Drinks for immunity: ingredients and recipes

Drinks for immunity: ingredients and recipes
Drinks for immunity: ingredients and recipes

In order for the body to be resistant to colds and viral diseases, it is not necessary to take expensive dietary supplements and medicines. Drinks for immunity that can be made at home are also effective. There are many recipes with affordable ingredients that are easy to prepare. Delicious and vitamin-rich drinks are obtained. The best recipes are presented in the article.

What increases endurance?

Now there is a wide variety of drinks for immunity. These are kvass, teas, compotes, kissels, infusions. A feature of vitamin drinks is their proper preparation:

  1. Kvass is cooked for a long time, because the basis of their recipes is the fermentation process.
  2. Morses are easy to do. They are prepared by diluting berry or fruit juice with water.
  3. Compotes are cooked on the basis of fruits and berries, because of boiling they retain few valuable properties.
  4. Compote is similar to a decoction. The difference is that the decoction usually contains the roots and leaves of plants, and not berries andfruits.
  5. Syrups are called concentrates. They are performed by mixing fruit or berry juices with a strong sugar solution. Immune syrup keeps in the refrigerator for a long time, as sugar has the function of a preservative.
  6. If juice is made from berries, fruits or roots of a plant to strengthen immunity, it is drunk in its natural form, and sweeteners are also added.
  7. Tea in addition to the usual black, green, red is herbal, fruit, berry. They have more valuable properties.
  8. Kefir also helps maintain immunity, as it has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.
  9. Infusions, fruit drinks are created without boiling, but with the help of hot water. It takes a long time to infuse.
  10. Cocktails are very easy to make. Regular products can be used for this.
drink for immunity
drink for immunity

Drinks for immunity are varied. With their help, it will be possible to improve the he alth of adults and children. You can use them to prevent reduced immunity.

Benefits and harms

For normal he alth, a person must receive vitamins in sufficient quantities. They enter the body with proper nutrition or with special supplements. Drinks for immunity allow you to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body. With their help, the following is achieved:

  • increase resistance to viruses and colds;
  • appetite improvement;
  • strengthening teeth, nails, hair;
  • improve skin appearance;
  • filling the body with energy and increasinghe alth.
ginger he alth benefits and harms
ginger he alth benefits and harms

These properties are especially needed in late autumn, winter and spring, when there are few vitamins in food. But immune-boosting drinks for adults and children need to be consumed in moderation to avoid harm.


Some components, although useful, are prohibited for certain ailments. They should not be consumed in the following cases:

  1. If you are allergic to a particular product. The occurrence of stomach problems, itching, sneezing, watery eyes should alert. In this situation, it is advisable to exclude the allergen and consult a doctor.
  2. When an overdose of a particular vitamin. If there is a lot of a particular component in the body, then its additional intake causes an overdose.
  3. Substances can accumulate in the body, which also negatively affects he alth. Therefore, when drinking drinks, one should alternate their components, and not use one composition for a long time. Hypervitaminosis manifests itself in the form of headaches, nausea, drowsiness, skin peeling, rashes, high blood pressure.
  4. Not all products are suitable for pregnant women and children. They should carefully take ginseng, ginger, cranberries.
  5. For chronic ailments. Almost all useful products act on the work of various organs. Therefore, vitamin cocktails should be used with caution in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

There are many immunity drinks. Will cook them at homenot difficult. They are suitable for adults and children to improve well-being.

Turmeric with milk

This is a proven immunity drink recipe. Turmeric is a common spice. Its valuable properties are known and actively used in traditional medicine. Turmeric is of great value for immunity, joints and circulatory system.

The spice is made from the tumerik plant, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used as an antioxidant. It turns out a delicious drink if turmeric is combined with milk. First prepare the mixture:

  1. Ground turmeric - 1/3 cup.
  2. Water - 2/3.

Spice should be mixed in water. The finished mixture is put on medium heat and heated for 10 minutes. As you stir, the mixture will thicken and become like a paste. It is removed from the fire and cooled. The shelf life of the workpiece in the refrigerator is 30 days.

If needed 1-2 tsp. the mixture must be diluted in warm milk (1 cup). If desired, honey is added, but then the milk should not be very hot. The best temperature is 30-40 degrees. If you do not like honey and milk, the mixture is diluted with boiled water.

Drink is taken 1 glass a day. This can be done all at once or divided into several steps. Turmeric is able to remove liquid, so you should drink more water or decoctions of linden, wild rose, chamomile. Valuable properties of plants provide additional protection in the fight against colds.

Ginger tea

Before drinking such a drink, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits and harmsginger for he alth. Of the valuable properties are:

  • digestion improvement;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • arthritis pain relief;
  • normalization of sweating;
  • reducing pain in diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • prevent colon cancer;
  • remove spasms;
  • help with nausea;
  • excretion of bile.
ginger drink for immunity
ginger drink for immunity

It is important to consider the he alth benefits and harms of ginger in order for the drink to be effective. It should be borne in mind that it has a strong effect, therefore, due to the warming effect, it is undesirable to take it at elevated temperatures, bleeding, and on hot summer days. Ginger is used fresh, dried and pickled.

Marinated is used in Asian cuisine only to cleanse the taste buds when changing dishes. Harm from such a product will be only when used in excessive quantities. You should not eat it for acute ailments - gastritis, ulcers.

