Dry cough: causes, how to treat?

Dry cough: causes, how to treat?
Dry cough: causes, how to treat?

Cough occurs when the respiratory tract is irritated. It is a reflex protective reaction of the body. However, with a protracted nature, it leads to severe fatigue of the body. To the greatest extent, this applies to dry cough, which is not removed from the respiratory tract. It belongs to unproductive, irritating the latter and leading to various complications.

The concept of dry cough

This phenomenon is especially dangerous in children. As a rule, this is a bell that there is a respiratory disease. In addition, it may accompany some of the pathologies that are not directly related to the respiratory system. This manifestation is most common in adults. Dry cough can also have complex causes. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly establish the source of its occurrence for proper treatment.

Respiratory diseases and chronic pathologies of ENT organs

They cause early coughing. At this time, sputum is absent. Preceded by:

  • runny nose;
  • teary;
  • sore throat;
  • intoxication may be present;
  • temperature.
ARI - a precursor to dry cough
ARI - a precursor to dry cough

This is how whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and other similar diseases begin.

If the correct treatment is carried out, then the cough becomes phlegm and acquires the property of expectoration.

After the infection in the throat is cured, itching or irritation may be felt for more than 2 weeks, causing a dry cough. After that, a rare cough is possible for up to 2 months.

In various diseases of the nasopharynx, the cough irritant is mucus from the nose to the back of the throat. This is facilitated by the adoption of a lying position, in connection with which the phenomenon in question becomes the most painful at night.

Allergic cough

It may be the body's reaction to an allergen. The cause of dry cough may be recurrent bronchitis, which is not treatable. People exposed to it should know what substances are the source of this cough. To determine the cause, you need to see a doctor. The allergist will help identify the substance that provokes the occurrence of cough, which, if eliminated, will help to eliminate the latter.

Diseases of goiter and heart

When pathologies of the thyroid gland is squeezing the trachea, which provokes the occurrence of coughing. Inflammation of the larynx or fever in this case is not observed.

For heart disease duringphysical activity may cause a dry cough. It is accompanied by an increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, the presence of shortness of breath with attacks of suffocation.

Intensification is noted when taking a lying position, so it is better for the patient to sit down.

Sputum and fever are not observed. If the left ventricle does not cope with the functions assigned to it, then stagnation of blood occurs in the lungs, which can come out with a cough.

Tumor as the cause of cough

The growth of neoplasms near the respiratory organs contributes to their compression and prevents the normal flow of air, which provokes a cough. In the case of breast cancer, it is accompanied by pain in this organ, the separation of purulent sputum with blood.

In the case of cancers of the larynx and throat, the lumen narrows, which leads to difficulty in breathing. Coughing is accompanied by expectoration of blood, which enters the nasal secretions and saliva.


Koch's wand is found in any organism, but it is activated when immunity is reduced due to excessive stress, constant overwork, adverse working conditions and other similar factors. Dry cough in an adult for a long period of time may indicate the presence of this disease. In this case, after 3-4 weeks, sputum begins to be excreted, severe night sweats appear, chills, weakness, slightly elevated temperature in the evenings, loss of appetite.

Other reasons

Cough can occur as a nervous reaction of the body to stress. Whereinduring severe shocks, spasm and suffocation are possible.

Also, a cough can occur when the body enters aggressive environmental conditions due to injury to the mucous membranes. It may not be treated, as it will pass after the recovery of the latter.

Causes of dry cough
Causes of dry cough

Smoking contributes to its occurrence. Without getting rid of this addiction, it will be difficult to cure a cough.

Shrink parts of the airways can enlarge the lymph nodes that occur due to various diseases, as well as the expansion of the aorta in case of aneurysm. In the lungs, a similar effect is observed in the fibrous process.

Dry cough can also form when a fistula appears in the esophagus. It also occurs in diabetes mellitus, when dry mucous membranes are noted, leading to constant thirst.

The mucosa of the lungs can be irritated by worms during extensive intestinal infection.

