Boric acid is a medicine that has been known since childhood. Surely our parents and grandmothers have this drug in the medicine cabinet, although many alternative medicines are sold in pharmacies. Such a frequent use of the substance is due to its valuable properties. Boric acid is used in many industries.
Composition and release form
This substance is classified as a weak acid. It consists of transparent, odorless crystals. The tool is produced in the following forms:
- sour tasting powder in jars or packages;
- water or alcohol liquid;
- dropper bottles;
- ointment 5 or 10%.
The specific form of boric acid is chosen according to the characteristics of the ailment. The application algorithm may also vary.

Pharmacological action
Given the properties of boric acid s alts, the drug has antibacterial,antifungal, astringent, antiseptic, fungistatic, antipediculosis and antiparasitic pharmacological action. This substance coagulates the proteins of the pathological cell. Acid slightly irritates granulation tissues.
Pharmacokinetic properties
Boric acid freely penetrates through the surface of the wound, as well as the mucous membrane of the digestive organs with the possible use of acid inside the body. According to doctors, the substance tends to accumulate over time and be slowly excreted.

Using acid
Boric acid prescribed by a doctor is used for the following diseases:
- conjunctivitis;
- acute chronic otitis media;
- eczema;
- diaper rash;
- pyoderma;
- dermatitis;
- lice infestation;
- colpitis.
To cure skin diseases, the alcohol form of boron is mainly used, which is used to moisten cotton swabs and treat the affected skin. In addition, healing lotions can be made with an alcohol-based solution. After all, the antiseptic properties of boric acid are great for wounds.
To cure otitis, boron is instilled into the affected ear 5 drops three times a day. The course of procedures should be a maximum of 5-6 days. In case of colpitis, a 10% solution is prescribed. It is made from acid powder, which is also suitable for leather treatment.
When a person develops head lice, doctors prescribe acid in the form of an ointment. Once for 30 minutes it is applied tohead. Next, the surface treated with an acid composition must be washed well.
Sometimes this drug is prescribed for certain medical procedures. For example, boron in powder form is usually prescribed for blowing into the ear cavity.
With conjunctivitis, it is strictly forbidden to instill acid in undiluted form! To treat this ailment, you need to prepare a weak solution by mixing the drug with other ingredients, following the doctor's prescriptions.

Boric acid is supposed to be used only after consulting a doctor and performing a medical examination, clearly following the instructions. An exceptionally qualified doctor can prescribe the most optimal and effective scheme and form of boric acid, determine the optimal duration of treatment, taking into account the existing local symptoms.

Use in cosmetology
Boron is quite often used in the field of beauty. Especially well this drug helps to fight acne and blackheads. It is known that this tool has good disinfecting and drying qualities, effectively lowering the level of fat content of the skin. To overcome the problem of acne, it is enough:
- treat oily areas of the skin with an aqueous solution of boron;
- partially cauterize the inflamed areas with an alcohol-based solution.
Playful freckles can be treated daily with 3% aqueous solution, additionallyadding to it a small amount of colorless henna. This method will help even out the tone, as well as remove spots. It should be noted that this acid is not recommended for use alone. It must be used with extreme caution, even taking into account the reduced concentration of this substance.

Other uses
It is known that boron acid is successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. Also, the tool can be used in other areas:
- jewellery - boric acid acts as a flux for the process of soldering jewelry alloys;
- agriculture - this acid increases nitrogen uptake, which increases yields by about 20%, while helping plants get rid of various diseases and increasing frost resistance;
- Glassmaking - This product helps to achieve maximum brilliance, transparency and thermal resistance, making glass chemical resistant;
- against insects and cockroaches;
- metallurgy - acid makes it possible to increase the strength, as well as the purity of steel, reduce the melting point, reduce the possible destruction of materials;
- household - boron is used as a fairly effective cleaning and deodorizing agent. This substance disinfects surfaces in the kitchen, helps remove grease and soften stubborn plaque in the toilet.
This acid must be applied to the garden throughout the growing season, since it does not pass to young stems from old ones,requiring constant updating. Plants that grow on waterlogged soils, where there is a large amount of carbonates, are especially in dire need of boron. In addition, boron must be applied from soil with high acidity. First, the soil must be deoxidized with alkali-containing substances.

Self-preparation of the solution
All mixtures and solutions can be prepared very easily by yourself using a special boron powder. The antibacterial action of the acid starts at 2%. To prepare a water-based solution, you need to take 100 ml of hot water and dissolve 0.5 tsp in it. acids. The result is a 3-4% solution.
In addition, the acid is easily soluble in alcohol. Ratios must be calculated in volume fractions. Also, the acid can be mixed with softened white paraffin or petroleum jelly. This composition is used externally, making alcohol and water formulations, and for skin diseases, the solution is prescribed in the form of a powder.
It is highly not recommended to use this type of acid for people who suffer from impaired kidney function, women during pregnancy and lactation, in childhood and infancy, as well as in case of intolerance to the components. In addition, preparations of this acid are not recommended to be applied to large areas of the body.

If acid is accidentally drunk, the patient should thoroughly wash the stomach. Forit is preferable to use a probe. S alt solutions and enterosorbents are also fed inside. After these procedures, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy. In case of severe overdose, it is necessary to maintain the functions important for a full life as much as possible, perform peritoneal dialysis and blood transfusion if necessary.
Signs of an overdose of this type of acid are diarrhea, erythematosis, stomatitis, brain depression, oliguria, circulatory disorders, in some situations shock or coma develops.
If prolonged use of this type of acid is expected, symptoms of acute intoxication may occur after a while - exhaustion of the body, eczema, swelling, anemia, menstrual irregularities and even convulsions. In this case, you should immediately stop using boron, perform symptomatic treatment.
Side effects
When using acid in doses significantly higher than recommended, side effects can occur quite quickly. As a result of improper use of this drug, a person may experience allergic reactions: swelling of the skin, hyperemia, urticaria, rashes and itching. Very rarely, an anaphylactic reaction and desquamation of the epithelium may occur.
In the end, it is worth mentioning the physical and chemical properties of boric acid. It has a melting point of more than 170 degrees, while turning into metaboric acid or boron oxide. Soluble in glycerin with a mass of more than 25%. If we talk about the physical properties of boric acid and the applicationits people, it has the appearance of a white powder, which is processed into the desired drug and widely used, as indicated above.
There are indeed many ways to use boric acid, and some of them may surprise you. But it is important to note that this acidic drug can be used only in consultation with your doctor. A competent appointment will help to avoid quite serious consequences.