Very often all kinds of infections, injuries and diseases are accompanied by pain syndromes of varying severity. To quickly remove pain, in some cases, you can use external analgesics. Among local painkillers, Menovazin spray has a pronounced effect and affordable price.
Issue form
This analgesic can be purchased in pharmacies as an external solution and ointment. The solution is available in dark glass bottles of 25, 40, 50 or 100 ml. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box with an annotation. Additionally, the box may contain a special nozzle for using the product in the form of a spray. "Menovazin" in this form is a clear liquid with a characteristic smell of menthol.

In the form of an ointment, the medicine is packed in aluminum tubes of 40 g, packed with instructions in cardboard packs.
A set of chemical components for all forms of drug releasethe same, except for the alcohol in solution. The composition of the spray "Menovazin" is based on menthol, obtained by processing the essential oil of the plant. Additionally, the analgesic effect is provided by the substances novocaine and benzocaine. Both of them act on the body in the same way, stopping pain, and are used in almost all painkillers. The concentration of ethanol in the solution reaches 70%.
It should be noted that the drug does not eliminate the causes of pain and is used only for the symptomatic relief of patients' condition.
All the effects of the drug on the human body due to its constituent components. Menthol, upon contact with the skin, immediately causes its irritation, which reflexively expands the blood vessels located close to the surface. It is a strong blood flow that provides a feeling of coolness, due to which itching, pain and discomfort are eliminated.

Spray "Menovazin" is much more convenient to use, since there is no need to rub the product on the skin with your hands, which will lead to a reaction on the palms.
Benzocaine and novocaine have a moderate analgesic effect in the composition of the drug. They act on the body in a similar way and in pairs they simply enhance the analgesic effect. The result is achieved by blocking the sodium channels in the skin upon direct contact, which prevents further transmission of nerve impulses to the brain.
Recommendations for use
According to the instructions forApplication solution "Menovazin" can only be used as an external agent. Based on this, it can be used to eliminate pain when:
- joint inflammation;
- injuries;
- arthralgia;
- stretching;
- bruises;
- myalgia;
- dislocations;
- neuralgia.
Means, in general, suitable for the relief of pain in any muscle, joint or pain in the ligaments.
Often the Menovazin spray has indications for use not only for pain relief, but also for relieving skin itching.

So, the solution can be used for dermatitis, insect bites and other situations.
Prohibited use
Like any medication, "Menovazin" in any form should not be used if the body has a negative reaction to at least one of the components of the composition. It is also advisable to conduct a sensitivity test before starting treatment by lubricating the skin on the bend of the elbow with a small amount of the product. Only if no irritation appears within a quarter of an hour, the solution can be used directly for its intended purpose.
Strict contraindications to the drug are:
- purulent skin diseases;
- purulent and inflammatory processes at the site of application;
- open wounds or cuts;
- burns.
Due to lack of clinical experience, it is also prohibited to use the drug for the treatment of patients under 18 years of age.

It is also impossible to use Menovazin spray during pregnancy or breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the drug contains a large amount of ethanol, and it is able to penetrate through the blood into breast milk and to the fetus. All this can provoke various anomalies in infants, including intrauterine growth retardation.
Method of administration and dosage
The solution and ointment are applied directly to the area of the skin where it is necessary to relieve pain, and rubbed with light massaging movements. To avoid exposure of the palms, gloves may be used during application or a spray can be used.
Depending on the severity of pain, the solution is applied 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist, but should not exceed 21 days. If during this period there is no relief, then you need to consult a doctor to clarify the treatment and diagnosis.
When the product dries, the affected area can be covered with a dry warming bandage to enhance the effect.
Minor reactions
According to reviews, Menovazin spray is often well tolerated by patients if they follow all the doctor's instructions. In some cases, people with hypersensitivity of the skin may experience the following reactions:
dry skin, swelling and itching at the application sites;

- allergic dermatitis;
- urticaria;
- skin rash;
- burning.
Alsothe application may be accompanied by a feeling of "tightness" of the skin, but all this does not require additional medical intervention. All unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own when the drug is discontinued, and sometimes they do not require it at all. At the end of the course, the skin quickly returns to normal.
As such, an overdose of Menovazin has not been registered. The drug can provoke negative reactions with prolonged use in unlimited quantities. Patients in such cases complain of lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, decreased performance and blood pressure levels. Similar symptoms are caused by ethanol in the solution.
In case of accidental swallowing of the medication, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and give the patient any enterosorbent. Often such situations occur with children, and treatment should be carried out symptomatically.
Special Instructions
To enhance the analgesic effect, "Menovazin" can be used in parallel with other warming ointments or painkillers. Since the drug is not used as an independent remedy directly to eliminate the causes of pain, it can also be combined with other medicinal formulations.
The solution has no effect on the functioning of the nervous system if the recommended dosage is observed, therefore, during treatment, it is allowed to control complex mechanisms and transport.

External spray "Menovazin" for children can be dangerous, because not all clinicalresearch has been done. It should not be used in the treatment of patients under 18 years of age. If there is simply no other option for therapy, then the solution must be used under the strict supervision of specialists.
Menovazin spray has no direct analogues with the same composition. In pharmacies, you can purchase other analgesic drugs that are similar to those considered only in terms of therapeutic effect. Naturally, it is forbidden to replace "Menovazin" with them on their own, since a completely different composition can cause allergies or other adverse reactions in the patient's body. In addition, almost all analogues are much more expensive than the solution.
If desired, the medication can be replaced by:
- Fastum Gel;
- Voltaren Emulgel;
- Zhivokosta Ointment;
- "Alizatron";
- Ketonal and others.
The drug can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The cost of a bottle of solution starts from only 25 rubles, which allows citizens with any financial situation to use it for therapeutic purposes. Among the advantages of the remedy, many note a pronounced analgesic effect, which manifests itself immediately after application. Negative serious reactions are not observed in almost anyone, but many complain about dryness and "tightness" of the skin. The solution is stored for 2 years.