Medications used to treat hypertension, as well as aspirin and some inhaled drugs, can also cause coughing. With such symptoms, these drugs should be discarded.

Classification and features of the cough in question

In many cases, the appearance of this protective reaction of the body indicates the beginning of more serious problems compared to the mucous membrane of the throat.

The duration of the cough is divided into the following types:

  • acute - appears with colds or viral diseases;
  • chronic - manifests itself for 2 months, requires elimination of its causeappearances;
  • prolonged - manifests itself for more than 2 weeks after the end of an infectious disease;
  • recurrent - it is characterized by a periodic return for 4-5 weeks; it may indicate the presence of bronchitis or asthma, so you need to see a doctor.

Depending on the time of its appearance, the following types of it are distinguished:

  • morning - appears as an accompaniment of chronic bronchitis;
  • night - observed in heart disease, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, ENT pathology and GERD problems, in which the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus with some frequency;
  • cough after eating is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, larynx and throat.

In addition, the following features are distinguished:

  • dry barking cough - characterized by a ringing sound, typical for pathologies of the larynx, trachea and SARS;
  • deaf - the reason for its appearance is in the lungs;
  • spasmodic, hysterical - characteristic of whooping cough;
  • shallow, but frequent - indicates irritation of the pleura; with the appearance of pain in the side, one can assume the presence of pleurisy;
  • continuous hoarseness - occurs due to squeezing of some parts of the respiratory system;
  • reflex - manifests itself when irritation occurs, not related to breathing;
  • heavy, suffocating with thick sputum - characteristic of bronchial asthma.

Baking cough

It does not perform any protective functions, and also does not remove mucus from the body. Histhe character is painful and obsessive, may be accompanied by respiratory arrest (mainly in children with whooping cough, not vaccinated against this disease in time) and vomiting.

Dry barking cough is manifested by swollen airways. The more swelling, the more likely it is to block your breath.

Most often it is caused by inflammatory processes occurring in the upper sections of the tract in question. This kind of dry cough is mainly characteristic of its allergic form.


Inhalation for dry cough for children
Inhalation for dry cough for children

It is possible to get rid of the type of cough in question only with complex treatment. It includes not only medications, but also inhalation for dry cough for children and adults.

They allow you to eliminate or reduce its symptoms, acting in a destructive way on viruses, thereby providing a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Unlike drugs, many of which have side effects, inhalation has an effect directly on the site of inflammation, without affecting other organs.

Inhalations can be done with special devices called inhalers or with a towel and pot.

Treatment should be aimed primarily at getting a wet cough from a dry one. Inhalations relieve inflammation, moisturize the mucosa, and accelerate the liquefaction of sputum. They can be carried out with a sore throat and dry cough.

The following types of inhalations are the most popular:

  1. Steam - water in this aggregateable to penetrate into various sections of the bronchi, relieving inflammation, increasing blood circulation to the respiratory tract, accelerating the discharge of sputum and reducing irritation of the mucosa. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor, especially when inhaled with a dry cough for children.
  2. Heat-moist - allow the active substance to penetrate into the deep layers of the lungs and bronchial mucosa. The procedure is carried out through inhalers. Mainly used for children who suffer from bronchial asthma, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis. Also, some other medicines, such as herbal decoctions, can be administered using an inhaler.
  3. Wet - carried out when it is impossible to carry out the first two types. Based on the use of aerosols. With their help, antibiotics, hormones, painkillers, bronchodilators can be administered. Mainly used for bronchial asthma.
  4. Oil oils - create a protective film on the bronchial mucosa with essential oils that have expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Nebulizer for dry cough
Nebulizer for dry cough

In homes where people living in them have respiratory problems, you need to have nebulizers. When using them, inhalations bring the desired effect faster. But the medicine should be products that do not leave residue behind.

