Today, many parents write refusal of vaccinations for their babies. Everyone has their own explanation for this. Whether this is true or not is hard to say for sure. Tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease that, if left untreated, can cause many he alth complications.
In our country, the fight against it is approached at the state level. According to the order of the Ministry of He alth No. 109 of 2003, a Mantoux test is mandatory for every child over the age of 1 year. It is completely safe for children and has no contraindications or side effects. However, its importance should not be underestimated, since this test allows you to detect tuberculosis at the earliest stages.
But there are a number of other dangerous pathologies that require prevention, some of which can even lead to death. Therefore, many parents have a question about what vaccinations after Mantoux should be done and after what period of time. Let's look at this issue in more detail, let's look at the main aspects regardingvaccination of children.
What is tuberculosis?

Before we find out how long after Mantoux is vaccinated to immunize a child and what vaccines are used, let's first understand the basic concepts.
Many people don't know what TB is and how dangerous it is. This is a very serious disease of infectious etiology, not always treatable. Its main insidiousness lies in the fact that in the early stages of development it is asymptomatic, so it is not always possible to diagnose and start treatment in time. In an advanced form, consumption, as tuberculosis is also called, gives complications, and in an acute course, there is a high probability of death.
Possible consequences
If left untreated for a long time, TB can lead to many serious complications. Among the most common are the following:
- destruction of the vessels of the lungs, accompanied by internal bleeding;
- atelectasis;
- inflammatory lesion of the pleura;
- spontaneous pneumothorax;
- fistula;
- amyloid dystrophy;
- decompensated myocardial dysfunction;
- kidney failure.
All of the listed complications are very dangerous, they pose a great threat to the he alth and life of the baby. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose tuberculosis as early as possible and start its treatment. But there are a number of other serious diseases that need prevention. To develop immunity to them in childrenvaccinated after Mantoux. But there are a number of nuances that every parent should take into account. These will be discussed in detail later in this article.
Pirque reaction

Mantoux test (when you can be vaccinated after this test to immunize a child will be discussed in the following sections) is a test that detects antibodies to the causative agent of tuberculosis in the blood. Its essence lies in the fact that during the procedure, a preparation containing Koch's wand is injected under the skin. Within 72 hours, the body should respond to it. A papule forms on the child's body, the size of which interests doctors. If there are no problems, then it will not go beyond certain boundaries. The absence of any external manifestations indicates that the child is at an increased risk of contracting tuberculosis. The final diagnosis is based on the diameter of the "button":
- negative - 0-1mm;
- doubtful - 2-4 mm;
- positive - more than 5 mm.
The last immune response, also depending on the diameter of the papule, is classified according to the following types of intensity:
- weak - 5-9 mm;
- medium - 10-14mm;
- high - 15-17 mm.
If everything is in order, then there is no particular cause for concern. However, many parents do not cease to worry about the question of what vaccinations can be done after Mantoux. And this is not surprising, because any infectious diseases are very difficult for children to tolerate, and they can also causeserious complications.
Why research?
The Pirquet test is an allergic diagnostic method that allows you to determine whether the body produces antibodies to tuberculosis. It is necessary to develop the ability of the immune system to independently fight the pathogen.
The main objective of the method is to identify children who fell ill for the first time, sick for more than 12 months, as well as diagnosing tuberculosis in the early stages.
Doctors need this information to assess the patient's condition and develop the most effective treatment program.
Does the Pirque reaction affect the child's immunity?

Any vaccination in the year after Mantoux must be taken very seriously, since this test, although safe for the he alth of babies, nevertheless has some consequences. It is important to take into account that the opinions of qualified specialists regarding the effect of this test on the state of immunity differ. Some believe that it does not create any load on the protective functions of the body, while others hold the opposite point of view, arguing that the vaccine is toxic.
However, the safety of the Pirquet reaction has long been scientifically proven, so there is no particular cause for concern. It does not have any negative impact on the body, does not undermine he alth. Thus, you can safely do other mandatory vaccinations after Mantoux. Which ones and when, you can find out further.
Time interval
When to vaccinate after Mantoux? This question is notgives peace to every new parent. There is an opinion among the people that after it, immunity requires at least one month to fully restore. But this is a mistake. The Pirquet reaction is not a vaccination because the drug is injected under the skin and not intravenously, so immunization can be carried out after three days, provided that the result was negative.
It is worth noting that tuberculosis diagnostics does not apply to reactant research methods that provoke an immunological reaction. Therefore, the question of how long after Mantoux is vaccinated disappears by itself. But if the result was positive, then the doctor may prescribe an additional examination in order to confirm it and prevent the development of undesirable consequences.
Tuberculosis vaccine

