Many moles on the body: causes

Many moles on the body: causes
Many moles on the body: causes

A mole is considered to be a large accumulation of pigment cells. Visually, it looks like a dark spot or nodule. Another name for a mole is a nevus. By size, they are divided into small (up to 0.15 cm), medium (up to 1 cm) and large (more than 1 cm). The color of the nevi differ from each other and range from light brown to almost black.

Factors causing moles

Nevuses often appear on the body of a child older than 1 year. They may differ slightly in color and be invisible to parents. Their number is negligible. Adults pay attention if the baby has a lot of moles on the body, but this usually happens during puberty. In teenagers, old pale moles intensify the color and become more visible.

Changes in the shape and color of a mole occur during puberty and pregnancy. The instability of the hormonal background provokes the appearance of new nevi.

nevus on the body
nevus on the body

The color of moles depends on the amount of melanin that was in the body during theireducation. Nevus is a special pigmentation on the skin. It is believed that if there are many moles on the body, then they have roots. Actually it is not.

Birth defects of the skin increase the risk of nevus. The vast majority of moles are not cancerous. But under certain factors, some of them can develop into malignant ones and lead to serious he alth problems.

Hormonal causes of moles

If there are many moles on the body, then the reasons may be hiding in a hormonal disorder. Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, puberty, or diabetes contribute to nevi.

In children with active growth and in the transitional period, changes in biochemical growth factors occur. One reason is the activity of stem cells. With growth, the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin increases, the pituitary gland produces melacortin, a hormone responsible for the synthesis of melanin, the production of corticosteroids in the adrenal cortex and metabolism.

Hormonal changes are not easy to stop, and in some cases impossible. The appearance of teenage moles is the norm, provided that the spots of the correct form appear evenly.

You should monitor the hormonal background if there are a lot of moles on the body. Reasons for an increase in the number of nevi:

  • teenage period;
  • pregnancy, postpartum, post-abortion, menopausal women;
  • in men with testicular disease, with a malfunction of the pituitary gland, with increased hormone productionestrogen;
  • strong stress;
  • after infectious diseases;
  • for skin diseases;
  • with age, the number of nevi increases, this is due to hormonal changes and aging of the body.
  • melanoma on the skin
    melanoma on the skin

Ultraviolet causes moles

Production of melanin under the influence of ultraviolet rays increases, due to this, a tan appears. Tyrosine is activated in melanocytes, which helps protect the skin from radiation.

Excessive passion for solarium or tanning leads to an increase in the number of nevi. If there are many moles on the body, then excessive solar radiation is to blame. The biomechanics of the interaction between skin and sunlight is not fully understood, but indirect evidence is the rare formation of nevi on the buttocks.

Moles that increase in size should not be exposed to sunlight. Do not go out in the sun from 11 am to 4 pm. After a solarium, there are many moles on the body. The appearance of nevi scares sunbathers.

To reduce the likelihood of new moles, light-colored fabrics should be preferred in summer. Excessive exposure can cause cancerous moles that grow rapidly in size.

Genetic predisposition and body aging

In older people, the question often arises why there are many moles on the body. Indeed, observations show that the older the person, the greater the number of nevi present throughout the skin. One of the reasons is the gradual appearance of moles during life, and by old age a large number is formed, which becomes noticeable.

Another reason that with age there are a lot of moles on the body is thinner skin than before. Because of this, deep nevi become more noticeable, brighter, change color to darker.

mole removal
mole removal

Hormonal age-related changes also provoke an increase in the size and number of moles.

Those people whose closest relatives have a large number of nevi have a greater predisposition to age spots. Presumably, it depends on race, skin color and nationality, as well as the genetic code, which increases the risk of developing nevi on the body.

Heredity is not a guarantee that moles will begin to appear in large numbers. Without provoking factors, they do not develop.

Red moles

A person begins to worry when red nevi appear, especially if there are a lot of moles on the body. The reasons for the appearance of red dots are not completely clear, but the study of this phenomenon continues. Many theories have been put forward, but none have become an official part of evidence-based medicine.

One of the reasons for the appearance of red nevi is a malfunction of the large intestine or pancreas. But for now, this remains speculation.

Another reason for the appearance of red dots is a violation of lipid metabolism and the development of skin pathology.