Immune ginger drink is great for milk tea lovers. This will require a fresh root of the plant - 50-60 g, which must be finely chopped. Then boil a glass of water. Add ginger and boil for 10 minutes. Then 2 cups of milk are added and cooked for 5 minutes.

Who doesn't like milk, a fruit drink will do. It consists of:

  • grated ginger - 1 tbsp. l;
  • citrus peel;
  • dried apples - a handful;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • star anise -asterisk;
  • honey;
  • tea.

Boil water, add ginger, zest, apples and spices. Everything is heated over low heat for 5 minutes, and then removed. You need to pour tea, let it brew and cool a little under the lid, and then add honey. Ginger drink for he alth and immunity can be poured into cups through a sieve. The taste is very good!

Honey, lemon, ginger

This option allows you to cope with congestion, significantly reduce stress, eliminate migraines, and raise your tone. With chills, this drink for immunity will help. Honey, ginger and lemon can eliminate the first symptoms of the disease - fever, cough, sore throat, dizziness. In addition, their combination is very tasty!

From ginger, lemon, honey how to make tea? Root (100 g) and citrus are poured with boiling water (1 liter). The composition should be infused for half an hour. Honey (1 tablespoon) is added after the tea has cooled. Sugar or cinnamon is added if desired.

Drink from pine needles. Recipe

Vitamin drink from pine needles for immunity has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, expectorant effect. It also has a pleasant aroma. It is recommended to use it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, as well as with excess fluid in the body

It also strengthens the immune system and joints. Such a drink will be useful for insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue. But it should not be used for acute hepatitis, kidney problems, pregnancy and severe heart failure.

You will need young coniferous needles (200 g), water (2 liters),lemon and honey to taste. Needles need to be filled with water and boiled. After 7-10 minutes, the drink is covered with a lid. Honey and lemon juice are added to taste. Everything is mixed up.

Lemon kvass and kissel

There is a he althy lemon kvass, which requires sugar, grated lemon (130 g each), water (3 liters), yeast and raisins (30 g each). Cooking is done like this:

  1. Sugar must be diluted in water and boiled.
  2. The composition must cool down.
  3. Yeast, raisins, lemon should be added.
  4. Infuse for 3 days in a cool place.
  5. Immune shake can be consumed.
honey ginger lemon for immunity drink
honey ginger lemon for immunity drink

Kissel cooks much faster:

  1. Grate 2-3 lemons.
  2. Then the juice is squeezed out, the zest is removed separately.
  3. Starch (1/2 cup) diluted in the same amount of cold water.
  4. Sugar (1 cup) is dissolved in water (1.5 liters) and then brought to a boil.
  5. Citrus zest is added and boiled for 10 minutes.
  6. The drink is filtered.
  7. Add lemon juice to the syrup and bring back to a boil.
  8. Pour in the starch, stir until thick jelly and remove from heat.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry perfectly lowers the temperature, removes toxins after illness. And thanks to the large number of vitamins, it strengthens the immune system. Cranberry juice is useful for adults and children from 3 years old. The beneficial properties of this berry are lost during boiling, so before preparing the drink, the berrysqueeze.

According to the classic recipe, fruit drinks are prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Squeeze juice from a glass of cranberries through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  2. Should boil a liter of water and cool until warm.
  3. You need to add squeezed juice and sweetener (sugar, honey).
  4. The container should be wrapped in a towel and left to cool for 2 hours.
immunity drink recipe
immunity drink recipe

There is also an easier recipe. You need to kill cranberries (1 kg) and sugar (700 g) in a blender. Processing through a meat grinder is also suitable. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. If necessary, the required amount of water or tea is added.

Rosehip decoction

Rose hips are good for the immune system due to the content of vitamin C. This component is 40 times more than lemons. Therefore, cranberries and rose hips should not be boiled. This vitamin cannot withstand temperatures above 80 degrees, as at this indicator it loses its beneficial properties.

how to make tea ginger lemon honey
how to make tea ginger lemon honey

To prepare a decoction, you need to carefully select the berries. It is important that they are dry, but not overdried. Berries are stored in a ventilated dark place. The decoction is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Need 4 tbsp. l. rose hips per 1 liter of water.
  2. The water is boiled and cooled.
  3. You can fall asleep wild rose.
  4. Dishes with broth should be wrapped and set to cool for 3 hours.
  5. The finished broth is filtered.

Drink can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 days. Regularthe use of such a decoction will improve well-being, protect against colds.

For kids

When babies are weaned, it is important to strengthen the immune system, as mother's milk will not protect the child's body. But it should be borne in mind that at this age there is a risk of allergies, so you need to introduce any foods and drinks in small quantities.

drinks for immunity at home
drinks for immunity at home

You should not give pure juices, they should be diluted in the form of a fruit drink. Berries such as ginger, honey, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries are not suitable for an early age. But they are suitable after 3 years.

And viburnum berries, on the contrary, will be useful, as they have a hypoallergenic effect. Children from 6 months need weak drinks - compotes and fruit drinks. And after 1 year, juices, mousses, jelly diluted with water are useful.


All of these drinks allow you to saturate the body with valuable components. You just need to use them correctly and in moderation. And then you will always feel great.
