Thread face and body lift - what do we know about it?

Thread face and body lift - what do we know about it?
Thread face and body lift - what do we know about it?

The thread lift procedure, or thread lifting, has firmly taken its place in the list of anti-aging procedures that a woman dreams of doing, and this is understandable. A thread lift does not injure tissues and does not leave scars and scars, since the threads are inserted under the skin through micro-punctures using special thin needles, does not require rehabilitation in a hospital, is performed within an hour and under local anesthesia.

Of course, threads for thread lifting are selected and prescribed by a cosmetologist, but it is also important for the patient to understand why the specialist stops at a particular product. Let's look at what threads are on the cosmetic market today and what are their advantages.

Types of threads for thread lifting

All threads for lifting are divided into two main groups: absorbable and non-absorbable. The former are permanently preserved in tissues (for example, gold or platinum threads, Spring Thread threads (Spring Trade)), the latter - after 1-1.5 years they biodegrade (for example, caprolactone threads).

thread lift face and body
thread lift face and body

There are several manufacturers of absorbable threads on the Russian market: DermafilHappy Lift (Dermafil Happy Lift), Silhouette Soft (Silhouette Soft), etc.

The most common material from which absorbable threads are made, including Dermafil Happy Lift, is caprolactone. It has been used by surgeons during operations for many years and has proven to be absolutely safe. However, unlike surgical, caprolactone for thread lifting has a longer resorption period: from 8 months to 2 years, it all depends on the thickness of the thread and the individual characteristics of the patient. It is noteworthy that even after resorption of the caprolactone threads, the lifting effect does not disappear: being in the tissues, the threads stimulate the active synthesis of collagen, which forms a framework and thickens the tissues, smoothness and elasticity return to the skin.

One more criterion is the configuration of cosmetic threads. Here you can distinguish smooth and textured threads, along the entire length of which there are special protrusions (notches, cones, etc.). Notches are needed so that the thread is firmly attached to the tissues and does not move over time, thanks to which the maximum lifting effect is achieved. So, for example, along the entire length of the Happy Lift threads, the notches are arranged in a herringbone pattern. Due to this, the threads are very firmly fixed in the tissues, any possibility of their displacement is excluded and increase the effect of lifting and revitalization. Due to these properties, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons call threads with notches a real alternative to a surgical lift.

Not many people know, but threads for lifting cope not only with the problem of drooping facial tissues, but also with a wide range of othersaesthetic problems, not only of the face, but also of the body. Depending on the caliber, length, density and the direction and location of the notches, they solve the following problems:

  • Fuzzy oval face.
  • Omission of the cheekbones, cheeks, edge of the eyebrows.
  • Double chin.
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Deep wrinkles (purse-string, barcode wrinkles).
  • Sagging, atonic, aging skin.

Some manufacturers also produce highly specialized threads. The Nose thread is for non-surgical nose reshaping, the Boca thread is for lip reshaping, and the Vaginal Narrower is a thread for correcting pelvic floor muscle weakness, indicated for postpartum women.

Now you know about the features of threads for thread lifting and what a thread lift is. Remember: you must be responsible for choosing a doctor and the method of correction that he recommends.