When conducting inhalations, you must follow some rules:

  • solution is prepared immediately before the procedure;
  • it is carried out at least half an hour after eating and 30-40 minutes before;
  • they can bespend every 4-6 hours for up to 10 days;
  • doses of application should not be violated;
  • don't mix multiple drugs in the nebulizer;
  • before the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed;
  • after inhalation, the face is washed, avoiding excessive contact of the medicine with the skin;
  • the device is disinfected after each procedure;
  • steam inhalation for children under 1 year old is not necessary, it is better to replace them with a compressor or ultrasonic nebulizer for dry cough.

As with any medication, there are contraindications for inhalation procedures:

  • respiratory failure;
  • nosebleeds;
  • increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees;
  • sputum with impurities of pus;
  • emphysema;
  • cardiovascular pathology.


In case of stagnation of sputum during a long period of incessant cough, drugs of this group are used to thin and remove it. Usually they have an expectorant effect, as well as a weak anti-inflammatory. They are used for wheezing in the tops of the lungs and bronchi and hard breathing. Due to them, the breathing process is facilitated, the dry type of cough turns into a wet one.

The most effective means are:

  • "Acetylcysteine";
  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "Ambroxol".

Syrups containing psyllium can be used:

  • "Gerbion";
  • "Dr. Theiss".
Herbion for dry cough
Herbion for dry cough

Instructions for the use of "Gerbion" from a dry cough provides for its internal intake with warm water or tea. It is not prescribed for children under 2 years old, pregnant and lactating women. The syrup is used for children under 14 years old 3 times a day, the rest - 3-5 times. From 2 to 7 years, a single dose is 1 scoop, from 7 to 14 - 1-2 spoons, over 14 years old - 2 spoons.

Dry cough syrup

A similar drug exists separately for children and for adults. To prepare a dry cough medicine, according to the instructions for the first category, dilute the contents of the powder bottle with water to the applied mark of 200 ml and shake. It is prescribed for children from six months to 6 years, 1 tsp. up to 5 times a day, older - 1 dessert up to 4 times in the same period. Cough instruction for children of dry medicine provides for the possibility of its use for adults - 1 tbsp. l. 4-6 times a day.

Potion intended for this age group is available in sachets, the contents of which are dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. boiled but chilled water. Take after meals, 3-4 times a day.

Other drug treatment

How to treat dry cough without fever? In addition to the previously discussed "Gerbion", "Ambroxol", you can use the following remedies after consulting a doctor:

  • "Sinekod" - for coughing up sputum without the effect of addiction;
  • "Codelac Neo" - to relieve symptomswith bouts of dry cough;
  • "Bromhexine" - allows you to eliminate the phenomenon in question in both children and adults;
  • "Gedelix" - has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves colds and dry coughs;
  • "Doctor MOM" - promotes sputum discharge;
  • "ACC" - used for expectoration;
  • "Erespal" - used to expand the bronchi, making it possible to cough. Effective for otitis media, whooping cough, influenza, SARS.

When a child has a dry cough at night, vasoconstrictor nasal agents and saline solutions can be used. The first of them should not be used for more than 3 days in a row. For a restful sleep, the baby can drip the following drops: "Nazivin", "Otrivin", "Snoop". The nasal passages are washed with Rhinostop, Aqualore, Dolphin or Aquamaris.

How to treat dry cough?
How to treat dry cough?

Can be used to treat dry cough inexpensive remedies:

  • "Codelac" - helps to increase the viscosity of sputum, reducing the excitability of the cough center;
  • tablets with thermopsis - in addition to this herb, they include soda, not prescribed for pregnant women, with stomach ulcers, children under 12;
  • "Muk altin" - tablets with marshmallow, used for difficult sputum discharge;
  • "Ambroxol" - dilutes sputum and stops irritation of the mucosa; used in tablets and syrup;
  • "Ingalipt" - aerosol, includingessential oils and antimicrobial agents from the group of sulfonamides; used for cough caused by sore throat;
  • "Bronholitin" - suppresses the reflex and relieves bronchial spasm, has an antimicrobial and calming effect.

These dry cough remedies are the most popular in reviews.

