Snooze is The meaning of the word

Snooze is The meaning of the word
Snooze is The meaning of the word

Meanings of words are displayed in many dictionaries. The most famous are the editions of Ozhegov, Dahl and Ushakov. Sometimes the same term in different dictionaries is approached from different angles. Later in the article, we will learn what it is - "nap", according to the two most popular dictionaries, and dwell on the phenomenon itself.

The child is sleeping
The child is sleeping

In the publications of Ozhegov and Ushakov

In Ozhegov's dictionary it is indicated that to doze means to be in a doze. The following expressions are given as examples:

  1. Snooze in the chair.
  2. The enemy does not sleep (a word in a figurative sense).

Obviously, an explanation of the word "drowse" is also needed. A more detailed definition is given by Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. It says here that napping means being in a state of half sleep, not sleeping soundly. There is also a figurative meaning of the word - "slowly perform some action".

man sleeping
man sleeping

Why is a person in such a state?

If someone is napping, it is like they are between sleep and wakefulness. This state does not last long. It only takes 15-20 minutes for this. However, it brings a lot of good things to a person. Short sleep increases productivity. Memory and concentration of attention are activated, and the person himself feels a surge of strength.

You can also take a nap if the stress load has become more than usual for the psyche. Napping will increase your resistance to stress and keep you mentally stable.

It has also been found that taking daily naps, such as at lunch, can increase life expectancy, as this process slows down the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves endurance and activates physical activity.

Well, half-sleep has the greatest effect on memory. Regularly napping people remember information much better than those who deny themselves this. Moreover, the greater the lack of sleep in the subject, the worse he copes with the memorization process.