Many are asking questions: what is earwax, where does it come from and is its formation harmful. The human body, when functioning normally, is capable of self-purification. This is especially noticeable in the auditory canals, in the skin of which there are sebaceous and sulfuric glands. When we go in for sports or exercise, sweat appears on the body, which is a consequence of the load and frees the body from excessive tension. The same thing happens with the ear passages. When we talk, chew food, cough or sneeze, our ears produce wax. Wax in the ear is not dirt, but a protective covering.

What is this
Ears, or rather glands contained in them, secrete a secret. Sweat, particles of the epidermis, sebum, mixing with this secret, eventually form sulfur in the ear. Such secretions are extremely important for the protection of the human hearing apparatus, they perform the functions of adaptation to external stimuli. Thanks to sulfur, the ear is protected from getting wet when water gets in, from the penetration of various infections. The consistency, color of sulfur depends on the state of he alth of the body inoverall.
Composition of earwax
Sulfur is produced in the ear canal around the clock in amounts up to 0.02 mg. It consists of fats (lanosterol, cholesterol), antibacterial substances, sweat, mineral s alts and fatty acids. In addition, particles of ear skin and hair get into the composition.

Possible causes of education
Ear wax is formed not only as a result of natural processes in the human body, but also from improper care. Ears, like other parts of the body, need regular washing. But the main thing here is not to overdo it and perform this procedure every day. Otherwise, sulfur will not have time to form, and the auditory canal will lose its protection. Well-known cotton swabs should also not be used in hygiene procedures. They have an irritating effect and lead to an increase in secretion production, and are the reason why there is a lot of sulfur in the ears. The inept use of a cotton swab may not clean the canal, but push the sulfur inward, which will lead to the formation of a sulfuric plug. In addition to the above, increased secretion occurs during inflammatory processes, dermatitis and eczema.

Often, the human ear is anatomically built in such a way that the release of sulfur is difficult. Which leads to blockage of the channel. Risk factors also include hearing aids, headphones, being in dusty rooms. If the discharge fills the entire auditory canal, this leads to hearing loss. As, for example, in contact with water. Findingsulfur plug near the eardrum causes strong pressure on it and, as a result, headache, nausea.
Types of earwax
Sulfur is necessary for the auricle. This is not just a selection, but a secret with many useful properties.
- It cleans the ear canal.
- Prevents the penetration of pathogenic infections inside.
- Protects from dust and dirt.
- Protects from drying out.
- Prevents water from entering the channel.
There are several types of sulfur:
- black earwax;
- red;
- dark brown;
- dry;
- white;
- liquid.
Let's consider each type in more detail.

Black wax in the ears is produced due to the defeat of the ear glands by the fungus. This is not the only sign of the disease. A person begins to itch, hearing worsens. Also, black color indicates damage to the body by complex proteins - mucoids.
If the ear canal is damaged by mechanical impact (for example, scratched), a blood clot can, mixed with sulfur, give it a dark color. In this case, you should visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. Shades of red, burgundy or orange in the discharge are most often observed when taking antibiotics that have a therapeutic effect in the inflammatory process.
Dark shade
If sulfur is not black or red as above, but just has a dark color, then this is not alwaysindicates the presence of a disease in the body. Working in dusty rooms, genetic predisposition - these are the first reasons for the darkening of the secret. Shades from light sand to dark brown are allowed. Unless the discharge is accompanied by other painful symptoms: itching, burning, pain, fever. The latter can talk about the inflammatory process.

Gray ear wax is most often caused by dust that has entered the ear canal. That's what gives it that color. In big cities, in areas and areas constantly blown by the winds, this color is the norm for residents. If any of the painful symptoms described above are absent, there is nothing to worry about.
If the wax in the ears is dry, then this indicates the development of skin diseases such as dermatitis, emphysema. Also, a decrease in viscosity is associated with insufficient fat intake. The consistency in this case is brought back to normal by adjusting the power mode. A few percent of the probability of the appearance of dry sulfur can be associated with genetic mutations of the organism. On the territory of the European part, the number of such people reaches no more than 3%.

Excess sulfur
Why is there a lot of wax in my ears? It has already been indicated above how much sulfur is produced per day. But it happens that its yield is several times greater. This condition is called hypersecretion. In this case, a person may complain of a feeling of increased moisture in the ear, the appearance ofwet greasy stains on bedding or a hat.
Why is a lot of sulfur in the ears produced, what are the causes of hypersecretion?
- This may lie in the disease of chronic dermatitis, which is expressed in red spots all over the body or in certain areas of it. With such a disease, a large amount of sulfur can be found in the ear canal. To eliminate it, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.
- In order to establish a possible cause of excess sulfur formation, you can take tests to check your cholesterol levels. It is he who, exceeding the amount of admissible, serves at the same time as a reason for hypersecretion. Since cholesterol is a constituent element of sulfur.
- A child has a lot of earwax due to a fashionable passion for listening to music with headphones. In adults, the reason is the use of hearing aids or ear plugs. These foreign bodies lead to constant irritation of the nerve endings in the ear canal, stimulation of secretion and an increase in its secreted amount.
- Working in constant stressful conditions, in dirty, dusty rooms also stimulates increased secretion. Even if a person just sweats, sulfur will be released more than in the normal state.
- More than usual, there is ear discharge during pregnancy, there is a lot of wax in the ears of a child, especially a newborn. This is due to improper hygiene or channel damage.

Incorrect, uneven selectiona secret can lead to clogging of the channel - the formation of a sulfuric plug. Symptoms of earwax, the reasons for its formation - we examined all this in detail. Sometimes the person himself becomes the cause of trouble. For example, using a cotton swab incorrectly pushes sulfur deep inside and closes the ear canal, provoking the formation of a sulfur plug. Fortunately, its removal is not difficult. It is enough to consult a doctor who will wash the ear or prescribe special preparations. If the cause of hearing loss lies in the presence of diseases of a different nature, then you also need to establish their cause and undergo a course of treatment.

It is important to remember about prevention, hygiene and precautions. It is necessary to regularly clean the auricles, but do it with great care, trying not to damage the ear canal, to prevent foreign objects from getting into it. Try not to get carried away listening to music with headphones that irritate the nerve endings.