"Southern Seaside" and "NaturaMed": wellness program, address of the sanatorium, contacts, tours and reviews with photos

"Southern Seaside" and "NaturaMed": wellness program, address of the sanatorium, contacts, tours and reviews with photos
"Southern Seaside" and "NaturaMed": wellness program, address of the sanatorium, contacts, tours and reviews with photos

A sanatorium with "NaturaMed" "Southern Coast" is located on the Black Sea. The complex is immersed in green spaces, it employs many highly qualified medical professionals. For this reason, NaturaMed treatment at Yuzhny Vzmorye allows you to restore your he alth qualitatively, recharge with positive emotions that last for a long time.

About the cleansing program

The he alth program "NaturaMed" in the sanatorium "Southern Seashore" began to be applied in 2006. It was this place that became the first place in Sochi to offer this wellness program.

Procedures "NaturaMed" in the "Southern Coast" are aimed at cleansing the body and reducing weight. It is believed that every person has the potential for he alth. The program "NaturaMed" in the sanatorium "South Coast" is aimed at cleansing the habitat of cells. This leads to the beginning of self-purification in the body.

Diet menu
Diet menu

"NaturaMed" in the "Southern Coast"in Adler meets all international requirements for the provision of medical services. This center is recognized as one of the leading in the Russian Federation. The number of procedures carried out here is constantly increasing.

About the resort

All clients of NaturaMed in Yuzhny Vzmorye provide everything they need for a full recovery on the physical and mental level. Every season there are comfortable rooms, excellent service, developed infrastructure. All this allows everyone who has purchased a ticket to NaturaMed in Yuzhny Vzmorye to get a lot of new emotions.

The complex has its own beach, the water in the sea is warm here. There are also several pools with sea water. And in the place where NaturaMed is located in the Southern Coast, in Sochi, there is a wonderful climate. This area is famous for its healing air, there are many sports grounds and entertainment programs. All this allows you to get the maximum benefit along with quality rest for each client.

About accommodation

Visitors of the sanatorium "South Coast" are located in 5 bedroom buildings, as well as in cottages. The complex provides treatment for children from 4 years old. For this reason, the whole family can easily come here.

About infrastructure

The beach is located 375 meters from the buildings. A summer cafe is open on the territory of the sanatorium "South Coast". For those who stayed in a luxury room, a separate section was built.

The pool here is closed, its area is 25 meters. It has sea water, but it works only in summer. There is also an outdoor swimming pool with sea water. There are separate saunas with contrast pools.

The indoor pool is also used by non-hotel guests. For those who live in the sanatorium "Yuzhnoye Vzmorye", free access to the pool is provided until 20.00.

There are separate areas for aerobics, gyms, tennis courts, a volleyball court. Here you can rent sports equipment.

The whole family
The whole family

There are separate wellness programs for guests with children. The NaturaMed program at the Yuzhnoye Vzmorye sanatorium includes concerts for children and children's playrooms.

It should be borne in mind that the time for visiting children's rooms is always limited. It cannot be more than 3 hours a day. If the children are under 4 years old, then the presence of one of the parents on the playground is mandatory.

For adults, according to reviews, separate bars and a restaurant are open at NaturaMed in the South Coast. Discos, pop concerts are regularly held here, there is a cinema hall, a library, and billiards. From the complex you can travel on separate boats, which is very popular among vacationers.

About nutrition

For those who stayed in a standard room at NaturaMed in Yuzhny Vzmorye, meals are organized according to the buffet system. It is three times. The menu in the complex is dietary. There are 3 dining halls.

About treatments

For clients of "NaturaMed" in the "Southern Seashore" there are many wellness procedures aimed at rejuvenating the body. Thanks tothe availability of modern equipment here has the opportunity for cryoelectrolipolysis, pressotherapy.

But keep in mind that a number of NaturaMed procedures at Yuzhny Vzmorye have contraindications. So, they include the presence of cancer, cholelithiasis, trophic ulcers, gangrene, venous insufficiency, acute infections. Pregnant women, as well as persons with chronic diseases during their exacerbation, cannot get to a number of NaturaMed procedures in the Southern Seashore.

Besides this, people cannot be treated here immediately after surgical operations. After surgery, it is necessary to wait a period of six months. Also, if a person has severe diabetes, it is better for him to refrain from this therapy.

About documents

To undergo treatment in this complex, you must definitely take a passport, a medical insurance policy, a spa card. If the latter is not present, then you will need an analysis of TSH, antibodies to TPO, a certificate from a proctologist, urologist or gynecologist, ECG, and fluorography. You need to do a blood test first. But you can take these tests directly at the "South Coast", which is very convenient.

You will also need sportswear, shoes, a swimsuit, a cap for the pool, warm clothes. It's all about climate change. You will need to move between buildings.

About programs

There are several wellness programs to choose from in the sanatorium. They differ in the lists of procedures included in them, cost and recommendations. For example,the He alth Formula program removes toxins from the body, stimulates metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. It also normalizes the concentration of trace elements necessary for the full functioning of the body.

By the beach
By the beach

It will become important for the full functioning of the digestive tract, lungs, kidneys. The passage of the procedures included in it on the skin has a positive effect. It is also important that beneficial microflora is restored in the body, immune properties are stimulated. Human bioenergy also increases.

The Ideal Line program provides for detoxification of the body. It is for those who want to change their weight. At the end of the procedure, the person has more perfect contours of the figure, gets rid of excess fat, fluid. At the same time, he loses a minimum of muscle mass. The duration of the program is 14 days. Those who have passed this course note that the effect of it is long-term. In addition to weight loss, the immune properties of the body are stimulated, human bioenergy increases, digestion normalizes, and competent eating behavior is instilled.

