Laser correction is a modern way to solve the problem of myopia and hypermetropia. The procedure is an alternative for people who do not want to associate their lives with glasses and lenses.
Correction has a high cost, so some patients have to put it off by saving money. In addition, people are afraid to go for surgery. They do not know what the consequences and terms of recovery of vision after laser correction are waiting for them, they do not want to lose their ability to work for a long time.

Why do patients delay laser treatment?
If we compare the price of the procedure and the cost of contact lenses for the year, then the benefit is shifted towards surgery. But visually impaired people have other fears that prevent them from taking drastic measures:
- Thoughts that vision will not be fully restored. Doctors perform diagnostics before prescribing each operationcondition of the visual apparatus of the patient. Correction of myopia is not prescribed for indicators above -15 diopters, and for hyperopia above +5. High-grade disorders are subjected to surgery, such as implantation of a phakic lens.
- The patient is afraid that his vision will be restored for a short time. Indeed, if you constantly expose your eyes to a heavy load, read in darkened rooms and in an uncomfortable position, spend 24 hours a day at the computer, your vision may deteriorate again. But the experience gained will teach a person to take better care of their eyes.
- Fear of a long recovery of vision after laser correction. People mistakenly imagine that after the procedure they will have to undergo a long course of rehabilitation, dressings and therapy. In fact, the eyes will regain their visual acuity within 2-24 hours after the intervention. A little more time will be needed for the rehabilitation period.
Preparation for surgery
Laser vision correction is not the most difficult eye surgery, but it requires attentiveness, a firm hand and excellent knowledge from the doctor. Before prescribing the procedure, a medical professional will examine the patient for contraindications. These operations are not prescribed for minors, pregnant women, lactating women, people suffering from cancer, diabetes, and other eye diseases.

There are several methods of treatment. Already at the first appointment, the doctor will select the most acceptable. Terms of vision recovery after lasercorrection also depends on the chosen technique. As before any operation, before vision correction, it is required to undergo fluorography, take blood and urine tests. Also, the patient must draw up and sign a consent to the surgical intervention in the selected clinic.
Tips and tricks before the procedure
Preparations are also required from the patient. There is a list of recommendations and prescriptions that will help make the event comfortable, stress-free.
- Alcohol should not be consumed the day before the operation.
- On the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to apply makeup, use perfumes and lotions, varnishes, aerosol deodorants.
- Doctors advise to stop using contact lenses 1-2 weeks before correction.
- It is advisable to wear breathable clothes with a wide collar for the operation.
- To the hospital, the patient needs to take eye drops, if they have already been prescribed by an ophthalmologist, and sunglasses. Immediately after manipulation, the eyes will be very susceptible to bright light.
- It is recommended to take an accompanying person with you, as for some time after the restoration of vision with laser correction, the patient will experience fog before the eyes.

The procedure itself takes 10-15 minutes, and the time of direct exposure is about a minute. It is painless and is performed under local anesthesia in the form of instillation of drops. After anesthesia, the eye is fixed with a dilator so that the patientdidn't blink by accident. Using a laser, the doctor creates a new shape of the cornea by removing excess tissue.
Recovery time
Primary restoration of vision after laser correction surgery takes up to 2 hours, it is desirable to spend this time in the clinic under the supervision of a specialist. After the patient is ready to return home, theoretically he can drive a vehicle, but discomfort, burning, fog are possible in the eyes. Therefore, in practice, driving after the correction is not recommended.
Full recovery of vision after laser correction Femto-LASIK and LASIK lasts 24 hours. More traumatic LASEK technique. After it, recovery is 3-5 days. All indicators are individual, depending on the type of correction, the state of the organs of vision. Average rates of complete healing are 1-3 months.

