Fever in a child is a common nuisance that parents often encounter. How to act in case of a problem? There are many proven medicines and folk remedies that are safe to offer for fever and temperature to children. To determine the right solution for performing therapy, we suggest that you read the practical tips from our article.
Causes of a fever in a child

Unpleasant symptoms can develop for the following reasons:
- Infections of a bacterial and viral nature - the problem often occurs against the background of damage to the body of babies by pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, a fever in a child makes itself felt as a result of the progress of respiratory diseases. In some cases, fever and febrile conditions develop with infections of the intestines, urinary tract.
- Overheating of the body - a nuisance can occur even in the cold season, when parents dress and wrap the child too warmly. The kid begins to show anxiety, act upor display apathetic behavior. Children often overheat in the sun, which can also trigger a fever.
- Teething - an increase in body temperature and the appearance of a fever often occurs if the baby's gums become inflamed. The child reaches out with his hands to the problem area, trying to relieve the sensation of itching. The result is often an infection in the body.
Among young children, there is often a rapid increase in temperature to over 38 degrees due to an accelerated metabolism. The weakened body of babies is not able to withstand changes in the course of the development of the disease. Preservation of heat in a child for a long time can provoke the development of convulsive conditions. To avoid trouble, it is important for parents to urgently take a set of measures aimed at lowering body temperature and eliminating fever.
Creating a he althy indoor climate
What should I do if my child has a fever? It is important to provide in the room where the baby is located, the optimal temperature and humidity. Parents should ventilate the room well. The baby should remain in bed, showing minimal activity. Wrapping up a child in the event of a fever is dangerous. The action can provoke even greater overheating and the occurrence of heat stroke. The baby should be dressed in light clothes and covered with a blanket that is not too warm.
The room temperature should be maintained at around 18-20°C. The optimal humidity for a child is considered to be close to 60-70%. Kid shouldfeel comfortable. However, care must be taken to ensure that fresh, sufficiently cool air enters the room periodically.
Plentiful drink

If a child's fever and temperature are maintained for a long time, the body begins to actively lose fluid. In such a situation, the baby should be offered bottled water more often. Alternatively, you can use unsweetened warm tea, berry juice, dried fruit compote, and other drinks that your child will like.
Feed your baby reasonably low rates. Give should be 2-3 dessert spoons of liquid with a frequency of 10-15 minutes. Exceeding dosages can cause vomiting. The result will be even more dehydration.
Physical Heat Relief Options
Apply for fever and pain for children can be rubbed with water at room temperature. The method should be adopted only if there is no severe fever, spasmodic phenomena, blanching of the skin, cold in the extremities. To relieve a fever in a child, it is worth moistening the wipes and laying such products on the forehead, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inguinal folds, on the feet, elbows and knees. During such therapy, the baby should remain under the covers and not freeze. Otherwise, there may be an even greater increase in body temperature.
Why shouldn't you throw cold water on your baby?

Immersion of the body in cold water really helps to reduce the temperature. However, the consequence of suchexposure will necessarily cause a spasm of blood vessels. The latter will narrow and will not give off heat so well. At the same time, the temperature will drop only in the superficial tissues of the body, close to the skin. Inside the body, the heat, on the contrary, will only increase. After all, while in cold water, heat will not be able to be actively removed outside through the epidermis. As a result, the internal organs of the baby will be in conditions like real hell. Therefore, pouring cold water on a child's body can make the situation worse.
What are the dangers of wiping the body with alcohol and vinegar?
Our grandmothers considered the method of wiping the skin with vinegar and alcohol as a good solution to relieve a child's high fever. The meaning of the procedure is as follows. It is known that these substances tend to evaporate quickly, taking with them the sweat released through the skin. From a physical point of view, the idea potentially makes it possible to dissipate some of the heat. However, the manipulation looks dangerous.
Alcohol and acetic acid are quickly absorbed into the baby's body through the delicate epidermis. The result is severe toxicity. The younger the child, the faster the poisonous elements are absorbed and carried by the bloodstream. With that said, it is relatively safe to use the method only if an older child has a high fever.
Performing an enema

What should I do if my child has a fever? A proven method of fighting fever andan enema acts as an increase in body temperature in babies. During the deterioration of he alth in children, absorption into the tissues of an abundance of toxins from feces that have stagnated in the lower intestine. To avoid poisoning the body allows the deliberate release of waste products.
To relieve a fever in a child of 5 years old, an enema using s alt and baking soda dissolved in water will help. For one glass of warm water, a mixture of components should be consumed in an amount of not more than one teaspoon. An important point is the age of the baby. In order to wash the intestines of a child under one year old, about 30 ml of liquid should be used during the procedure. To give an enema to older children, it is safe to use about 100 ml of a solution of s alt and soda.
Cabbage compress
Parents who want to learn how to bring down a fever in a child without the use of medication should use the following solution:
- preparing some large cabbage leaves;
- raw materials are immersed in boiled water for a couple of seconds;
- using a wooden rolling pin or other solid object, the leaves steamed in a hot liquid are carefully beaten off over the entire plane;
- the prepared product is placed on the child's forehead, back, limbs, leaving the chest open;
- leaves are kept on the body for about an hour, and then replaced with fresh ones.
Cabbage juice has a cooling effect on the skin. The tool provides high-quality evaporation of sweat. The decision can be resorted to without fear regarding the likelihood of developingallergic reaction.
Raspberry tea

