Medicine for cleaning vessels: list, rating, recommendations of doctors, composition and review of drugs

Medicine for cleaning vessels: list, rating, recommendations of doctors, composition and review of drugs
Medicine for cleaning vessels: list, rating, recommendations of doctors, composition and review of drugs

Unhe althy diet, lack of activity in everyday life, various he alth problems - all this leads to the appearance of deposits in the vascular system. To cleanse the vessels, you can take special preparations designed for this, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes. Both approaches are reasonable to coordinate with the doctor. Self-medication is not recommended, especially with the use of industrial products: drugs can cause side effects, including severe ones.

Drugs: types and features

The most effective drugs for cleaning blood vessels are fibrates, statins. In addition, vitamin complexes and agents that help reduce blood viscosity will benefit. Biologically active additives have been developed, according to manufacturers, that perfectly cleanse the circulatory system. In addition, you can take medicinal formulations to strengthen the vascular walls.

Vessels: why do they get clogged?

The need formedicines for cleaning the vessels of the heart, brain, etc. arises due to a complex of reasons. In total, doctors discovered about two hundred factors that can cause vascular blockage. Most often, thrombi are detected. The accumulation of cholesterol deposits in the circulatory system causes atherosclerosis, the generation of plaques that unpredictably detach from the walls of blood vessels. The clot reduces the permeability of the bloodstream, causing blockage. Breaking away from the place of growth, the plaque travels through the body and can unpredictably get stuck in any part of the body.

More often, the need for drugs to clean blood vessels in the body is observed in people who do not have enough and actively move. The less mobility in jurisdiction, the more bad habits, the worse the condition of the circulatory system. Smoking plays a role: tobacco contains components that adversely affect human he alth. Also, blood circulation can be disturbed by parasites, pathological bacteria. Atherosclerosis can lead to poor he alth. More often problems are observed against the background of high blood pressure, overweight. Fat embolism is a possible cause of vascular blockage. This is also possible if a person has received a complex fracture or undergone an amputation operation.

Causes and consequences

The above examples are just one of the most common reasons against which a doctor may recommend taking a course of medicine to clean blood vessels in the human body. In some cases, indications for such therapy are a previously completed therapeutic course, during whichthe patient was given injections, and not all procedures were done correctly. If the technology is not followed, gas penetrates into the veins and bubbles form, impairing vascular patency.

Sometimes the cause of poor he alth is genetic characteristics, hereditary predisposition. There is a possibility of an imbalance in the plasma composition. In any case, if there are prerequisites for the formation of vascular pathologies, you should take your he alth as responsibly as possible, notice diseases in time and treat them following the program developed by the doctor.

Drugs to help people

To remove harmful cholesterol, you can take effective medicines to clean blood vessels. The therapy is combined with a strict dietary restriction. An integrated approach involves giving up bad habits, switching to a lighter diet, taking industrial pharmaceutical products and using reliable folk remedies.

There are many preparations for cleaning blood vessels, but all of them can be harmful if used incorrectly. You must first consult a doctor, only after that begin the treatment course. The doctor selects the appropriate remedy based on symptoms, medical condition, additional diseases, possible risks and contraindications.

list of medicines for cleaning blood vessels
list of medicines for cleaning blood vessels

Types and categories

Drugs for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol help normalize the composition of plasma and fatty structures in the body, prevent the formation of deposits. These drugs are injected into a veinor taken in tablet form. But orally prescribed remedies are effective only when the disease begins to develop. If the case is advanced, the patient will probably be referred for surgery.

Quite often, doctors decide to prescribe fibrates to a patient. This category of drugs is also known as derivatives. Their main active compound is a transformation product of fibric acid. Medications inhibit the activity of triglycerides, affect the liver, and stimulate the elimination of dangerous compounds from the circulatory system. Such medicines for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol tone up the vascular wall and make the liquid flowing inside not so thick.

