Bad urine is not a reason to panic, but it's worth getting tested. Most likely, the urinary system has failed and needs treatment. Laboratory studies will help to understand the cause of the disease and prescribe therapy. Each person is required to take urine for analysis once a year in order to prevent the development of serious abnormalities.

Urine study
By studying clinical and laboratory parameters, it is possible to identify deviations or hidden pathology. Urine contains sodium chloride, urea and some components, their amount affects a person's condition and the result of tests.
Don't think that bad urine is an indicator of disease. Together with urine, s alts, toxins and other organic matter are excreted from the body. However, if any abnormalities are detected using the analysis, the doctor will prescribe a more extensive study to detect negative changes in the urinary system - the kidneys and other organs.
Preparatory stage
If the patient does not follow the rulesurine collection, this can make the results of laboratory tests biased. When taking fluid, it is advisable to follow these instructions:
- taken only the morning portion of urine, immediately after sleep;
- before collecting the material, a hygienic toilet of the external genital organs is carried out;
- the first jet is drained into the toilet, and the rest - into a jar, about 100 milliliters, no more;
- the jar must be sterile, but it is better to purchase a container at a pharmacy or take it from a laboratory.
Such simple actions allow us to count on high-quality diagnostics and proper treatment.
Proper collection of material
During the preparation procedure for the collection of biological material, the following instructions should be followed:
- Before collecting urine for the day, refrain from taking any alcoholic beverages and limit the amount of fluid consumed.
- The analysis will not be objective if the patient had strength training the day before or visited the sauna.
- Exclude from the menu foods that affect the color of urine (sweet, s alty, fatty, smoked, beets, carrots).
- Do not take vitamins and diuretics during the day.
- Do not collect material during an infectious disease or inflammatory processes after hypothermia.
- Women should wait until their periods are over.

Ignoring such elementary requirements will cause bad urine, as low-quality material will enter the laboratory. If the patientdoubts the correctness of the collection of his fluid, then in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, you should talk with your doctor in order to collect a different biomaterial, adhering to the necessary recommendations.
Storage conditions
The fluid excreted by the kidneys cannot be stored for a long time. After a couple of hours, bacteria begin to actively multiply in urine, given that the biomaterial is stored in sterile dishes and in the cold. So the sooner the collected urine gets on the table to the laboratory assistant, the more likely it is to get reliable results.
Key Features
Bad urine has deviations from the basic standards. When contacting a specialist, this type of examination is prescribed necessarily. Diagnostics reveals pathologies of internal organs and urinary system. The doctor pays close attention to the following criteria:
- Changing the color of biological material.
- Structure of urine.
- Biomaterial density.
- Acid-base balance.
- Is there protein, leukocytes, acetone and erythrocytes and in what quantities.
- Presence of fungi and bacteria.
Doctors are concerned about results that are significantly abnormal. This indicates a pathological process in the human body.

When processing the material, the specialist pays attention to the color of the released liquid. He althy urine has a light yellow tint. Any change in color indicates a malfunction in the body. For example:
- Dark urine speaks ofpoisoning, diseases of the circulatory system and liver.
- A red tint or clots of this color indicate the presence of blood in the urine. This usually happens with inflammation of the pelvis of the kidneys, bladder, pyelonephritis and oncology of the urea.
- The color resembling meat slop is very bad urine, which indicates a severe form of glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis and kidney infarction.
Urine analysis helps to identify many abnormalities that raise doubts about the he alth of the body. It is important to exclude secondary factors in the form of medication and malnutrition before urine sampling.
An important indicator of human he alth is clear urine. Everything else is a sign of the development of the disease. The presence of flakes indicates a focus of inflammation. It can be pyelonephritis, cystitis, amyloidosis. Such bad urine in women indicates fungal infection and inflammation, because protein particles enter the biomaterial from the vagina.
On analyzer forms there is such an abbreviation - pH. This is the indicator of acidity. A weak acidic environment is taken as the norm, and it ranges from 4 to 6 pH. Its performance is affected by food, acid-base imbalance, dehydration.
Causes of poor urinalysis may be a decrease in the content of potassium in the blood, as well as ureaplasmosis, kidney failure, oncological neoplasms and diabetes mellitus. It is these diseases that reduce the acidity of urine.

