The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Under the influence of external factors, he changes the pace of his activities. This becomes possible due to its resonant-dynamic mechanisms of operation. Natural electropolarization creates brain waves that have different frequencies and occur with different states of the work of this organ.
General information
Researchers have found waves in the brain that replace each other when the rhythm of activity changes. Most of them are tied in frequency to some kind of thinking. They occur not only with maximum brain activity.
In humans, brain waves accompany any mental activity. There is no moment when the brain would not emit such impulses. In most cases, the brain does not generate any one frequency of waves, but emits several of them at once. But in each case, one type of wave dominates, and in certain situations the frequency of the waves created can be so pronounced that all other types of waves becomeinconspicuous.

Modern research shows that brain rhythms play a significant role in the manifestation of brain functions such as memory, attention or concentration. In an experiment by Earl Miller and Scott Brinkat on monkeys, it was found that the frequency of the wave emitted by the brain changes depending on whether the monkey gave the correct or incorrect answer to the task. Such experiments are not uncommon, as the study of brain waves is now at its peak in neuroscience.
However, not only neuroscientists are interested in the concept of brain waves. Electromagnetic brain waves are often used by numerous esotericists to substantiate their hypotheses. Despite the fact that the researchers did not find confirmation of most of them, the relationship between the frequency of a particular wave and specific images and thoughts was established. Due to the lack of clear information at the moment, any advice to increase any type of brain wave should be critically approached.
Classification of waves by frequency
Types of brain waves vary in frequency. Each frequency corresponds to a certain state of thinking: some waves accompany an active thought process, others are more pronounced during the work of the imagination or creative activity.
The assumption of the existence of waves of brain activity was put forward in Indian philosophical treatises, where they were divided according to the state of the brain at the time of fixing a particular rhythm:
- waking during the daytime;
- sleep codreams;
- dreamless;
- a state of meditation both deep and light.

However, in addition to these states, modern researchers have established some other frequency rhythms. Each of the waves was designated by a Greek letter. Let us consider in more detail their frequency and states in which one or another brain wave is most active.
Alpha rhythms have a frequency of 7-13 Hz and are strictly human. The brain activity of animals either does not have such rhythms, or they are fixed in fragmentary fragments.
These brain waves develop in a child from 2-4 years old. Alpha waves can also be called alpha states, and most spiritual teachers speak of them as the most preferred form of brain activity for any person.
Ways that allow the brain to increase the number of alpha waves:
- meditation and yoga practices;
- deep and calm breathing, breathing practices;
- visualization;
- drinking alcohol;
- hot bath.
Meditation is recognized as the most effective way of the above, as it also allows you to relax and discard anxiety in your thoughts.

The frequency of these waves fluctuates between 15 and 35 Hz, and they are characteristic of the state of wakefulness. These are sharp waves in the brain, they appear after exposure to some stimulus and are accompanied by active external attention. It is beta waves that allow a personactively engage in work, in overcoming routine problems and finding answers to ordinary everyday questions. Also, beta waves allow you to maintain a long concentration on one object or issue.
Beta vibrations are stimulated by reading literature, drinking caffeinated beverages, and smoking. In this case, it is most desirable to resort to reading, since this method is the least dangerous to he alth.
EEG shows that these brain waves have a frequency of 30 to 45-50 Hz. They arise when the brain needs to turn on the most concentrated attention. Gamma waves allow you to focus on non-standard tasks. In addition, some experts are of the opinion that the enlightenment of Buddhist monks is also associated with the maximum frequency of gamma waves. Although this fact requires some verification and study, psychiatrists note that gamma wave disorder is also present in people with mental problems.