Types of laser correction techniques and timing
There are several types of laser surgery.
- Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is the first and oldest technique for correcting nearsightedness and farsightedness. The terms of restoration of vision after laser correction of this type are up to 4 days, and rehabilitation is 3-4 weeks. A protective lens is used to shorten the period. This method is used only if other methods are contraindicated.
- LASEK is a more modern modification of PRK, its advantages are that it allows you to operate both eyes in one procedure, and is also suitable for patients with thin corneas. Recovery timeless than keratectomy, up to 3 days
- LASIK is the most popular procedure at the moment. Numerous positive reviews about the restoration of vision after laser correction by this technique confirm that visual acuity is restored within a few hours after manipulation. The peculiarity of this operation is that the laser leaves the surface layers of the cornea intact, and evaporates only the middle layers of the tissue. To do this, the upper flap is cut off and folded to the side, and after carrying out the actions, it returns to the place where the epithelium is restored independently.
- Femto-LASIK - differs from conventional LASIK in the process of forming a corneal flap. A femtolaser is used to cut it.

Recommendations after surgery
In order for the operated person to be able to quickly start a normal life and get rid of discomfort in the eyes, he should follow the doctor's prescriptions. Rehabilitation of the organs of vision, on average, takes one week. The patient should follow these recommendations:
- Within 3 days after the correction, it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach and side, this will protect the visual organ from possible damage.
- Do not touch your eyes with your hands or other foreign objects, rub them.
- After the operation, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 3-4 days, or make sure that the shampoo does not get into your eyes. Wash gently, avoiding the eye area.
- During the recovery period after laser correctionvision is required to refrain from alcohol. It can contribute to dehydration of the corneal surface.
- The patient is required to stop smoking temporarily and avoid smoky places.
- Sun exposure is not recommended, and if necessary, always use sunglasses while the eyes are prone to photophobia.
- In order to prevent infection, visits to the pool, sauna, bath should be postponed.
- You can not engage in active and traumatic sports, lifting and moving loads.
- Eyes and brain need to adapt to new visual information. The first 2 months do not need to greatly overload your eyes with reading and working at the computer, be sure to take breaks.
- Women should refrain from using decorative cosmetics, spraying perfumes and varnishes near the eyes, eyelash extensions.

Medical Surveillance
During the period of recovery of vision after laser correction, the patient needs to visit the ophthalmologist's office several times.
The next day after the procedure, the operated person must come for an examination. If necessary, he will be scheduled for several more control checks of vision.
To protect the eyes from infection, a he althcare worker prescribes drops. They must be instilled strictly according to the instructions, it is not allowed to increase the dose. When instilling, it is necessary to ensure that the nose of the vial does not come into contact with any surfaces, including the cornea of the eye.
After the LASEK procedure on the operated eyea bandage lens is applied, its function is to protect the cornea from contact with the external environment and to reduce pain. After 4 days, the lens is removed at the clinic.
If the patient experiences pain and burning in the first three days, he can take pain medication. If the pain does not subside, he is advised to consult a specialist.
Possible Complications
Despite the fact that only 2% of all laser corrections are accompanied by complications, the likelihood of their formation cannot be discounted. The following complications may occur:
- Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes.
- Infectious inflammation.
- Allergy to used drugs. Before the procedure, the patient must report to which medications he has an allergic reaction.
- Retinal detachment.

Doctors promise good results immediately after 2-3 hours after the procedure. But this is not always the case. Patients report that in some cases, recovery takes longer and is accompanied by unpleasant physical sensations.
Patients name the following main features of laser vision correction:
- The operation lasts no more than 10 minutes.
- There is no pain during the procedure.
- Significantly improved or fully restored vision.
Among the shortcomings most often noted in the reviews are the following:
- Highthe cost of the operation and the medicines that need to be used after it. For some people, the recovery period takes many months, during which eye drops are required every day.
- Visual deterioration a few days after surgery (not all, but most of the patients who left reviews).
- Adverse reactions. They can manifest as soreness, swelling of the eyelids, frequent conjunctivitis.
In case of pain that lasts longer than the recovery period, redness and constant tearing, you should contact an ophthalmologist-surgeon at the same clinic where the operation was performed. The doctor conducting the treatment knows the entire history of the disease and will be able to prescribe the correct therapy.