If the concentration of urine is reduced beyond the normal range, then suspicion falls on renal failure. An increased concentration is also not a favorable indicator; rather, it is a signal of the presence of diabetes mellitus, damage to the kidneys and bladder. This can also include dehydration.
In he althy urine, protein is detected in small doses. In bad urine, the protein content is exceeded, which is caused by kidney disease or inflammatory foci in other excretory organs. Do not exclude leukemia, allergic reactions, cardiovascular disorders. In the biomaterial in men, traces of protein may be due to seminal fluid.
Normally, the appearance of several cells in the test fluid is considered. This is a kind of "sentinel", checking the condition of the organs for cancer or infection. If we exclude secondary factors (taking certain medications and insufficient hygiene of the genital organs during the sampling), then there will be a lot of leukocytes in bad urine with cystitis, urethritis, appendicitis, pyonephrosis, renal cysts, rheumatoid arthritis.

Hemoglobin-containing blood cells sometimes get into the urine, so their content in certain quantities is considered normal. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the urine is called hematuria. Gross hematuria is a sign of severe pathology. The reasons for its appearance can be different: from trauma to the urethra to glomerulonephritis.
Ketone bodies
The content of ketones in urine puts the normal workorganisms are at risk. Such chemical compounds manifest themselves during diabetes, pancreatitis, a strict diet, and alcohol poisoning. The causes of bad urine can also be a metabolic disorder.
The constituent component of urine is an indicator for determining the pathology of the liver and gallbladder. These are cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, anemia, stones in the bile ducts and kidneys, malaria, toxic hemolysis. In he althy urine, it almost does not appear. The accumulation of bilirubin poses a serious threat to human he alth.

Biomaterial is distinguished by its characteristic odor. Its changes make it clear that there are violations in the body. The pungent smell, reminiscent of acetone, is a clear indicator of high blood sugar. The stench of ammonia is a sign of cystitis and inflammatory processes. Such bad urine in a man, according to the results of the study, indicates prostatitis, urethritis, orchitis.
High content of the substance is not yet a sign of the disease. This can be with the use of sweets and carbohydrates, emotional outburst, pregnancy. An abundance of glucose acquires a pathological form with pancreatitis, serious poisoning, fever, meningitis, stroke, encephalitis.
The presence of this element in the blood beyond the norm in medicine is called hemoglobinuria. Among the internal factors that provoke the disease, they note: influenza, pneumonia, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, blood transfusion. External include: poisoning, injury,hypothermia, burns.
When the biological material is taken, the analysis is done, and the results of it show that there are deviations from the norm, it is worthwhile to conduct a deeper study of bad urine. Why this happened, the doctor will tell in more detail.
Dealing with bad results
Based on the results of the tests, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination to determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy.
A general urinalysis of a patient will demonstrate how well the organs of the urinary tract and other systems in the body function.
If the urine test results are bad, what to do in such cases? Self-treatment and ignoring the prescribed assistance is strictly prohibited - this is a threat to the he alth and life of the patient. Bad tests often signal the presence of a serious illness. The doctor may recommend the following tests:
- Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, especially if there is even a slight hint of inflammation in the urinary system.
- Kakovsky-Addis test for the study and detection of an ailment in the urinary and renal ducts.
- The Sulkovich test shows the calcium content in the urine, it is prescribed for children and adolescents to control vitamin D. Adults are referred for suspected tumors, pathologies of the nervous system, tuberculosis.
- Alpha-amylase test for pancreatic disorders.
- Zimnitsky's test is effective for diagnosing kidney failure.
How to collect material for research, in detailthe specialist will tell you, it is he who should be entrusted with your he alth.

The doctor can send the patient for an ultrasound, MRI, ask to donate blood for other tests. Sometimes the doctor recommends re-sampling the biological fluid for research.
Having made the correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapy. For example:
- inflammation caused by pathogens is treated with antifungal and antibacterial drugs;
- Uroseptics are used for inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
- with glomerulonephritis, immunosuppressive therapy is prescribed;
- chronic, acute kidney disease and organ failure require complex and long-term treatment;
- tumors are most often removed surgically.

To speed up the healing process, recipes from traditional healers and physiotherapy procedures will come to the rescue. A special diet will help bring the tests back to normal.
For prevention, it is advisable to take urine for analysis at least once a year. If pain occurs in the lumbar region, the process of urination is disturbed, blood pressure rises, then you should take a referral for a urine test ahead of schedule.
Do not forget that nothing goes away just like that, and in the early stages the pathology is easier to cure than when it is running and has developed into a chronic form.