Effects and names

As observations have shown, when taking fibrates, free radicals generated by the human body break down faster. In addition, the course and activity of the inflammatory process is facilitated, the likelihood of generating blood clots is reduced. To save the patient from cholesterol plaques and prevent thrombosis, prescribe:

  • "Clofibrate".
  • Gemfibrozil.
  • "Fenofibrate".

Trakor and Lipostabil, presented in most modern domestic pharmacies, have a good reputation.

When choosing which medications to prescribe for cleaning blood vessels to a patient awaiting surgery, they often stop at one of the remedies listed above. The indication will be the prevention of thrombosis against the background of the intervention.

blood vessel cleansing medicine
blood vessel cleansing medicine

Can it or not?

Listedmedicines should not be taken if there is a failure in the functioning of the liver, kidneys. You can not take formulations against the background of an allergic reaction, individual intolerance to any substance present in the composition of the product.

Medication may cause unwanted side effects. There is a risk of muscle soreness, myopathy, myalgia. In some, against the background of the drug course, there is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.


It is often this type of medicine for cleaning the vessels of the brain, coronary, peripheral system that is prescribed to a patient in need of stabilization and improvement of the body. Studies have shown that statins have a wide spectrum of effectiveness. The main focus of activity is the liver, where cholesterol is generated. It is known that the older the person, the greater the amount of this fatty compound produced in the body. Thanks to statins, these amounts decrease, and the body more efficiently processes the cholesterol that has already been produced and accumulated in the vascular system.

Popular products:

  • Razuvastatin.
  • Atorvastatin.
  • Pravastatin.

Sometimes a doctor, prescribing a medicine for cleaning the vessels of the brain to a patient, recommends stopping on Fluvastatin tablets.

cerebrovascular medicine
cerebrovascular medicine

Nuances of application

Statins are quite dangerous and serious drugs. They have a wide range of undesirable effects. Such drugs can be used strictly under the supervision of the attending

Medicinal compounds not only cleanse the body, but also make the blood thinner. Doctors may recommend taking these (by the way, considered the best for cleaning blood vessels) medications if the patient is considered to be at high risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. Drugs are used to prevent ischemia, and are also prescribed to patients who have had a heart attack - they maintain a person's condition. If atherosclerosis is detected, statins can be prescribed as a means of slowing down the progress of pathology.

Don't take fibrates and statins at the same time. It is the responsibility of the qualified doctor to select the appropriate category and specific name.

effective medicine
effective medicine

Vitamins always have a place in life

It has long been proven that vitamin complexes are an effective tool that positively affects the state of the body as a whole, the vascular system in particular. Doctors can prescribe this kind of medicine for cleaning blood vessels for prevention purposes if the likelihood of atherosclerosis is estimated to be above average. Vitamins not only strengthen the vascular walls, but also activate blood flow.

Retinol-containing vascular cleansing drugs normalize metabolism, stimulate brain activity. In addition, it is worth diversifying the menu with products rich in this vitamin - these are dairy products, plant foods. Vitamin B is no less beneficial. Food products that allow them to saturate the body are beans, nuts, buckwheat, and fish. Of the drugs that supply this compound to the body, it is worthtake a closer look at pyridoxine (B6). Studies have shown that there are no contraindications and negative effects.

Another useful vitamin is ascorbic acid. Its intake with food, medicines helps to increase the permeability of the walls of the arteries.

Thinning the blood

If there is a lack of enzyme compounds in the circulatory system, the liquid becomes thicker, clots are formed that impair the permeability of the channel. At the same time, various harmful compounds accumulate here, due to which oxygen and nutrients cannot penetrate to the tissues that need them. Prolonged oxygen starvation leads to the formation of blood clots and, as a result, to strokes or heart attacks. To avoid this condition, drugs are prescribed to clean the blood vessels, which can make the blood a little thinner.

