It would seem a trifle, but how unpleasant! Nasty itching and redness is not the worst thing, a possible allergy to mosquito bites will cause much more problems. Someone is susceptible to it and knows that an allergy will definitely develop. For others, this turn of events may come as an unfortunate surprise. And the fact that so far you have not suffered from allergic reactions to either mosquitoes or anything else does not mean that an unpleasant complication will not arise now. Therefore, derive for yourself the following sequence as an axiom: a mosquito bite is a treatment. Read on for what to do.

Mosquito bite. Treatment required
After reading this, someone will only chuckle, they say, what nonsense, still waste time and money fighting such a trifle! And it will be wrong. Mosquitoes are a much more serious threat than it seems at first glance. About the first possible complication - allergies, we have already said. However, there is something to add here. Allergy allergies are different, and someone can simply “sprinkle” or cover with itchy spots (which is also very unpleasant), while someone may well develop anaphylactic shock. In the latter case, only an ambulance that immediately arrived will be able to save a person. Agree that in all respects it is easier to drink an antihistamine immediately after the bite of a winged bloodsucker, which in a good way should be in any home first aid kit. What if a mosquito bites a child? and he had an allergic reaction, you need to call "03", even if just for a consultation. The specialist at the other end of the wire will certainly ask how the baby reacted to the trouble, ask him to describe what the bite site looks like, and recommend which drug to give to prevent allergies. Remember: mosquito bites in children cause serious consequences much more often than in adults!

There is another possible problem, which can be caused by the same mosquito bite - malaria. Do not believe the rumors that this attack in Russia was defeated - nothing like that! Hundreds of our fellow citizens suffer from it every year.
Mosquito bite: treatment and prevention
Of course, not all mosquitoes carry malaria. Distinguishing a "contagious" insect from a he althy one is easy. The malaria-threatening mosquito sits with its hindquarters raised almost vertically (the abdomen of an ordinary mosquito is parallel to the plane on which it is located), and its tentacles are almost the same length as the length of the proboscis (they are much shorter in an ordinary mosquito). But how likely is it that you will have time to see what the insect that bit you or your child looked like? Therefore, if after a bite you feel worse, go to the doctor immediately!
In case of reddening of the bite, it is recommended to cauterize it with iodine orbrilliant green, tincture of calendula, vodka, you can even lubricate with Corvalol medicine. Also, pharmacies now serve modern preparations to lubricate redness.
Say no to mosquitoes

Itching, redness, allergies, malaria (and a bunch of other diseases that an insect that received pathogens from its previous victim can reward you with), and the reason for everything is an ordinary mosquito bite. Treatment, especially timely, of course, will save you from the problem, but it’s much better to prevent a mosquito attack! Moreover, there are simply a huge number of protective agents now: creams, ointments, gels, sprays, fumigators - it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable one. It is worth remembering only that each tool has its pros and cons. So, creams and gels are the most convenient to apply and often have a wider range of protection (not only from mosquitoes, but also from midges, ticks and other bloodsuckers), but sprays have a longer effect. But the spray can get into the eyes or respiratory tract (which is most dangerous if there are children nearby). Fumigators should not be used in homes where there are kids and pets. By the way, for children it is better to choose special children's products. They are based on natural ingredients and essential oils and have a minimum of side effects.
In a word, take the choice of protective equipment seriously, then mosquitoes will not spoil your picnic, night's sleep, or hiking in the mountains.