Sexual rest during treatment

Sexual rest during treatment
Sexual rest during treatment

Sexual rest or a taboo on sexual life is a forced measure, the attending doctor will inform the patient about the need to comply with it. In a woman's life, situations occur that provoke the development of pathological conditions in the genital area. For example, when diagnosing an adhesive process, polyps of the uterus or cervical canal, cervical dysplasia or uterine cancer, certain manipulations are prescribed, including curettage. After them, all women are advised to avoid intimate relationships for at least two weeks. Next, the doctor examines the patient and, if necessary, extends the restriction.

Prohibition on sex life after cervical dysplasia treatment

With this pathology, the cellular tissue of the vagina or cervix is damaged. During treatment, the diseased tissue is excised from the patient, using a laser or electric cauterization for this. After such a manipulation, women are recommended a ban on sex, the duration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. On average, it is about seven weeks. Such a precautionary measure will prevent infection and will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Prohibitionfor sexual intercourse before and after cervical biopsy

A biopsy is ordered to confirm or deny the presence of cervical cancer or dysplasia. The named procedure takes about fifteen minutes in time and does not cause discomfort at all, since the doctor uses a special drug that has an anesthetic effect. This study is carried out on the tenth day after the start of menstruation.

Laboratory research
Laboratory research

With a special tool, the doctor pinches off a tiny piece of tissue, which is sent for histological examination.

Medical workers after such an examination advise the woman to exclude intimacy. The doctor will definitely tell you how much sexual rest after this manipulation must be endured. The fact is that as a result of a biopsy, a small wound is formed on the cervix. In order to exclude her infection, sex is refused for at least 7 days. And if there were complications after the manipulation, then this period is extended to three weeks.

Consequences of violating the ban on sex after a biopsy

Women should be aware that early onset of sexual life after a biopsy often causes the following problems:

  • different in intensity of bleeding;
  • inflammation;
  • prolonged sluggish wound healing;
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

During the recovery period and after it, a woman must definitely visit the attending doctor for an examination. Only a doctor can allow the resumption of intimate relationships. If you suspect a malignant neoplasm, you should be very careful and not aggravate the situation by prematurely starting a sexual life.

Prohibited sex during pregnancy

It has been established that one of the causes of miscarriage and uterine tone is the orgasm of a pregnant woman.

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Therefore, gynecologists recommend sexual rest during pregnancy until the period of 16 weeks is reached. Then you can return to the usual sexual relationship.

Ectopic pregnancy

This condition is very dangerous to he alth, as the fertilized egg is attached in the abdominal cavity or in the fallopian tube. Further, as the embryo grows, the morula ruptures and bleeding occurs. With such a pathology, urgent surgical intervention is required. And after it, the body needs time to recover.

Sexual rest in this case is at least a month. More precisely, when you can return to normal sexual activity, the doctor will determine after examining the patient. Failure to comply with the restrictions can provoke a second surgical intervention.

How long can you not have sex after a c-section?

In this case, the birth canal is not injured. However, there are internal and external seams. Any tension provokes pain and can cause their divergence. Therefore, it takes a certain time for the stitches to tighten, and the woman ceases to experience discomfort.

Young family
Young family

A small wound from the fetal bladder remains on the wall of the uterus, which, like stitches, together with postpartum hemorrhage, serves as a provocative factor in the development of infection and complications.

Sexual rest after caesarean section is recommended in most cases until the discharge has completely stopped. The uterus should take on its usual size, and its mucosa should fully recover. Gynecologists give permission to resume intimate relationships only after an examination, and sometimes the ban can last from eight weeks to three months.

Prohibited sex life in the postpartum period

After the birth of the heir, the main female organ resembles an open wound, and therefore sexual rest after childbirth is recommended for two months. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection of the uterus.

Such a long period is associated with physiological changes in a woman's body. The uterus needs time to return to its previous size, and in addition, postpartum wounds should heal. Discharge after childbirth can last up to six weeks, and its presence is a contraindication for sexual intercourse.

Man and woman
Man and woman

The main reason for restrictive measures lies in the huge risk of infection of the uterus, and, as a result, the possibility of various pathological conditions, up to the development of infertility in the future. And there is also a risk of increased bleeding from vessels damaged during childbirth.

In any case, a woman is recommended to see a doctorget permission to resume sex. It will be given after a thorough medical examination and instrumental methods of examination. In the case of postpartum complications, the period of absence of sexual intercourse is even longer, and the doctor individually determines its duration, depending on the state of he alth.

When does a woman need sexual rest?

The most common gynecological problem among the female population is cervical erosion, which is manifested by small defects on its mucous membrane. Doctors recommend treating this pathology in a timely manner, as the likelihood of developing cancer with it increases significantly.

As a therapy, use a laser, cryodestruction or cauterization. The choice of method depends on the indications. Sexual rest in the treatment of erosion - at least two weeks, and preferably a month. Such recommendations are given by experienced gynecologists.

A young couple
A young couple

Prohibition on intimate life after an abortion should be within six weeks. During this time, the female genital organs will be able to fully recover, and the risk of complications will be significantly reduced. This is a necessary measure, but it is necessary in order for the uterine mucosa to heal. Otherwise, the risk of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of severe complications is very high.

The ban on sexual activity is necessary after childbirth. Its duration should not be less than six weeks. During this time, the tissues of the cervix, vagina and an open wound in the uterine cavity, where the placenta was attached, will have time to recover. Dangerthe development of complications and infection will approach zero.

Is it necessary to observe sexual rest after laparoscopy?

This question is of interest to many of the fair sex, who are shown a gentle surgical intervention. The recovery period after such manipulation takes a shorter period of time than after abdominal surgery, but also requires certain restrictions.

Prohibition of sexual activity in such cases is recommended for up to three weeks. However, if surgery was performed to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes, then sex should be returned as soon as possible. It speeds up the recovery process, protects against the appearance of adhesions and gives the effect of prevention. However, we must remember that the restoration of patency from adhesions of the fallopian tubes is a short-term phenomenon and after a while the problem of their obstruction will reappear. Therefore, you should not miss the time to conceive a baby.

Instruments for laparoscopy
Instruments for laparoscopy

After an invasive operation, a ban on sexual activity must be observed for at least two days. However, in this case, there is no categorical prohibition, since sexual relations after such therapy improve muscle tone and performance, and also accelerate recovery processes. In each case, it is advisable to discuss this issue with your doctor.

If stitches were placed during the operation, then sexual rest lasts until they are removed. After the removal of the appendix by laparoscopy, there are no sexual restrictions. However, it should be rememberedthat any tension in the abdominal cavity can provoke bleeding at the suturing site.

Prohibited sex life after hysteroscopy

This method allows you to examine the uterus and, if necessary, perform certain manipulations: tissue sampling for biopsy, removal of fibroids or polyps. It is easily tolerated and does not require a long stay in a round-the-clock hospital.

Instrument for hysteroscopy
Instrument for hysteroscopy

Electrosurgical hysteroscopy of uterine polyps gives a quick therapeutic effect and postoperative recovery, and also minimally injures tissues. However, like any other method, there are contraindications. Your doctor will acquaint you with them.

After this procedure, a scheduled examination is carried out two weeks after surgery. In case of successful completion of the recovery period, the woman is allowed to have sex in the usual way. Thus, after hysteroscopy, sexual rest lasts at least two weeks. The resumption of intimate life should take place in complete harmony and trust in each other.
