Swelling of the fingers or hands develops due to the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in these areas. If such a deviation is observed very rarely, it is only necessary to limit the intake of fluid and s alt in order to establish a water-s alt metabolism. But experiencing this problem regularly, you should thoroughly check your body for the presence of diseases that manifest themselves precisely as swelling of the fingers on the hands.
The cause of this condition can be various pathological conditions and serious illnesses. Only a doctor can determine why the swelling of a finger on a hand can, but according to some signs, this can be done long before his visit. The first thing to do is assess your overall he alth. You can do this according to your own feelings and well-being during the day. Most often, serious diseases are not limited to just one symptom in the form of swollen fingers. That is why, having noticed this problem,I need to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible, and then try to find out what other symptoms are causing concern.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
They manifest themselves in violations of blood conduction in the veins and capillaries. Edema on the fingers appears when the work of the right side of the heart is disrupted, which is responsible for pumping blood from the veins to other vessels, and also provides gas exchange in the blood. When the heart muscle becomes unable to move the required amount of blood in the veins, too much of it accumulates, which can cause swelling in the hands. This pathological condition is heart failure. When thinking about why the fingers swell on the left hand or only on the right, you need to consider possible heart disease.
They can be caused by disturbances in the inner or outer tissue of the heart muscle. Quite often, they appear after a heart attack, food or chemical poisoning, in the presence of a heart disease or a pathology such as myocarditis. Also, heart failure can develop due to other diseases that are directly related to the muscle composition of the tissue of the affected organ.
The disease is accompanied by uniform, but increasing swelling of both upper limbs and fingers. Swollen places always have a dense structure, while the hands are cold, and after pressing with a finger, a hole appears on the skin, which disappears in a few seconds. Dilated veins on swollen arms are dark blue in color.
The primary stage of heart failure is manifested by swelling of the fingers andbrushes, then the legs, face and neck swell. Other symptoms of this pathology are: shortness of breath, severe fatigue, pain in the heart.

Stagnation of lymph
The reason why the joints of the fingers and toes swell can be a phenomenon such as lymph stagnation. The lymphatic system is essential for the functioning of the metabolic process. It helps to get rid of excess interstitial fluid and maintains a normal water-s alt balance. Violation of the lymph flow due to pathological processes in the vessels provokes the appearance of excess pressure in them. As a result, the intercellular fluid penetrates into the lymph flow, and then stagnates in the fingers. This is what contributes to the appearance of swelling. In this case, finding out, for example, why the swelling of the finger on the hand, it should be taken into account that lymph stagnation most often occurs:
- When the body is infected with parasites. At the same time, an inflammatory process begins, which causes ossification in the walls of the lymphatic ducts.
- As a side effect after a mastectomy, if during it the lymph nodes under the arms were removed.
- In violation of the conduction of the lymph flow due to surgical operations on the hands.
- With narrowed and shortened lymphatic vessels of congenital genesis.
- If there are inflammatory formations of a bacterial form on the skin. They narrow the lymphatic ducts in the area of the hands.
- Various injuries on the hands and fingers of mechanical origin. Often it is they who become the provocateur of swelling of the phalanges.
BIn some cases, the reason why the hands and fingers swell can be a chronic disease. Then problems with lymph flow arise and manifest themselves during its relapse or reduced immunity.
Joint diseases

Inflammation in the joints of the fingers and s alt deposits in these places often provoke a disease such as gout. In addition to these symptoms, the disease is always accompanied by crunching and stiffness in the fingers. This disease always begins to develop with a slight swelling of the phalanges. After that, there is severe pain, discomfort and redness of the skin of the hands. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, dense and painful blisters will begin to form under the skin.
Gout is a serious disease that is very important to diagnose in time. Therefore, when the first suspicious signs are found, you should immediately seek medical help.
The impact of an unhe althy lifestyle
Thinking about why fingers swell, you should remember that this may be one of the symptoms of an unhe althy lifestyle. This applies to lack of physical activity, eating junk food, lack of nutrients, and alcohol abuse. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the general condition of the body is normal. Only after that it will be possible to exclude this cause.
Knowing why the hands and fingers swell, so as not to provoke fluid stagnation, it is very important to monitor how much and what exactly you drink in the evening and directlybefore bedtime. If the described problem is identified, you need to stop eating s alty foods, and drink only clean water without gas from drinks. Most of it should be drunk in the morning. You should also exercise more often and do exercises. All this will help eliminate swelling if any pathological processes do not develop in the body.
It is quite understandable why the fingers on the hands of those who are constantly engaged in manual labor swell. In some cases, the phalanges may swell due to intense physical activity. This applies to prolonged hand washing, monotonous work at the keyboard of a laptop or computer, as well as when fingers are twisted for a long time.