BCG is one of the most common vaccinations that are given to prevent the development of a dangerous disease. As a rule, it is prescribed to children already in the first days after birth. This vaccine protects babies from tuberculosis. It is valid for one year, after which the Pirque reaction is prescribed, which checks whether the body produces antibodies to the pathogen or not.
If for some reason BJD was not done, then 3 days before the intended immunization, a Mantoux test is performed. If the result is negative, then vaccination is prescribed. In addition, blood and urine are taken from the child for a general analysis.
DTP, RCC and others

What vaccination is given after Mantoux? The vaccination schedule is designed in such a way that after the test, immunization is carried out for such dangerous infectious diseases as diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. If the test showed that the body produces antibodies to Koch's wand, and the diameter of the "pill" did not exceed four millimeters, then vaccination is carried out.
In addition, at the age of 12 months, children are vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella. In this case, both mono and combined preparations can be used. The latter are more preferable because they are highly effective and provide reliable protection, and their introduction is carried out only once.
Other vaccines
The tuberculin test is not included in the vaccination calendar, so it does not have an exact timing. It was described above what vaccinations after Mantoux are given to children. However, so that they do not affect the accuracy of the test results in any way, you must adhere to the following rules:
- any live immunobiological preparations are administered one and a half months before the prescribed Pirquet reaction;
- never test and vaccinate on the same day;
- after the Mantoux test, vaccinations are allowed on the third day.
Despite the fact that tuberculosis diagnosis does not pose any threat to children, it is still better not to hurry with vaccination. This is especially true in situations where the result was positive. In this case, the child will have to undergo an additional examination to make an accurate diagnosis.
When you can do the Pirquet reactionafter immunization?

This article has already discussed what kind of vaccination is given after Mantoux. As a rule, the test is done before vaccination, but in medical practice there are cases when this is not possible. Immunization of children involves the introduction into the body of medications that activate protective functions and stimulate the production of antibodies. This negatively affects the accuracy of the tuberculin test results. The “tablet” may be too large in diameter for no apparent reason. As a result, the baby will have to undergo additional research. To prevent this, the test is postponed by one month, and if live vaccines are used, by 6 weeks. When the state of the immune system stabilizes, correct results can be obtained.
When do Pirque reaction after illness?
In the previous section, it was described in detail how long after Mantoux vaccinations can be given to children. They are made according to a predetermined schedule. However, it can move if the child has been ill shortly before the scheduled vaccination. This is due to the fact that any disease weakens the immune system, so doctors cannot predict how the Pirquet reaction will go. It is impossible to name the exact dates, since everything here depends on the characteristics of a particular pathology:
- SARS. Easily tolerated by children, and full recovery occurs after 14 days.
- Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious disease that affects everyone differently. The decision to discharge the patient is made by the attending physician based on his clinical picture. The Mantoux test can be performed no earlier than 30 days after recovery.
- Mononucleosis. This pathology is infectious in nature, but, unlike others, it affects the cells that ensure the normal functioning of the immune system. As a result, protective functions are reduced, and the body's susceptibility to various diseases increases. With this diagnosis, vaccinations after Mantoux are prescribed one year after full recovery.
- Chickenpox. To recover from it, the child's body needs 20-25 days. It makes no sense to lead the baby to the Pirque reaction before, since the results will be unreliable.
If the test was performed shortly before infection, then the likelihood of side effects is high. According to qualified experts, the most common are:
- high body temperature;
- sleep disorder;
- decreased or complete lack of appetite;
- skin rash;
- itch;
- allergic reactions;
- nettle fever;
- anaphylactic shock.
Parents should be prepared for the challenges listed above. When they appear, you must immediately go to the hospital to receive qualified medical care.
Mantoux reaction and immunization: can it be done together?
This is extremely rare in practice, since vaccination is carried out in accordance with the schedule. Medicines usedhave high compatibility with other medications, so vaccination for the purpose of immunization can be carried out as early as 24 hours after testing. But if vaccination was done at the beginning, then tuberculosis diagnostics can be carried out only after a month.

Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous diseases, so its prevention and treatment should be approached very seriously. To prevent development and detect pathology in the early stages of the course, the Mantoux test is prescribed for children. As you already understood, this test is completely harmless, it does not affect the vaccination schedule in any way. Therefore, you can not worry about anything, and after 3 days you can take your child to the hospital for immunization. Nothing bad will happen.