Folk treatments

Treatment can be carried out both by inhalation and various decoctions, solutions, compresses.

Folk remedies for dry cough can be as follows:

Solutions for gargling. They are used for inflammation of the larynx as a cause of coughing. At the same time, inflammation is removed, moisturizing and softening. For such purposes, prepare an infusion of chamomile or a saline-soda solution, prepared in equal proportions with the addition of a few drops of iodine. Many pathogenic microorganisms are halophytes and some of them are killed by exposure to s alt, others are washed away by the liquid solution. In addition, they help to soothe irritated mucous membranes.

Warm milk has a calming effect on the nerve endings in the airways. The mucous membrane gets a respite between coughing fits, which gives it the opportunity to recover. When adding butter or cocoa to it with 1 tsp. honey softening and enveloping effects will exist for a longer period of time.

In the absence of a nebulizer, steam inhalations are carried out using essential oils, soda or herbs. Below are some of the recipes for doing this withusing the means mentioned above:

Pour a saline solution in a ratio of 1:1 into hot boiled water, after which they breathe over it for 10 minutes. The mucous membrane is moistened, the healing process is accelerated.

Inhalations can be carried out using tea tree essential oil, fir or eucalyptus liquid fat. 1-2 drops of oil are added to half a liter of hot water, mixed and inhaled with steam for 5 minutes. This inhalation is not suitable for small children and people who are allergic to these components.

Boil potatoes in their uniforms, then cover their heads with a towel and bend over the pan for a quarter of an hour. This procedure speeds up the excretion of sputum.

10 g of dry pine buds are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for half an hour, after which the head is wrapped up and placed over the steam for 15 minutes or more.

Folk remedies for dry cough
Folk remedies for dry cough

2 tablespoons dissolve in 1 cup of boiling water. natural honey, which is stirred until it disappears completely. Breathe over the steam for 10-15 minutes.

You can use medicinal plants for inhalation, such as calendula, thyme, St.

From sore throat it is possible to use the following folk remedies:

  • mix 100 g of carrot and beetroot juice with 15 g of honey, using the prepared mixture at night;
  • you can add honey and currant juice to tea, useseveral times during the day;
  • you can also mix honey with lemon juice and dissolve this mixture in your mouth.

The following products are suitable for children:

  1. 3-4 turnips are pan fried until crispy. The resulting liquid is drained, filtered, cooled. Gargle with it every 2 hours during the day.
  2. In milk heated to 60 degrees, add a spoonful of honey and an egg yolk. Take 2 tbsp. l. after meals twice a day.
  3. Mix two parts of milk, one - radish juice and honey. This mixture is used in a warm form for 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Honey can also be used by pregnant women in the absence of appropriate contraindications for them. They also use warm milk mixed with it, which softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and relieves inflammation.

Compresses, rubbing and massage can be used with a slight increase in temperature and there are no suspicions of complications from infections. They are used for congestion in the lungs, with sputum and bronchitis. The components included in the compress are placed on the patient's chest, but not in the region of the heart. Liquid components can be rubbed into the skin, covered with parchment or film, woolen cloth and a bandage.

For dry cough, you can use the following types of compresses:

  • liquid honey;
  • radish juice, mustard powder and liquid honey mixed in equal proportions;
  • boiled potatoes in uniforms and vegetable oil heated in a water bath;
  • cake made fromflour and honey in corn oil, which is attached directly to the patient's skin.

It is also useful to use berry fruit drinks, rosehip tea drinks, kissels and decoctions with honey and lemon.

In addition, you need to monitor the microclimate of the room: the temperature should be maintained at 20 ° C, and relative humidity - 50-70%. It should be actively ventilated at least 3 times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude such a bad habit as smoking, as well as remove perfumes and flavors from use.

In closing

In most cases, dry cough is a symptom of some disease. Therefore, treatment should be started at the first signs of it. In addition, it is necessary to take enough fluids, vitamins to ensure preventive measures. In combination with the applied drug treatment, folk remedies can be used.