Allergic reaction of the body
The reason why fingers swell in the evening may be an allergy to household products used during the day. In this case, the hands may swell due to the entry into the blood of substances that cause an increase in the production of immune agents.
With allergies, swelling can appear not only in the fingers, but also on the neck, in the décolleté area, on the face, as well as on the abdomen and under the arms. They are formed due to the fact that the permeability of the vessels increases significantly, and this provokes the release of their contents into the tissues of the phalanges. With an allergic reaction, the fingers swell unevenly, look uneven, and may vary in size. Quite often, swelling is accompanied by a rash.
Premenstrual syndrome
The female body is experiencing a number of changes on the eve of renewalmenstrual cycle. Therefore, a week before the expected menstruation, various reactions begin to appear, which are badly reflected both in appearance and he alth. This fact must be taken into account when thinking about why fingers swell in the morning. One of the many symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is uneven swelling of the hands and feet. It does not cause pain, but it brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman.
In some cases, swelling may be accompanied by slight reddening of the skin. Such swelling disappears in a few days or on the first day of the onset of menstruation. Therefore, you should not worry and consult a doctor with the question of why the fingers on your hands are swollen. This phenomenon is considered the norm, since it occurs due to a sharp decrease in the hormone progesterone in the blood. It is he who is responsible for regulating the water exchange of the organs of the excretory system.
Other possible causes of puffiness
In addition to the above reasons, swelling on the fingers may appear due to he alth problems, which include:
- Decrease in the amount of protein in the blood due to diseases of the liver, kidneys, small intestine, protein deficiency in the diet.
- Parchon Syndrome. This disease is manifested by the release of a large amount of the hormone vasopressin into the blood.
- Superior vena cava syndrome.
- Oncological neoplasm called Pancoast tumor.
- Preeclampsia in pregnant women.
- Mixedema.
- Arthritis, rheumatism and other joint inflammations.
Precisely diagnose why fingers swell onhands, only a doctor can. The same applies to the choice of treatment. Buying and using serious medications on your own can only harm your he alth.

Treatment of puffiness of fingers
Having determined the true cause of the swelling, the doctor can recommend different methods of treatment. Let's consider each in more detail.
Drug treatment. Depending on the type of disease, the following drugs may be needed:
- Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action (for inflammation or bacterial infection).
- With antihistamine effect (for allergic reaction).
- Anticoagulants to normalize blood composition.
- Diuretics.
- Antihypertensive drugs designed to lower high blood pressure.
- Drugs that block vasopressin receptors.
- Hormonal drugs.
Treatment of a physiotherapeutic nature. It includes the following procedures:
- Electrophoresis.
- Low frequency magnetic resonance therapy.
- Irradiation with medium waves.
- Ultra-high frequency treatment.
Surgery. Surgical interventions are done in the detection of cardiac pathologies, as well as in diseases such as superior vena cava syndrome and Pancoast cancer.
The above methods of treatment quickly relieve edema and their accompanying disease. When detecting oncology, chemotherapy is used, as well as irradiation with waves. Theseways to help stop the development of the tumor, as well as relieve the symptoms that it provokes.
Thinking about why fingers swell in the morning, it is very important to correctly determine the cause of this condition. If the swelling is caused not by pathological processes in the body, but by other, more harmless factors, the doctor will give recommendations about maintaining a proper lifestyle. He may recommend the following troubleshooting methods:
- Change to a he althy, s alt-free diet.
- Completely stop drinking alcohol.
- Practice your favorite sport or exercise more often.
- Don't forget about daily morning exercises.
- Reduce monotonous exercise on the hands.
- Exclude all possible allergens and external irritants that can cause swelling of the fingers. Stop using make-up and harsh detergents.
If the body has not mastered the disease, then these recommendations will help to quickly eliminate swelling on the fingers and many other symptoms.
To quickly get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon in the form of edema, you can use special methods to eliminate them. However, it is important to remember that they will only benefit in the absence of any disease associated with swelling. Therefore, thinking about why fingers swell at night, you can not self-medicate and try to fix the problem without consulting a doctor. This is important!