How to relieve a fever in a child at home? An effective folk method of therapy is the use of raspberry tea. The use of the drink ensures the intake of caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid into the body. The tool perfectly tones the body, relieving chills and fever. The result of the use of raspberry tea is the rapid evaporation of sweat and the removal of heat from the surface of the skin.
"Viferon" - effective candles from the heat for children. The drug is safe to use to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the treatment of infants. The decrease in body temperature and the removal of fever occurs due to the action of the main component of the drug interferon.
Doctors prescribe heat suppositories for children if the problem occurs against the background of the development of viral infections. The use of the drug not only contributes to the rapid elimination of fever, but also has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system. In order to treat babies, it is allowed to spend one candle of "Viferon" per day.
Therapy is important to perform according to the following scheme. The child is laid on its side, in a pose with the knees pressed to the chest. The anus is lubricated with baby cream. The candle is slightly moistened with warm water. The drug is slowly injected into the anus of the baby. After the procedure, the child should remain in the above position for 10 minutes. Otherwise, there may be insufficient dissolution of the drug and poorabsorption of the active substance into the blood.
What are the benefits of using a fever reliever for a 2 year old and older? "Viferon" is most effective if the body temperature rises to a value close to 39 ° C. The use of the remedy at its relatively low rates ensures the achievement of the expected effect to the smallest extent.

How to relieve a fever in a child? An effective, safe solution is the use of Nurofen in syrup format. The medication can be offered to children over the age of 2 years. The drug does not provoke the development of allergic reactions. During therapy, there is a rapid decrease in body temperature. Feverish and convulsive conditions disappear. The drug has pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Nurofen is often prescribed by doctors to suppress fever in children caused by teething.
The drug "Genferon" is another effective medicine against fever based on the active component of interferon. Thanks to the use of the drug, there is a rapid decrease in body temperature. The tool suppresses the development of pain and fever due to the presence of anesthesin.
How to bring down the fever in a child with this medicine? The drug "Genferon" is injected into the rectum of the baby after a preliminary enema. A safe norm for children is one candle per day. The active substances in the compositionmedications are rapidly absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. Due to the rapid absorption of the components of the drug into the blood, the child soon begins to feel relief.
The drug is available in the form of candles in a neutral shade with a glossy finish. The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is paracetamol. The tool contributes to the rapid removal of heat, pain, elimination of inflammatory processes. The medicine belongs to the category of non-steroidal medicines safe for children. A noticeable effect from the use of the drug is observed after 2-3 hours.
Efferalgan should not be used when diarrhea develops. In such situations, the effect of the drug will be ineffective. The daily rate of medication for children under the age of one year should not exceed one candle per day. Therapy using the product is performed for 3-5 days.

The antipyretic component of the drug is paracetamol. The substance produces a weak anti-inflammatory effect on the body, provides a decrease in temperature. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the stimulation of the thermoregulatory function in the hypothalamus of the brain. The absorption of active substances from the suppositories "Cefekon" into the blood is slower compared to the drug in the form for oral use. However, the effect lasts longer.
This medicine is not intended for use in children under 2 years of age. Candles are introduced into the child's rectum only after the preliminary cleansing enema. The maximum allowable dosage for children is 60 mg of the active substance per day.
The drug "Ibuprofen" in the form of a suspension has a pleasant raspberry flavor. It is prescribed by doctors in order to combat childhood fever and the development of pain syndrome of various origins. It is safe to offer the medicine to babies from the age of 3 months. It is advisable to use the medication in case of development of acute respiratory infections (viral nature), influenza conditions. The tool provides relief from discomfort during teething.
"Ibuprofen" belongs to the category of nonsteroidal drugs. The composition of the drug contains biologically active substances that provide stimulation of the immune system. The effect of reducing body temperature is observed already within half an hour after using the product. The effect of the drug is maintained for 2-3 hours. During therapy, it is not safe to combine the drug with other medicines that contain paracetamol and aspirin.
"Viburkol" is a homeopathic remedy based on components of natural origin that are safe for the child. The composition of the drug includes medicinal extracts of plantain, anemone herb, belladonna, chamomile flowers. In addition to the ability to stop the increase in body temperature, the remedy has a sedative effect on the body.
The drug does not produce a targeted antipyretic effect. Consequence of admissionthe drug becomes a decrease in body temperature to a level where the immune system returns the ability to independently suppress the progress of the infection. As a result of using the product, there is an active production of interferon by the secretory glands of the body.
The effectiveness of the drug in inhibiting the vital activity of pathogenic pathogens of infectious diseases has been proven by appropriate laboratory tests. The drug has a high safety profile. Since it does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
The drug is allowed to be used to eliminate fever and feverish conditions from the age of 6 months. During the first day after the development of the disease, it is necessary to use 2-3 suppositories with an interval of at least 30 minutes. After reducing the fever, the remedy is continued to be used in the morning and shortly before going to bed.
"Nimesulide" is an effective anti-inflammatory drug with a high safety profile. The use of the drug does not lead to allergic reactions in the child. During therapy, the intestinal mucosa is not irritated. The drug has the properties of effective analgesics, stopping the development of pain. The tool is well accepted by the body of children of all ages.
As practice shows, a decrease in temperature by 2-3 degrees and the elimination of pain in children is observed 15-20 minutes after using the medicine. A safe dosage of the drug is considered to be no more than 200 mg of the active substance per day. However, in the case of treating babies, the indicated rate should bedevide into two parts. Reducing the dosage allows parents not to worry about the likelihood of developing such side effects as increased nervousness of the child, drowsiness, excessive sweating, and digestive disorders.
In closing
To eliminate the fever in their own child, it is important for parents to resort to complex therapy. In the room where the baby is located, it is necessary to maintain the optimal level of temperature and humidity. The child should receive plenty of fluids. The solution will ensure the fastest removal from the body of toxins formed as a result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In parallel, the baby should be offered antipyretics, use proven methods of traditional medicine. The combination of measures will allow counting on the speedy removal of fever and fever.