A fairly popular and sought-after drug is called "Trombo ACC". It belongs to the class of analgesics, helps to stabilize the temperature. The drug contains aspirin, which reduces the ability of blood to clot. "Trombo ASS" is often prescribed as a prophylactic drug for persons referred for surgical intervention. These tablets should not be taken by pregnant women. Possible allergic reaction, individual intolerance to the components. It is forbidden to use the product against the background of diseases of the respiratory system.

the best medicine for cleaning blood vessels
the best medicine for cleaning blood vessels

What else will help?

Demanded medicine for cleaning blood vessels - tablets "Cardiomagnyl". They includemagnesium compounds, acetylsalicylic acid. Such a remedy is often prescribed against the background of heart disease. The active compounds contained in the tablets prevent platelets from sticking together. You can use the medicine to prevent angina attacks, to treat hypertension. An allergic response is possible, there is a risk of an individual intolerance reaction. "Cardiomagnyl" is not used if a chronic disease has passed into an acute phase.

Dietary supplements

Pharmaceutical products in this category are not considered complete medicines, but doctors often recommend using them as medicines for cleaning blood vessels in diabetes, high blood pressure and a number of other conditions.

It is believed that dietary supplements help to clear the walls of blood vessels from plaques. The Korbalans product has the best reputation in the modern market. It contains extracts obtained during the processing of grape seeds, motherwort. The drug thins the blood and helps cleanse blood vessels, stabilizes and speeds up metabolic processes.

Kapillarin has a good reputation. The components contained in it increase the efficiency of the process of assimilation of vitamins. With the correct use of the composition, as the manufacturer assures, the amount of cholesterol accumulation decreases, blood flow is activated. The drug helps prevent the generation of blood clots.

What else will help?

Sometimes doctors advise to take a closer look at the product "Santa Rus". Its active ingredients help to normalize the balance of microscopic formslife in the gastrointestinal tract. The substance stabilizes metabolism and makes it easier to get rid of free radicals. The product is recommended to be taken if cholecystitis is of concern, it is necessary to cleanse the circulatory system if the liver is not working actively enough. It is often used by people struggling with being overweight.

But any biologically active additives are only aids. They are prescribed during the rehabilitation period, sometimes as part of the main therapeutic course during an exacerbation, but only as an additional ingredient that increases the effectiveness of the main medication.

Strengthening the vascular wall

For the quality of the system, you should use products that strengthen the tissues and make them more elastic. Of course, you can try homemade garlic medicine for cleaning blood vessels for this, but doctors usually advise taking Cavinton.

This remedy belongs to the class of antispasmodics, normalizes blood flow in the brain, metabolism. The drug reduces pressure, expands the vascular lumens, normalizes the tone. Under its influence, memory improves. "Cavinton" can not be used if a mental disorder is detected. A contraindication would be a recent stroke.

medicine for cleaning blood vessels in diabetes
medicine for cleaning blood vessels in diabetes

To some extent, Dihydroquerticin has a similar effect. It stimulates blood flow, reduces the risk of ischemia and atherosclerosis, and normalizes the content of harmful cholesterol in the body. Under the influence of the agent, the concentration is stabilizedsugars. Reception has a positive effect on the he alth of the skin, wounds heal faster.

Traditional medicine

It is believed that a medicine made from walnuts has a positive effect on the he alth of the circulatory system. For manufacturing, take the shells of unripe fruits. The product is carefully crushed and eaten in a tablespoon twice daily, an hour before a meal. The medicine is washed down with water. If the shells are not enough, you can use ripe nuts. The duration of the course is two months, the recommended frequency is once a year.

effective remedy for garlic
effective remedy for garlic

Some advise taking garlic tincture. For 150 g of alcohol, you need to take the same amount of garlic chopped into gruel, mix everything in a glass container and let it brew for a week and a half, and then strain the liquid. Homemade medicine is used three times a day.

On the first day, take it drop by drop, every day the dose is increased by a drop until it reaches 15, then reduced again with the same step. The tincture can be diluted with milk or water.