Stimulation of gamma activity is possible only with the help of the person himself, since there is currently no possibility to artificially transfer him to a state of maximum concentration.
Delta waves - 1-4 Hz, produced mainly during deep natural sleep. However, they also appear when a person is in a dream under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic drugs. They are also fixed in coma. A small number of delta brain waves are produced during mental fatigueman, after a long intellectual labor.
Delta waves are extremely characteristic of people immersed in very deep meditation (and not in a light meditative relaxation, like alpha waves). The easiest way to stimulate the emergence of the delta rhythm is to breathe deeply rhythmically at a rate of about 60 breaths per minute.
The frequency of these waves is 4-8 Hz, they are most pronounced in a person aged 2-5 years. Theta allows memory to store a huge amount of information, which is why children under 5 years of age have this brain wave frequency active to the greatest extent. In subsequent years, the number of theta waves decreases, since such active memorization becomes uncharacteristic for the pubertal and adult periods of life. Theta in adults appear only during periods of half-asleep and a slight desire to sleep.

This type of wave also has negative manifestations. It is known that in some disorders of the brain, the number of theta waves increases significantly. However, it has not yet been fully established what kind of connection this might be.
Theta waves can also be stimulated, and listening to music plays a big role in this. With the help of sound waves, the brain goes into a state in which theta waves begin to seriously dominate.
The frequency of 8-13 Hz is fixed in the temporal parts of the brain, similar in function to alpha waves. They are fixed, as a rule, when alpha waves are suppressed during intellectual work. However, they rarely appear.
The frequency of these waves also lies inboundaries 8-13 Hz. It is similar in properties to alpha rhythms, but is much less common: only in 10-15% of people these waves can be detected when examining the brain. This type of brain wave has been observed to be activated during exercise and also during visualization of movements. Mental and emotional activity can also cause mu waves.
Brain waves and their uses
Most of the tips for activating certain brain waves are related to self-development or self-knowledge. Also, various meditation trainers and relaxation teachers are actively involved in disseminating information about the impact of waves on a person's daily life.

At the moment, the beneficial properties of meditation have already been studied to a sufficient extent for this technique to become recognized in the field of relaxation and self-help with significant mental stress. However, the need to stimulate any specific waves of brain activity has not yet been confirmed. The study of the brain, its waves and their relationship with any kind of activity is currently at the beginning of development, we still do not know much.
However, further research in the field of brain activity and the impact of brain waves on human life can be truly breakthrough if researchers can figure out how the stimulation of any rhythms can affect he alth. The brain has a large margin of opportunity to improve and improve he alth, and if it is found that it is possible to cure diseaseswith the help of a simple "tuning" of brain rhythms, then this will become a new chapter in the development of medical science.
Brainbeats and Meditation
Alpha waves are the most coveted state for those who practice serious meditation, as it is believed that during the activity of these waves a person is in the most productive state. There are even hypotheses that the world's geniuses during their active work were in an unchanged alpha state. There is no confirmation of this yet and it is unlikely that they will ever appear, however, the connection between meditation and alpha brain rhythms seems obvious.
Meditation makes the brain feel calm and peaceful, reduces anxiety, improves sleep. Periodic immersion in this state lifts a person's mood and gives a sense of their own well-being. Active alpha waves allow a person to experience all of the above effects. Also, using electronic encephalography, it was found that when a person is immersed in a state of so-called light meditation, the number of alpha waves rises sharply.

All this suggests that the process of meditation and brainwaves may indeed be connected. But the results obtained so far do not support the assertion that alpha waves can help reduce emotional stress or other mental disorders.
The tradition of meditative practices requires a person to have at least 10 years of meditation experience. But the appearance of alpha waves during any life activity can already indicate that a personacts with all possible dedication, which in general can be equated with a meditative state.
According to some meditation teachers, the real skill is to meditate at any given time. This may mean that if a person is able to do any work, being in a state of maximum concentration and productivity (that is, with alpha wave activity), then he has learned what a long practice of meditation can give him.
From a scientific point of view, the use of brain waves to stimulate anything is not yet justified, since their positive or negative effects have not yet been clearly established. At the moment, researchers record all states of human consciousness during the activity of brain waves, and not all of these states can be called strictly good for a person. It must be remembered that for now you can experiment in this way only at your own peril and risk.