Neurology (diseases of the nervous system) is a broad field in medicine that studies various issues of diagnosis, nature of origin and therapy of diseases based on nerves. It is worth noting that the problems studied by neurology most often differ in organic origin - nervous diseases that are caused by injuries, vascular diseases and hereditary pathologies. But nervous diseases and mental illness (neurosis) should already be within the competence of a psychotherapist. It is about them that we have presented the material in our article.

Nervous diseases
Modern medicine in its arsenal has many ways to diagnose ailments to combat nervous diseases. Most often, to diagnose a disease on a nervous basis, the following are used: electroneuromyography, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, polysomnography andmany more.
Today, the most common complaints about diseases of the nervous system are: back and neck pain, fainting, chronic headache, memory impairment, convulsions, poor sleep, various memory problems. But it should also be remembered that one of the most important areas in neurology is the prevention of stroke and other heart diseases caused by nerves.
Nervous diseases are quite dangerous for human he alth and life. It is necessary to remember some dependence: heart disease on a nervous basis will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the functioning of other organs and systems, and vice versa.
It is also necessary to remember that it is quite possible the occurrence of a disease on a nervous basis, which at first glance is not at all associated with nervous ailments. Nervous heart disease, the names of which will be listed below, develop gradually (and the patient does not attach any importance to any symptoms at first) or, conversely, too rapidly.
Infections, the development of traumatic tumors, vascular diseases and severe heredity are the main factors that contribute to the risk of dangerous diseases arising from nerves.

What are the symptoms of nervous diseases?
Symptoms vary:
- Motor: paralysis, paresis, lack of coordination, trembling of limbs.
- Sensitive: prolonged headache (migraine), pain in the departmentsspine, back, as well as neck, impaired vision, taste, hearing.
- Other: hysterical and epileptic seizures, fatigue, sleep disturbance, fainting, speech disturbance, etc.
And now let's look at the names of nervous diseases, as well as their symptoms.
The most common nervous diseases
In the field of medicine, there are many different ailments that are provoked by nervous strain, stress and depression. What are the most common neurological diseases? We will answer this question below.
Arachnoiditis is a disease that occurs on a nervous basis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process on the network of vessels covering the human brain - a kind of arachnoid membrane on the brain.
The causes of this nervous disease are: various traumatic brain injuries, intoxication of the body and an infection that has got on the membrane of the cerebral cortex.

Arachnoiditis is divided into several types: on the anterior and posterior cranial fossa, basal and spinal.
Meningitis is an acute inflammatory process on the lining of the brain, which belongs to the category of nervous diseases in women and men. Symptoms are as follows: fever, unbearable soreness in the head, vomiting and nausea that do not bring relief, impaired muscle tone.
At the first symptomatology, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary! After that, the patient is given a spinal puncture with a further determinationdisease therapy. Meningitis is a rather serious disease that requires urgent urgent treatment.
What is the name of the nervous disease, in which the head hurts a lot? It is likely that in this case we are talking about migraine - a nervous disease that manifests itself through acute and intense pain in one of the halves of the head, although bilateral migraines can also occur.
The symptoms of this nervous disease are the following: irritability, drowsiness, which are replaced by intolerable acute headache, nausea and frequent vomiting, as well as numbness of the extremities.
Please note that migraines can develop into the most complex ailments of the nervous system. Currently, there are no radical methods of treating migraine; special medications are prescribed by a specialist for this disease.

Myelitis is a disease that occurs when the inflammatory process in the spinal cord affects both the white and gray matter. Signs of myelitis are the following: high fever, malaise, weakness, pain in the spine, legs, back, urination disorders. Diagnosis and subsequent therapy is prescribed by a doctor after passing all the necessary tests.
Stroke is the end point of the development of a disease of the nervous system, which involves disturbances in the blood circulation of the brain. During this illness, blood flow to some areas of the brain decreases, or it completely stops getting there. At the same time, experts indicate the presence of two varieties of stroke:
- Ischemic, which occurs due to a violation of the flow of blood through the arteries to the brain cells.
- Hemorrhagic, which occurs due to bleeding in the brain.
Signs of a stroke are the following: the occurrence of pain in the head with further nausea and vomiting, palpitations, poor orientation in space and time, loss of consciousness, excessive sweating, feeling hot. Treatment of the disease is carried out in order to prevent recurrence and normalize blood flow to the brain. The hemorrhagic type of stroke requires only surgery.

