Almost everyone has had a period in their life when treatment by injection was necessary. And it’s good if they didn’t happen too often. If the number of intramuscular injections per day turned out to be very large, or they were not carried out professionally, a person may have bumps in their place - painful subcutaneous seals. This brings real discomfort. In particular, a person cannot sit normally or even touch the affected area. In such cases, you should not just wait and endure. It will be better to do something in order to relieve the pain and speed up the disappearance of the bumps. In this case, magnesium in the form of a compress will come to the rescue. How to dilute the drug and how to apply, we will talk later in the article.

When to apply?
The presence of hematomas and seals usually causes a number of inconveniences, and this is not onlypainful sensations, but also an unsightly appearance. You have to hide them by various means or wear clothes that could hide the bruises. But you can get rid of them with the help of magnesia.
Lotions with it help in many cases:
- If there are bruises and bruises acquired as a result of blows.
- In the presence of infiltrates or dense formations from injections that occurred after a long course of therapy.

- In the formation of lactostasis caused by a number of factors during breastfeeding.
- Magnesia compress can be used for swelling after a severe bruise.
It should be remembered that any subcutaneous lump can indicate many serious illnesses, so you must first show the bump formed after injections or bruises to the doctor.
Magnesia is the magnesium s alt of sulfuric acid. This drug does not contain any excipients. Its most popular forms are injection and powder, tablets are less commonly used.
When preparing a solution for a compress from magnesia, the main rule is to observe hygiene. And the method of preparation depends on the pharmacological form: if it is a powder or a tablet, you need to dissolve it in boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. It is not necessary to dilute magnesia in ampoules for a compress. It can be used in its pure form. Usually, a total volume of 10 milliliters of the solution is enough for one application.
For a compress, you can use any of the options. bandage withmagnesia well removes puffiness after injections. But it is most correct to apply it immediately after the introduction of any drug for at least 2 hours. Thanks to such a compress, the hematoma quickly resolves, and the swelling disappears.

How to apply a compress with magnesia?
To make a compress, you need:
- Take a cotton swab, soak it in the solution, put it on the bump and press it a little.
- Then cover the cotton with polyethylene. If there are only packages at hand, you should always take only a new one, in no case used for any needs.
- After that you will need a bandage. They need to wrap the diseased area and fix it with a band-aid or just tie it up.
This is the most effective way to put a compress with magnesia. Please note that this medicine may cause an allergic reaction.
In order to determine if you have allergies, you need to apply a little solution on the elbow bend from the inside and look at the reaction after half an hour. If redness occurs at this place, this means that the compress cannot be placed, since it will only make it worse.
You should also remember not to apply the healing bandage for too long. This can lead to redness and even a slight burn. In order to avoid such consequences, you need to remove the compress as soon as you feel a burning sensation, even a very small one. It may appear after about 15-30 minutes, depending on individualbody features. In any case, it is better not to keep the compress for more than half an hour.

For joints
For lotions of magnesia on sore joints, it is recommended to use a 25% mixture of the named drug. Compresses with magnesium sulfate have a warming effect, in addition, they improve blood flow to the skin. They are most often used to eliminate infiltrates that occur after injections, but they are also effective in case of diseases of the joints and muscles. Magnesia for diseased joints is used in the form of the following procedures:
- Compress. It is applied to the affected area for 6-8 hours, then it is recommended to apply a fat cream to the skin (because magnesium s alt has a drying property).
- Electrophoresis, which can be carried out by various methods, uses a 20-25% mixture to perform it.
- Therapeutic baths. In this case, dried magnesium sulfate pigment is used, which is dissolved in water. During this procedure, the water level in the bath should not reach the level of the heart.
Maximum healing power has a wet solution of magnesia applied to the surface of the edema after injection. For this reason, you should constantly change the bandage as it dries. As a rule, the compress is removed after 2-3 hours. Preservation of moisture will significantly accelerate the resorption of the infiltrate. It is a mistake to think that magnesium can help with abscesses. In most cases, the abscess is removed only by surgery.
But not only forresorption of cones after injections, a bandage based on magnesia is used. In some cases, newborns are given similar compresses for thickening of the navel during its healing period.
Besides this, magnesium is successfully used in lactostasis. To prepare the compress, a powder is used (it must be diluted with water) or several ampoules. A bandage soaked in medicine is applied to a sore spot on the mammary gland. In this case, you need to ensure that the liquid from it does not get on the nipple and halo. Leave a compress of magnesia until completely dry. In the absence of irritation on the skin, it can be replaced with a new one. It is allowed to apply a lotion only after feeding the child. Do not overdo it, otherwise a chemical burn of the skin may occur.

Be careful
However, you should take into account all the pros and cons of a magnesia compress, and be sure to consult a specialist. Especially if you need to use a lotion in case of a serious injury, or you need to quickly cure the disease.