When making a diagnosis in the hospital, many people could hear such strange words as "catarrh", "catarrh", "hypesocretion" and so on. But what is it? What is this disease characterized by and is it worth worrying about it? Let's take a closer look.
What is this

Catarrhal inflammation is a process that occurs in the mucous membranes. It is characterized by profuse exudate secretion, caused by hypersecretion of the mucous glands. It is more often acute, in the chronic form it is rare.
Exudate is a cloudy liquid released from blood vessels during inflammation. It can be serous, mucoid, purulent or hemorrhagic with admixture of desquamated epithelial cells.
Hypersecretion is an increased production of a secret by a gland. In our case, the mucosa.
Reasons for appearance
The most common causes of catarrhal inflammation are mechanical effects on the mucous membrane (for example: friction, pressure), irritation with chemicals(chemicals, gases), introduced infection (viral, bacterial), infectious-allergic nature, autointoxication (colitis).
The form of catarrh directly depends on the type of exudate. As mentioned above, this liquid has four types, which means there are also four forms of the disease:
- mucous catarrh;
- serous;
- purulent;
- hemorrhagic.
However, in pure form, they are less common than in mixed form. They can turn into each other, for example, serous can easily turn into a more severe, purulent form.
Mucoid catarrh
This catarrhal inflammation is characterized by mucous degeneration and abundant desquamation of epithelial cells. The latter can become necrotic if the process is pronounced. The number of goblet cells is increased, they tend to swell and peel. The mucous membrane is full-blooded. It is dull, swollen, sometimes with hemorrhages.
Serous catarrh
This catarrh produces a colorless or cloudy watery fluid (or exudate). The mucous membrane is swollen, dull. Degeneration of epithelial cells, but not too intense. Congestion and edema are characteristic.
Purulent catarrh
Purulent-catarrhal inflammation is characterized by swollen, dull mucous membranes covered with purulent exudate. Hemorrhage and erosion may occur.
Hemorrhagic catarrh
This type of inflammation is characterized by swollen, thick, blood-soaked mucous membranes with bloody exudate. In the intestinesthe mucous membrane has a dirty gray color. The exudate is dominated by erythrocytes. The exudate is located both on the surface and in the shell itself. Vessels are full-blooded. Dystrophic changes and necrosis in the epithelium.
In addition to the four types discussed above, the disease has acute and chronic forms.
Acute and chronic forms
Acute catarrh is characteristic of some infectious diseases. For example, top. airways.
Chronic catarrh is characteristic of any disease, even those that are not infectious. It may be accompanied by symptoms such as:
- atrophy;
- mucosal hypertrophy.
Diseases caused by catarrh

Many of the diseases known to us appeared precisely because of catarrh. These diseases are:
- conjunctivitis (mucous membrane of the eye);
- rhinitis (nasal mucosa);
- pharyngitis (throat mucosa);
- tonsillitis (tonsils);
- laryngitis (larynx);
- tracheitis (trachea);
- bronchitis (bronchial tree in the lungs);
- pneumonia (lung tissue).
Catarrhal diseases can be the beginning of various rare fevers, childhood respiratory diseases (measles, rubella, etc.), seasonal flu, meningitis, hepatitis and encephalitis.

Diagnosis is based on the analysis of the life of patients, the clinical picture of the disease, examination, dataresearch. At the doctor's appointment, the patient needs to describe the onset and symptoms of the disease in the most accurate and detailed way, tell about his chronic diseases.
Often in the hospital, blood and urine are taken from such patients for analysis to find the causative agent of the disease.
The first thing the doctor will suggest at the appointment is acute respiratory infections, SARS or influenza. Depending on the results of the tests and the diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed therapy or he will continue the examination to determine the cause of the disease. Adequate treatment is impossible without a correct diagnosis.

Catarrhal inflammation is just a symptom that accompanies any of the above diseases, therefore, first of all, the underlying disease is eliminated. Depending on the disease, the treatment is different, but there are basic points that doctors use very often when prescribing it to their patient. Often when sick:
- apply abundant fluids, infusion therapy (in severe situations);
- medications are prescribed (antiviral and antifungal drugs, antibiotics, etc.);
- spray nasal wash prescribed;
- use drugs containing interferons;
- solutions for gargling.
Catarrhal inflammation will not become dangerous for your life if you consult a doctor in time and conscientiously treat this disease. The disease is not fatal when a person takes care of his he alth and follows the prescriptions of doctors.