Bronchial cough: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Bronchial cough: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs
Bronchial cough: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Cough can talk about different diseases that haunt a person, therefore, the causes of its occurrence can also differ from each other. Naturally, such a symptom must be eliminated as soon as possible. This will require complex treatment. It will quickly get rid of an unpleasant symptom. Bronchial cough is actually a very serious disease that is worth fighting. Let's see how.

Differences between bronchial cough and normal cough

Start with the most important question. First of all, it is worth noting that coughing is a reflex that is more protective in nature. Thus, a person cleanses the body of foreign bodies or bacteria that have begun to develop in the respiratory tract. As soon as the receptors begin to be irritated, muscle contraction occurs in the larynx and trachea. Such a cough is considered a completely normal reaction of the body and is not a pathology.

bronchial cough
bronchial cough

It is very important to start treatment in a timely manner, in which case a normal cough will not be able to turn into a bronchial one, whichmost often accompanied by severe seizures and shortness of breath.

Types and symptoms

If a person has a bronchial cough, the causes can be very diverse. This also depends on the classification. Consider what types of coughs exist:

  1. Cough can be strong or weak.
  2. One time, frequent and occasional.
  3. Sometimes a cough is accompanied by severe pain in the chest and bronchi.
  4. If sputum is coughed up, then it is best to talk about a wet cough.
  5. Also, among all types, a productive and obstructive cough is distinguished.

In any case, no matter what kind of cough a person encounters, it must be treated immediately.

Etiology of disease and causes

Before treating a choking cough, it is necessary to understand the etiology of this disease. Due to bronchial disease, it can occur for the following reasons:

  1. After a person has suffered viral and infectious diseases.
  2. In no case should people overcool, as this reduces immunity.
  3. Cough may occur if there are signs of bronchial asthma.
  4. Most often this symptom occurs with chronic bronchitis.
  5. It is not uncommon for a cough to be the result of allergic reactions that act as an irritant, and when taking medications.
  6. Oddly enough, coughing is due to the accumulation of earwax.
  7. Often it is a symptom in smokers.
  8. bronchial cough treatment
    bronchial cough treatment
  9. If there areother chronic diseases that are associated with the formation of mucus in the upper respiratory tract, which then flows down the larynx and trachea.

Of course, these are not all the reasons why a bronchial cough may occur. Because there are actually many more. Therefore, you can not delay going to the doctor.

Asthma and its causes

Cough caused by asthma requires special attention, and the causes of its occurrence can also be very diverse. It is worth noting that the type of pathology that occurs in the respiratory tract is associated primarily with the narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi. Consider the etiology of asthma:

  1. First of all, it is not necessary to exclude the genetic disposition and heredity, for example, the same disease can be diagnosed in close relatives.
  2. It is not uncommon to find allergens that cause swelling and spasm, such as animal hair, dust, mites, chemicals, and even plant pollen.
  3. Bronchial asthma is sometimes the result of professional activities, for example, if a person has to stay and work in a polluted room for a long time.
  4. Most often, bronchial cough is diagnosed in people who live in places with poor ecology.

Asthma is not difficult to recognize, as there are certain symptoms that a sick person cannot ignore. First of all, there is severe shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness inchest area. Such symptoms most often appear at night or in the morning, and may also occur after the patient has overworked.

choking cough
choking cough

Treatment of bronchial asthma is impossible on your own, you will definitely need to see a doctor.

Therapy of disease

If a bronchial cough is not properly treated, the symptoms will worsen over time. And the most important thing that should not be overlooked is that it can soon turn into asthma. Bronchial asthma is often accompanied by a cough, which can be both dry and wet, sometimes with such a cough, sputum comes off. A sick person is obliged to consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment, otherwise, if this disease is neglected, there may be a fatal outcome. Most often, in contrast to the usual bronchial cough, asthma is prescribed a complex of drugs that, first of all, relieve all symptoms. Then medicines are taken constantly in order to maintain a person's he alth, since such a disease as asthma is not fully cured.

Features of treatment

It is important to determine the nature of the bronchial cough before starting its treatment. For example, if a symptom lasts more than three days, it may be related to an allergy. Then, most likely, you will need to find the cause of the allergy and eliminate it. Bronchial cough that occurs after a person has had a cold and does not go away for more than a week needs to be treated additionally, and for this you will need to see a doctor, otherwise it is fraught with negative consequences.

