According to statistics, every third woman has experienced edema at least once in her life. The accumulation of fluid in tissues and organs is a common phenomenon in many diseases.

And complications such as cerebral edema or pulmonary edema can be fatal for patients. But the most common is still such a state of the body in which fluid accumulates in the lower extremities. And for the most part, the beautiful half of humanity is subject to such a phenomenon.
But why do some ladies have swollen ankles?
The reasons may be different. The most common explanation for why the ankles swell lies in women's shoes. High heels and tight shoes, even for the most hardy women, can cause swelling of the calves and feet in the evening after a whole day of wearing.
And if you combine dress shoes with a sedentary lifestyle or the habit of crossing your legs or crossing them at the ankles, swelling of the ankles will be inevitable. To avoid them, you need to first take care of the comfort of your shoes, give up high heels and platforms and move more.

Another reason why legs swell inankles, is fluid retention in the body due to high water intake. Sometimes this condition is congenital and does not depend on he alth indicators. This situation is not uncommon in the hot season, when you want to drink all the time. Overweight people are also prone to this kind of fluid retention. And in this case, a sedentary lifestyle also contributes to swollen legs. In any case, if you know that your body is prone to edema, you should give up a large amount of liquid in the afternoon, avoid excessively s alty foods, beer, cigarettes - all these foods contribute to water retention in the organs.
But the cause of swelling in only one leg can be a vascular disease such as thrombophlebitis. With it, a blood clot forms in a vein, which causes a violation of circulation. The reasons for this phenomenon may be infection, varicose veins, recent surgical interventions. Accordingly, damage to the right vein will cause swelling of the ankle of the right leg. Also, with thrombophlebitis, the limb will go numb, hurt, and the person will also experience general malaise.
Often swollen legs in the ankles during pregnancy. Especially in the third trimester, this problem becomes relevant for almost every woman in position. By themselves, such swelling is not terrible, but they interfere with walking, worsen well-being.

With too pronounced swelling of the limbs, pregnant women should definitely take a glucose tolerance test. Severe swelling may be symptoms of preeclampsia.
There are still many diseases, for which a characteristic manifestation is the accumulation of fluid in the limbs. Swelling of the legs in the ankles with kidney disease, cardiovascular insufficiency, disorders in the endocrine system. Especially dangerous is such a pathology as elephantiasis due to a violation of the outflow of lymph. Edema may also occur with a lack of protein in the blood. Then you just need to reconsider your eating habits.