Disorders of the peripheral nervous system
An important issue in neurology is diseases of the peripheral nervous system. This kind of disease occurs in almost half of all patients who complained of nervous ailments. Depending on the affected areas, diseases of the peripheral nervous system are divided into the following varieties:
- Sciatica: diseases of the roots located in the spinal cord.
- Plexitis is a disorder in the function of the nerve plexuses.
- Ganglionitis is a disease associated with sensory nerve nodules.
- Neuritis - inflammation of the cranial and spinal nerves.
Neuropathy (neuritis) is a nervous disease that develops in the inflammatory process on the nerve. There are several varieties of the disease:neuritis of the facial nerve, small radial and tibial nerves. The main symptom of this disease of the nervous system is numbness of the face or upper or lower limbs. Most often it develops from hypothermia, the cause of the disease is also a pinched nerve or inflammation.
In order to prevent diseases of the peripheral nervous system, one must carefully monitor one's own he alth: do not overcool often, avoid injury, limit the effect of pesticides on your body, and also do not abuse tobacco and alcohol.
Neuro-psychiatric diseases
It is also necessary to highlight mental and related nervous diseases. Features and their symptoms will be considered in more detail below.

Psychosis is a type of neuropsychiatric disease that develops when suffering psychological trauma. In addition, they can develop after infectious diseases, overwork, insomnia and head injuries. Patients in this case require hospitalization, special care and treatment with special psychotropic drugs.
Epilepsy is a nervous disease that occurs due to changes in the brain. A sign of this mental illness is: clouding of consciousness, foaming at the mouth, convulsive (epileptic) seizures. The treatment is carried out with the help of medicines and special therapeutic procedures.
Brain tumor
May appear mental disorder onthe basis of tumor formation in the body. Patients who have such mental and nervous diseases suffer from severe fatigue, impaired memory, pain in the head, incoherent speech, and loss of consciousness is also possible. Patients require special constant care, therapy is carried out by a neurosurgical method.
Progressive paralysis
Progressive paralysis is a disease that manifests itself during brain damage with a pale spirochete. The initial stage of the disease has the following symptoms: deterioration in performance and memory, exhaustion of the body, impaired speech, irritability, progression of dementia. If you start progressive paralysis, then after a few years the disease will lead to a state of insanity, and then to death.

Peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment
Of course, if you open an ulcer, you will go with it not to a psychologist, but to a specialized specialist. And the same thing with migraine: doctors, of course, often suspect a psychosomatic nature in this disease, but there can be a huge variety of causes for a headache. And sometimes a simple runny nose is just a runny nose.
In general, organic diseases should be ruled out. As a rule, good therapists and specialized doctors, having got a patient with a nervous disease or a functional disorder, should work in conjunction with a neurologist or a psychotherapist (and possibly even a psychiatrist).
Patients are sometimes offended and express distrust towards the doctor: “What other nervous disease? You are talking about whatI'm not all at home? – here there will be all hope for the professionalism and the correct approach of doctors.
If we talk specifically about the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that have arisen on the basis of nerves, then the methods will always be different. As mentioned earlier, in most cases, if such ailments are suspected, specialists prescribe their patients to do an MRI of the brain, to pass a general blood test. On the basis of the received researches the diagnosis has to be made. Only after that, a qualified doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, prescribe medications, vitamin complexes, and prescribe some physiotherapy procedures. Quite often, with this kind of pathology, patients visit a psychotherapist or psychologist.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that you should not ignore the symptoms and signs of nervous diseases. Sometimes even a simple headache can indicate the development of some serious illness that has arisen on a nervous basis. Do not ignore the problem in this case, otherwise the consequences will be much worse.