Finger warm-up
To remove puffiness, it is necessary to properly stretch the swollen fingers. To do this, you must first move the phalanges so that the remaining fluid begins to move back towards the heart. Such movements will contribute to an intensive blood flow, which will favorably affect blood pressure, which is necessary to normalize the outflow of fluid.
Very often the hands and fingers swell after sleep. Why this happens, it is necessary to find out, based on the general state of he alth. If everything is in order with him, then, most likely, a similar phenomenon occurs due to fluid stagnation. In this case, stretching your arms would be a great idea.
As a warm-up for your fingers, you can work them on the keyboard, bend and unbend them, or do household chores. Any movement with your fingers will be helpful and will help reduce swelling.
If there is not enough time to warm up, you can consider the option of walking in the fresh air. Just 15-20 minutes outside at a fast pace will help stimulate blood circulation and accelerate the blood circulation process in the body. When walking, you need to actively gesticulate with your hands, move them to the beat of your feet.
In obese people, edema appears more often than in others. This is due to the fact that their lymphatic system functions much worse due to excess weight. In such a situation, you can not ask once again the question of why the fingers on the right hand or on the left are swollen. It must be understood that obesity is often accompanied by more severe consequences.
In order not to suffer from edema, you should pay moretime of physical activity. It will also be useful to review the diet and include more fruits, herbs, vegetables, proteins and clean water. It should be drunk as much as possible to speed up the outflow of lymph. If you follow these recommendations, the question of why the fingers and toes swell will not bother you. However, it is better to discuss any actions with a doctor.

Raise your hands up
This simple but very useful tip will help get rid of edema in case of poor blood circulation or stagnation in the hands. When the arms are raised up, the accumulated blood will begin to flow back. If the fingers are very swollen, you need to raise your hands for at least 30 minutes. All this time they should be above the level of the heart. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day. It is also recommended to raise your arms with pillows during sleep.
If the fingers are only slightly swollen, but still uncomfortable, you can lift them above your head, lock your fingers together and move them behind your head. Then you should tilt your head back and put a little pressure on your hands with it. It is enough to stay in this position for 1 minute, and then unhook your hands and shake them properly. The process must be repeated several times a day.

Massage for puffiness
The reason why fingers go numb and swollen can be poor circulation. In this case, massage will be very effective. However, it must be done according to a special scheme so as not to worsen the condition of the hands. swollen skinfingers should be massaged only towards the heart area. The movements should be quite intense and confident. Massage will help stimulate muscle tissue and blood circulation in the fingers, which will help pump out excess fluid.
You can also go for a massage to a specialist. He will not be able to determine the exact reason why the fingers swell and hurt, but he will make a quality massage of the hands and feet, which also swell very often. If there is no opportunity to make an appointment with a massage therapist, you need to learn how to do this procedure yourself. Fortunately, there is nothing difficult in it. Finger massage is done as follows:
- Use the thumb and forefinger of one hand to pinch the other.
- Then you should walk them along the arm starting from the base of the palm and ending with the massage at the fingertip.
- Thus, you need to process each finger of the hand.
After the massage is over, you need to change hands and do the same. At night, you can wear compression gloves that apply moderate pressure to the hands and phalanges, which does not allow excess fluid to accumulate.
Such simple but effective techniques will help eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon in the form of swollen fingers and hands. However, if the problem begins to bother you regularly, you should seek medical help, since swelling can only be the first symptom of a serious illness. First of all, you need to go to a consultation with a therapist. The specialist will assess the general condition of the body, and also prescribetests that will determine the exact cause of edema.