Why does barley appear? What is the psychosomatics of this disease? How to overcome it and how to treat it? This will be discussed in our article. We will also talk about how to prevent inflammation.
But first I would like to say that the eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, it is a real window to a huge world. Distortion of the quality of visibility negatively affects the life and well-being of a person. The psychological reasons for the development of such problems have been studied for a long time. Experts came to the conclusion that negative emotions directly affect the organ of vision.
Psychosomatics of the onset of illness
Bodily he alth is directly affected by the moral state of a person. If you maintain a positive attitude, then problems with the eyes should not arise for psychological reasons. The discharge of negative tension is often expressed through tears. Someone who cries a lot or doesn't cry at all often has eye problems.
It is believed that psychosomatic barley arises as a result of a person's hatred. This is the direct cause of inflammation. But there are others. Let's take a look at them.

There are certain psychosomatic factors that cause barley:
- Angry. What, according to Louise Hay, is the psychosomatics of barley on the eye? She believes that this inflammation occurs because of your anger. It poisons life, gives rise to irritability and rage. It is these emotions that lead to the fact that you have inflammation. Remember that anger undermines the immune system, opens the way for microbes to enter the body. Louise says that if you want to get rid of this problem, then you need to forgive the offenses and start looking at the world with joy.
- Anger is another reason why the eyelid becomes inflamed. The person is in constant irritation, is critical of life. Luck turns away from him.
- Ex alted individuals are prone to various ailments. They are accustomed to show violent emotions, due to this they become more susceptible to bodily and nervous diseases. The psychosomatics of barley or other inflammation is the release of sensual tension that has accumulated in the body.
- Fear is an important cause of eye problems. Why does barley occur in a child? His psychosomatics is fear. Very often children are afraid of something.
From the point of view of psychosomatics, barley on the right eye is most likely associated with a person's negative perception of the surrounding reality. But if the disease appearson the left, this may indicate problems with seeing the feeling of oneself. Usually the roots of the problem go back to childhood, perhaps then there were omissions with the mother.

Barley. Causes, psychosomatics
Scientists have come to the conclusion that all diseases pass into a progressive phase when a person is depressed and he has a breakdown. Why does barley appear on the eye, the psychosomatics of which we have already considered? Colds can cause it. In addition, there are other prerequisites. Let's take a look at them:
- use of expired (or aggressive) cosmetics;
- skin diseases;
- using a dirty towel (microbes getting into the eye lead to inflammation);
- emotional tension,
- lack of vitamins;
- diabetes mellitus;
- complications after a cold;
- lack of fresh air;
- stress;
- poor immunity;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- meager diet;
- ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

With improper treatment, the following complications may occur:
- eye swelling;
- temperature increase;
- pus spreads to other parts of the eyelid.
Such symptoms indicate serious inflammatory processes, the treatment of which requires medical intervention. Otherwise, pathologies may occur that will lead to loss of vision.
Barley is a rather unpleasant disease that can be treated with medication, using antibacterial agents and stimulants for rapid maturation. Supportive care is also used. In some cases, only surgical treatment is suitable. Now let's take a closer look at each treatment option.
Medicated treatment
At the stage of barley ripening, the inflamed area should be treated with antiseptics. You can use products such as tincture of calendula, ethyl alcohol, alcohol solution of brilliant green, and so on.
At this stage, you can either wait for the barley to ripen, or speed up this process.

To speed up, do the following procedures:
- Apply a warm compress to the site of inflammation. In the process, make sure that it does not cool down, otherwise you can catch a cold of the optic nerve. And this can lead to serious complications.
- Doctor prescribes UHF therapy. It is based on the application of a high-frequency electromagnetic field.
- You can use a biocon or blue lamp at home. However, they are used only when there is no high body temperature.
Antibacterial therapy
To destroy the infection at the site of inflammation, ointments and drops based on antibiotics are used. These remedies are effective, since staphylococcus aureus is a bacterial infection. The following drops are used for treatment:
- "Floxal" (one drop three times a day. Course - 10 days).
- "Levomycetin" (5%). Applied 1-2drops 4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 15 days.
- "Tsipromed". The drug is used 5 drops three times a day.

Also apply ointments such as:
- Floxal.
- Tetracycline.
- Hydrocortisone.
Ointments are placed behind the lower eyelid twice a day. The course is selected individually. The effectiveness of these funds is higher than drops. This is due to the thick consistency, which is why these drugs stay longer in the treated area.
Remember that products can only be used at room temperature. Do not use cold drops in any case, so as not to catch a cold of the optic nerve.

Maintenance care
Usually, in most cases, the development of infectious diseases is associated with a weakened protective function of the body. In order for barley treatment to be most effective, it is necessary to further strengthen the immune system.
Ascorbic acid is a remarkable stimulant. It is found in large quantities in berries and fruits such as:
- cranberries;
- rosehip;
- raspberries;
- currant;
- lemon;
- sorrel
- and others.
During the period of illness, you can start taking a vitamin complex. It will strengthen the immune system, support the work of organs.
If there is a temperature, then appoint "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol". If there are symptoms of intoxication, then appropriate therapy should be used. For nauseaprescribe "Cerukal" or "Motilium".

Surgical treatment
If there is a long course of the disease, in which the abscess does not open, a chalazion inevitably develops. In this case, surgical treatment is prescribed. What is the essence of therapy? The abscess is punctured with a needle. A small incision may also be made with further drainage of the inflamed area. After that, an antibacterial ointment is applied inside. Next, the eye is sealed for several hours with a plaster.
Recommendations and opinions of doctors for the prevention of barley
The medical community has developed recommendations to help protect against barley:
- Tolerate the point of view of others even if you cannot accept the position of your opponent. Remember that everyone is en titled to their opinion and principles.
- Learn to accept people for who they are. It is impossible to sharpen everyone under your ideal. If you understand this, then the inflammation will pass, and the barley will no longer bother you.
- Don't try to control absolutely everything. Don't interfere in other people's lives. Try to focus on yourself. Save your nervous system from unnecessary emotions. Try to invest only in yourself - in the development of talents, education or pleasure. Do not judge or advise unless asked to.
- Be kind and understanding to people. Try to find for yourself an explanation for even the most unseemly acts. This will help you understand and forgive them. Ultimately you will saveyourself from the appearance of barley on the eye.
- Always live with hope in your soul. Expect only joyful events. Focus only on the positive. If light energy comes from you, then people around you will become more friendly. Diseases overtake only those who are weakened in spirit.
Small conclusion
Now you know why barley appears, its psychosomatics, and how to deal with this disease. In addition, we have given useful recommendations for prevention. Remember that taking care of your he alth, observing hygiene standards and a positive attitude will help protect you not only from barley, but also from many other diseases.