In any case, if a lot of moles appear on the body in a short time, then you shouldsee a doctor. Based on the results of the tests and visual inspection, the specialist will determine whether they should be disposed of and whether they are dangerous to the body.

moles on the face
moles on the face

Moles on legs

Hanging moles are growths on the skin that have a bumpy cap. Color can vary from flesh to dark brown. Sometimes they have a completely inconspicuous leg or resemble a papilla.

A benign mole on a leg does not pose a threat to a person, but careless handling of it leads to negative consequences.

Regardless of the color of the nevus, it is based on the pigment melanin, which forms the final color of the mole. The reason for this is the high accumulation of pigment in any area.

Pedicle moles can cause the following problems:

  • aesthetic discomfort when appearing on the face or neck;
  • risk of developing into a malignant neoplasm;
  • discomfort when rubbed with clothes or accidentally touched;
  • risk of injury, which can lead to cancer, infection and inflammation.

Pedunculated moles are not dangerous, but they have a slightly higher risk of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm than flat moles.

Why are moles dangerous

Don't panic if you have a lot of moles on your body. The doctor should find out the reasons for this. Most nevi are absolutely not dangerous, but it is important to know the symptoms of moles, which can be a threat to human he alth:

  1. Atypical. They canrecognize immediately when they appear, they have a fuzzy shape, uneven color and their size is more than 0.5 mm. Often they are congenital, can be inherited and require observation by a specialist.
  2. Hutchinson's melanotic freckles form as a flat spot containing two or more shades. Occur at the age of 50 years and older and are formed on the face. Their size increases, the color becomes darker, over time they turn into malignant.
  3. Skin neoplasms of unclear etiology are formed suddenly, a person sees that many moles have appeared on the body, the causes of which are not clear. In 60% of cases, the phenomenon precedes the development of melanoma.
  4. malignant mole
    malignant mole

Things to watch out for and see a doctor:

  • changing the color of a mole, especially in the middle;
  • increase thickness or height;
  • appearance of pain or blood;
  • redness, swelling;
  • itching or burning in the nevus area;
  • separation into several smaller moles, pieces fall off.

Children's moles

The causes of moles are still unknown. As a rule, a child is born with clear skin, but there are exceptions. Up to 6 months, a few subtle spots may appear that parents do not pay attention to. The older the child becomes, the more nevi are formed. Prolonged exposure to the sun contributes to their increase.

Parents are scared that a teenager has a lot of moles on his body, but this is due to hormonalrestructuring and rarely poses a threat.

Moles are divided into vascular and ordinary. The vascular can be pink to bright red, flat or raised. Parents should pay attention to the size of the nevus. If it is more than 1 cm or grows, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

If a child has plucked or scratched a mole, apply a clean bandage and consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of infection and check the mole for good quality.

mole on shoulder
mole on shoulder

Moles during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many moles can appear on the body. The reasons for the appearance are not always clear, but they are associated with hormonal changes in the body. Neoplasms appear more often in the second trimester.

The appearance of moles indicates that the hormonal system is working and can cope with the stress. In some cases, nevi disappear during childbearing. Moles often disappear after childbirth, but not always.

A darkened nevus during pregnancy indicates an increase in the amount of melanin, due to which the line on the abdomen and areola darkens. A pregnant woman should be alerted by moles that have changed in size, lost a clear outline or become two-tone.

Signs of many moles on the body

People have always treated incomprehensible spots on the body with interest. It is believed that the appearance of a nevus indicates an event in a person's life:

  • on the right eyebrow - early marriage;
  • on the left eyebrow - an unhappy marriage;
  • on the leftcheek appears in passionate natures;
  • on the right cheek promises success;
  • a mole on a woman's chest speaks of kindness;
  • A mole on a man's stomach is an unshakable character;
  • on the shoulder - a quiet life;
  • on the right hand indicates the hostess, hard worker;
  • on the left - a lazy person;
  • ankle shows an energetic person;
  • on the lower leg - diligence and self-confidence.
  • moles on the neck
    moles on the neck

When to See a Doctor

The appearance of a large number of moles is not a cause for concern. You should watch them and consult a doctor if they increase in size.

There are ways to reduce the spread of nevi. To do this, use tar soap, creams or ointments. Vitamin complexes contribute to a decrease in the number of moles.

Special attention should be paid to the work of the endocrine system. Moles require regular monitoring. If itching, induration or swelling is detected, a specialist consultation is required. When these symptoms appear, the risk of developing melanoma increases.

In no case should you remove moles yourself, because this can lead to infection. An examination by a dermatologist will determine the degree of risk and the need for removal.
