also quickly heals irritation on the walls of the lower respiratory tract.
For bronchitis
Cough treatment with onions and sugar is also recommended for children in case of bronchitis. This tool painlessly thins the mucus, after which it removes sputum from the bronchi, stimulating its discharge in a natural way. Onion is an excellent expectorant. The fact is that sugar helps to extract the juice from the onion, making it more palatable. As mentioned earlier, you can replace granulated sugar with a natural analogue. However, please note that honey is only allowed to be used if your child does not have an allergic reaction to this bee product. Also, experts recommend using dark varieties of honey, for example, buckwheat, for these purposes.

Many children like the taste of onion juice with sugar for cough. In addition, it is an excellent alternative to all expensive medications that offer traditional medicine for the treatment of colds. Such a homemade cough syrup with sugar and onions helps the children's body to quickly fight the virus. In addition, you can use a similar composition inas a prophylactic if your baby gets sick too often or has a weakened immune system.
Syrup recipes
So, we figured out what kind of cough onions with sugar can be used for. To cure a cough in a child with this remedy is quite simple. Recipes do not require a lot of time, as well as special skill. The main ingredients of such a syrup are onions, as well as simple granulated sugar. For the most effective therapy, the recipe can be supplemented with natural honey. So, let's look at the options for making homemade cough medicine with onion and sugar.

Infusion with onion and sugar
To prepare this remedy, you need to take one head of a large onion, peel it from the husk. After that, the vegetable is chopped into small cubes. The prepared ingredient is placed in a container, covered with three tablespoons of granulated sugar. The mixture should be infused for 8 hours. After that, the bulb is removed, and the finished syrup is taken in the amount of one tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.
Quick Recipe
To prepare this drug, one large onion must be chopped with a blender or meat grinder. The resulting onion puree is sprinkled with sugar in equal proportions or liquid natural honey. The container is covered and sent to a dark, cool room for about 40 minutes. As a rule, during this time the container is filled with the released juice from the onion. The resulting syrup is taken in the amount of one tablespoon several times a day after meals.
Decoction syrup
To prepare a decoction, you will need one medium-sized onion, 200 grams of sugar, and 200 ml of boiling water. Onions should be peeled, cut into small cubes, and then placed in a small saucepan. The main ingredient is mixed with granulated sugar, poured with boiling water. The broth should languish over low heat for about an hour and a half. After this time, the product is removed from the stove, cooled. Boiled onions should dissolve in the syrup and also become colorless. For this reason, it is not necessary to filter it. The finished composition is taken in the amount of one dessert spoon three times a day after meals.

Onion is an indispensable tool in the treatment of colds at home. The effectiveness of this ingredient is undeniable. However, despite all the useful properties, this folk method of therapy has some drawbacks. Although a potion based on this vegetable is able to provide an effective and almost instant result, it is not prescribed for everyone. For example, experts do not recommend using onion syrup in the presence of the following ailments:
- Stomach ulcer.
- Gastritis.
- Diseases of the gallbladder.
- Onion sensitivity and individual intolerance.
So now you know how to make onion syrup with sugar, and also how touse it in the treatment of cough in children. However, it should also be noted that you should not abuse this home remedy when treating your child. In the case of an overabundance of folk remedies, the baby may experience symptoms of malaise: increased gas formation, lethargy, and bloating.

But if you follow all the rules for making syrup, which are described in a particular recipe, and also follow the dosage, then no side effects should occur. If you use natural honey in the recipe, remember that some children have an individual intolerance to this bee product.