Parsley roots: healing properties

Parsley roots: healing properties
Parsley roots: healing properties

Many root crops that grow in the beds of our vegetable gardens have medicinal properties. And parsley is no exception. It has everything you need to maintain human he alth.

parsley roots
parsley roots

What is the use of products based on parsley root? How to use

Parsley roots can help our body cope with a large number of ailments, but only if they are consumed regularly. The medicinal plant is useful in weakening the skeletal system. Its use is recommended for problems with the lungs. There is an opinion that parsley roots prevent tuberculosis. They help the female reproductive system and intestines. The use of a decoction of the root of the plant allows you to increase immunity and fight with a decline in strength.

Parsley root shows useful properties due to its composition. Vitamin A and B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vanadium, aluminum and lithium, molybdenum and phosphorus, potassium and sodium, iron and calcium, as well as chlorine s alts - this is not a complete list.

Parsley roots in folk medicine are used fresh and dried, as well as in alcohol tinctures. They can simply be eaten in small quantities before meals. fresh rootsit is more useful to use, but it is worth remembering that the plant retains its healing qualities even when dried, but not longer than three years.

parsley root useful properties
parsley root useful properties

Healing plant helps with urinary or digestive disorders in children. To eliminate the pathology, an infusion of crushed roots is prepared. Raw materials in the amount of one tablespoon are poured with a liter of boiling water. For three hours, it is infused in a thermos. After that, the drug is filtered and given to the child one teaspoon three times a day.

It is believed that tea made from parsley roots contributes to the fastest recovery from measles and scarlet fever. At the same time, it also produces an antipyretic effect.

Decoction of parsley root is recommended for edema of cardiac origin. To prepare a healing agent, boil ten minutes for raw materials taken in the amount of one tablespoon in a glass of water. The dosage of such a drug is one hundred to two hundred grams twice a day. However, it is worth remembering that such a decoction is not used in case of jade.

decoction of parsley root
decoction of parsley root

Infusion, which includes parsley root, is used for cystitis. The healing plant helps with painful menstruation and uterine bleeding. In this case, insist grass and parsley roots. The same drug is recommended for chronic coronary insufficiency and decompensated heart defects.

Parsley roots for weight loss

Parsley roots are also used for weight loss. Can be added to saladsthe underground part of a medicinal plant in its raw form. Parsley root is also cut into slices and eaten in this form. Decoctions can also be prepared from medicinal raw materials. In any form, the plant will help improve digestion, the functioning of the kidneys and the excretion system. At the same time, the body will be cleansed of toxins, s alts and toxins that interfere with the process of getting rid of excess weight. A rich decoction made from parsley roots, to which lemon juice is added, is used to remove freckles and age spots.

It should be remembered that when using any folk remedies, including those based on parsley roots, you should consult a doctor.