Medicated treatment

If a cough occurs, then only a doctor can prescribe drugs that will help eliminate the symptoms. If it is not possible to get rid of such a symptom for a long time, then, most likely, the specialist will recommend antibiotics and immunomodulators. If swelling occurs in the bronchi, antihistamines are prescribed. It is mandatory to take bronchodilators and antispasmodics. Sometimes the patient suffers from the fact that the cough is dry and the sputum does not go away. Then the doctor prescribes him special drugs that allow you to thin the sputum and special expectorants. In addition to the fact that various drugs are used for bronchial cough, nebulizers are additionally used.

codelac broncho tablet instructions
codelac broncho tablet instructions

This method is suitable for treating an attack in young children. The essence of such a device is that the patient inhales vapors of drugs that spread very quickly to all respiratory organs.

Drugs to remove phlegm

First of all, treatment should begin with an increase in cough productivity, everything possible must be done so that the cilia of the epithelium become more mobile in the bronchi and can self-cleanse. Consider the main drugs that are needed to remove sputum:

  1. If sputum is not coughed up, then the doctor will definitely prescribe "ACC". This medicine helps to reduce the viscosity of the secret, which is located in the bronchi. Most often, the doctor may prescribe the drug three times a day afterfood. It is important to remember that the medication is not advisable for children who are under two years of age.
  2. When a bronchial cough occurs, treatment may include taking Fluimucil. It is a mucolytic agent that also reduces the viscosity of mucus and accelerates its removal from the bronchi. If purulent masses have formed in the bronchi, then this drug will be able to remove them. The medicine is prescribed for both adults and children, but the doctor must determine the dosage.
  3. Bromhexine is a popular remedy in the treatment of bronchial cough. This syrup is based on herbal ingredients that have expectorant properties. The drug must be prescribed by a specialist, as it cannot be combined with other antitussive drugs.
  4. bluecode dosage
    bluecode dosage
  5. Another effective drug that immediately has mucolytic and expectorant properties are Codelac Broncho tablets. The instructions for the medicine indicate that during treatment, the patient can be provided with liquefaction of mucus, removal of inflammation in the bronchi, cleansing of the lungs and elimination of swelling in soft tissues.

All of the listed drugs are widely used for various diseases, not only of the respiratory tract, but also for diseases of the ENT organs.

Cough-relieving drugs

Cough is not always productive and in this case, it is necessary to do everything possible so that it is not so hysterical. In this case, antitussive drugs are used. Consider the main drugs that can alleviatewell-being:

  1. The most common is "Sinekod". This medicine easily eliminates dry cough, also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to reduce the signs of suffocation. If the specialist prescribed "Sinekod", the dosage should be as follows: adults need to use the drug 3 times a day, 15 ml, and children 3 times 10 ml.
  2. Often prescribed by doctors not only for adults, but also for children "Stoptussin". The advantage of this drug is that it is based on herbs. It contains an extract of plantain, thyme and thyme. But it is important to remember that it is not advisable to take the drug for more than seven days.
  3. bronchial cough causes
    bronchial cough causes

Take all medications only if prescribed by a doctor. If the cough becomes productive, these syrups are no longer worth drinking.

Self Therapy

Many are wondering how to cure a dry cough at home? There are cases when it is not possible to immediately turn to a specialist for some reason, and then folk methods come to the rescue. Let's take a look at five basic tricks that will help cure bronchial cough:

  1. An excellent remedy against an attack is a decoction of plantain. This decoction is drunk as tea, preferably half an hour before meals in its pure form, without any additives.
  2. Often, a special phyto-collection comes to the rescue in the fight against bronchial cough. It includes sage, marshmallow, coltsfoot. It is also used instead of tea.
  3. Effective method in the fight against cough is honey with milk. Honey is added to hot milk and drunk an hour before meals. If bronchitis is acute, then you can drink such a drink four times a day.
  4. An excellent remedy is an infusion of oregano. Dry grass is poured with boiling water and infused for a day, after which you can drink a decoction of 50 ml at least four times a day.
  5. People who often suffer from bronchial cough can use this method of dealing with it, like dead bees. It is presented as a dry powder, which is filled with vodka. It is necessary to insist the powder for three days, then take 15 drops three times a day.
  6. how to cure dry cough at home
    how to cure dry cough at home

Of course, even knowing how to cure a dry cough at home, you should not rely only on folk methods, it is best to combine such treatment with medications that were prescribed by a doctor.

Additional treatments

As a rule, any treatment can only be effective if an integrated approach has been used. Additional methods of combating bronchial cough include the following methods:

  1. The use of special warm compresses that help relieve spasms in the bronchial muscles. This includes various balms, mustard plasters and fir oil.
  2. Proper nutrition and microclimate creation. In the room where the patient is located, you can install special humidifiers and use salinelamps.
  3. Special breathing exercises are considered effective. It is enough to perform a certain set of exercises in order to reduce muscle tone and promote sputum discharge.

Of course, it is best not to treat the disease, but to prevent it, so it is important to take care of your he alth.