First of all, the specialists of the center will establish the reasons why a person has become overweight. Then, for him, a suitable eating behavior will be formed for him. Increased appetite will be reduced, with the help of breathing practices, metabolic processes in the body will be activated.

The Slimming Formula program is designed for 7 days. During it, the patient loses weight to a large extent. And the result is permanent. AtTechniques like coding, dieting, taking pills don't apply. To achieve this result, psychotherapeutic techniques and cosmetology are used. As a result, a person controls his appetite, loses weight correctly, acquiring his slender and beautiful body for years.

Walk there
Walk there

At the same time, the body is rejuvenated, swelling in it is eliminated, the content of vitamins and minerals necessary for full functioning is restored. A psychotherapist, a clinical psychologist, an endocrinologist, an endoecologist work with a person.

Program "Down with stress" lasts 14 days. It is recommended to everyone who is prone to chronic fatigue, suffers from sleep disorders, physical and emotional exhaustion, from vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurotic conditions, whose sexual activity has decreased. The program relieves a person from fatigue, he feels a surge of energy, gets rid of the effects of overwork, the body becomes more resistant to physical and emotional stress.

The program "Women's He alth" lasts 14 days. It is aimed at the prevention and treatment of many diseases from the field of gynecology. First of all, NaturaMed eliminates the very causes that gave rise to the disease. It helps to restore normal intimate relationships, while simultaneously cleansing the human body. Thanks to these procedures, a woman maintains excellent he alth for a long time, is filled with energy, feels a craving for sexual and physical activity. Her hormonal background improves. The program is perfect for all women affected by chronicdiseases of the pelvic organs. It is also suitable for those suffering from infertility, endometritis.

The program "Men's He alth" is designed for 14 days. It helps in the fight against urological diseases of various nature. The intimate life of the patient is also restored, the original causes that gave rise to the disease are eliminated. After the procedures from this program, the man maintains excellent he alth, becomes more active in the sexual sphere, acquires a predisposition to physical activity.

On the terrace
On the terrace

The Endocrine Pathology program also lasts 14 days. It is intended for all clients suffering from overweight, hypertension, hyperlidemia, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, diabetes mellitus.

During the procedures in the body, the normal level of sugar in the blood is restored, immune properties are increased, the person becomes efficient, his vision improves. Also, this complex is an excellent prevention of diabetes.

The He althy Teeth and Gums program lasts 7 days. During the passage of its procedures, the body is largely cleansed. The program serves as a preventive measure for many dental diseases. However, she also heals many of them.

Also, the body is cleansed of toxins, the immune properties of the body are increased, so that a person is less likely to suffer from dental diseases in the future. Procedures relieve inflammation, eliminate bad breath.

The SPA program lasts 7 days. It is needed by everyone who wants to take a break from life in the city, get rid ofstress, fatigue, recharge your batteries, rejuvenate your body, lose weight. Many procedures of the program remove toxins from the body, cleanse it. Everyone who has undergone procedures from this program will note the restoration of moral and physical strength. The skin will also be rejuvenated. The program has a positive effect on the work of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys.

About Hardware

Recently, more and more new equipment has been supplied to the "South Coast". So, recently a unique equipment for a number of new procedures has appeared here.

Among them is a system for eliminating cellulite, fat, figure modeling. It should be noted that the procedures are safe, they remove excess fat cells gradually. Due to this, there is no increase in the load on the liver, other internal organs.

There are also separate procedures for the face, in particular, getting rid of the "second chin". This effect is achieved due to the cooling of fat cells, resulting in the release of cytocline, lipids. The burning of fat cells occurs for another 30 days after the procedure. Already one session reduces the volume of fat cells by 22%. The recommended course is about 3-7 procedures, depending on the initial data and the desired result.

This procedure is carried out on any part of the body. At the same time, there are no uncomfortable sensations during its implementation, and bruising is also not formed. The procedure is completely safe and painless. Often the procedure is performed on large areas of the body.

In the sanatorium there
In the sanatorium there

As a result, fat deposits disappear, the skinit is toned up, tissues are quickly regenerated, the condition of the skin improves, toxins are removed from the body. Often, this procedure is performed to lift the neck, chest, to improve the texture of the skin of the face, lift the oval of the face, relieve inflammation in acne, to get rid of wrinkles.

Also, it is used to treat fibrosis, edema of a very different nature, and inflammation is removed in this way after other procedures. This procedure can be used both to prepare for surgery and to recover from it.

On pressotherapy
On pressotherapy

In addition, pressotherapy is also carried out in the sanatorium. This is a procedure from the field of aesthetic medicine, which is aimed at removing swelling, correcting cellulite, eliminating fat deposits, modeling body contours.

Equipment for pressotherapy helps to restore the vascular system, reduce the volume of problem areas, it also eliminates heaviness and fatigue in the legs. Often, procedures of this type are used to prevent varicose veins. It is very useful to use them in combination with leg wraps, as the use of this equipment increases their effectiveness.

During pressotherapy, the body is affected by compressed air coming through special chambers. Thanks to this, the flow of lymph and blood is restored, toxins are removed, metabolic processes are stimulated.


In the reviews, customers who have visited the sanatorium note the effectiveness of the procedures carried out in it. Many said that the first excellent results are noted immediately after the first procedures. There are also many thanks to the staff. He is noted to be literate and hospitable.


The sanatorium is located on the seashore in the city of Sochi. Its exact address is Sochi, Kalinina street, 1. The sanatorium functions all year round.


Thus, the sanatorium "Southern Seashore" with "NaturaMed" will be an excellent choice for rest and treatment of people of any age and with any wishes. It is located in a beautiful place with a healing climate. It employs recognized professionals, and the reviews about the programs are good.
