What analysis will show oncology? Signs of cancer in a blood test

What analysis will show oncology? Signs of cancer in a blood test
What analysis will show oncology? Signs of cancer in a blood test

To detect cancer, an integrated approach is important. It is impossible to make this diagnosis according to one analysis. But at the same time, standard, familiar tests and procedures also help to suspect the development of oncology. It stands out, in particular, laboratory diagnostics. What analysis will show oncology, what you should pay attention to, we will tell further. Let's take a look at the most common studies.

Immunological analysis

What are the indicators of a blood test for oncology? It's hard to talk about specific numbers here. After all, a deviation from the norm does not always indicate the presence of a malignant tumor, as we will see later on specific examples.

One of the most accurate among those listed today is precisely the immunological, analysis for oncomarkers. With its help, it is possible to suspect this disease at an early stage. In addition, to trace the dynamics of tumor development, to diagnose recurrence or metastases in time. And evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed to the patient.

What are tumor markers? These are substances that are associated only with the life of the tumor. In the body of a he althy person, they are not found at all. Or are in very small quantities. Today, about 200 such substances are known. Not all of them are determined equally successfully in medical practice, which is why such an analysis cannot be called a 100% accurate way to diagnose oncology.

From here, it would be wrong to call an immunological study a "blood test for cancer", because its results only suggest the presence of this dangerous pathology, and not diagnose it. Additional instrumental research is indispensable.

For the diagnosis of a malignant tumor, the most significant markers will be α-fetoprotein and β-chorionic gonadotropin. They are determined for tumors of the ovaries, body and cervix. For men, the prostate-specific antigen PSA, whose content increases with prostate cancer, will be significant here. The next most important tumor marker is CA-125. It is found in the blood in serous ovarian cancer.

Other tumor markers have also been identified, the increased content of which may indicate the following types of malignant tumors:

  • Breast cancer.
  • Cervical cancer suspected.
  • Tumor in the large intestine.
  • Stomach cancer.
  • Malignant tumor of the bladder.
  • Pancreatic cancer.
  • Cancer of the thyroid gland.

Blood for such an analysis is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. Otherwise, at least 4 hours must have elapsed since the last meal. Blood is taken from a vein. Analysis results are being preparedusually in 1-2 days. In some paid clinics, they are available already a few hours after blood sampling.

what analysis will show oncology
what analysis will show oncology

Genetic analysis

Genetic analysis for oncology - the youngest of all presented here. Therefore, scientists have not yet decided how useful it is, how important its results are.

Researchers have found that the mechanism of development of certain types of cancer is associated with genetic mutations. That is, the tendency to cancer can be inherited. The probability of developing cancer due to genetics is quite high - 50%.

But this does not mean at all that a person will get sick for sure. If a genetic analysis for oncology shows a predisposition, you can start preventive measures in time, periodically undergo the necessary diagnostics in order to detect and stop cancer in time.

This analysis is recommended in cases:

  • If close relatives have been diagnosed with cancer.
  • Pathologies developed in them at a fairly young age - up to 40 years.
  • Relatives were diagnosed with lesions of not one, but several organs and systems.

So you can detect cancer of the genitourinary system, mammary glands, large intestine, and so on. A few days before the fence refuse spicy, fried, fatty foods, alcohol and smoking. They try to avoid physical and emotional overstrain during this time. Blood is taken on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours after the last meal). Fencebiomaterial - from a vein.

Cytological analysis

The most accurate of these is a cytological study. It is an integral part of oncodiagnostics. The analysis is so specific that it is possible to correctly determine the type of tumor based on its results. But the sensitivity of this technique still depends on the type of cancer and on how well the biomaterial was taken.

When conducting such a study, more than 180 different signs of atypical cells are taken into account. This approach not only helps to determine whether an oncological disease is developing in the body. According to its results, a specialist can judge the source of the tumor, present its histological variant, and also distinguish between primary formation and metastasis.

Today, cytological studies are carried out for oncological diseases of almost any localization: lungs, skin, ovaries, lymph nodes, uterus, bone marrow, liver, etc.

Specialist collects smears or prints from the surface of the mucous or skin. For example, smears from the vagina or cervix. In some cases, urine, sputum and other discharged contents are collected. If there is a suspicion that the focus of the tumor is under the skin surface, then a puncture is performed. That is, the material is taken using a special syringe with a needle. From the thyroid gland, lymph node, liver or bone marrow.

Usually, the results of a cytological examination are expected to take about a week. If the case is atypical, then medical meetings are held, specialistscompare the collected material with the archive. In this case, the patient waits up to 2 weeks for the results of the analysis.

blood test for cancer
blood test for cancer


What analysis will show oncology? To diagnose this disease, the usual general blood test is also used. Indeed, by its nature, a tumor is an actively developing tissue that consumes large quantities of substances that are needed for the vital activity of the patient's body. It also releases toxic metabolic products. This leads to changes in the blood test for oncology.

In particular, the ESR increases, the number of lymphocytes decreases and the number of neutrophils increases. All this is accompanied by common symptoms:

  • Fatigue.
  • Weakness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sudden weight loss.

In particular, the described symptoms often indicate lymphogranulomatosis, histiocytosis and neuroblastoma.

With the development of a malignant tumor, the hematopoietic system often suffers, which causes a decrease in the level of hemoglobin. The toxic effect of the metabolic products of tumor cells damages the membranes of erythrocytes. Therefore, in a blood test for oncology, their pathological varieties - echinocytes - can be detected. In bone marrow cancer, the number of immature blood cells is high.

Carrying out a blood test for oncology is no different from the usual. The biomaterial is taken on an empty stomach (at least 4 hours must pass from the last snack). The blood is collected in a test tube. The results of the analysis are issued in 1-2 days.

But you have toIt should be noted that a general blood test for oncology will not be specific. It is unprofessional to diagnose "cancer" based on its results. For example, ESR increases with any inflammation in the body. And anemia also occurs with poor nutrition, lack of iron in the body.

general blood test for oncology
general blood test for oncology

Indicators in the general blood test

The results of a general blood test for oncology will include the following indicators:

  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). If it is higher than normal, this indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. In the event that the acceleration is 30% higher than normal, there is reason to suspect cancer.
  • Both a decrease and an increase in the number of leukocytes. In oncology, both of these phenomena are observed. If the level of leukocytes is reduced, this indicates that the systems responsible for their production are in a pathological state. This is seen in bone marrow cancer. If the level of leukocytes is exceeded, this can also indicate a malignant tumor. Since the body is actively producing antibodies here to fight foreign cells.
  • Decrease in hemoglobin levels. According to a blood test, this can be considered a sign of oncology if the level of platelets has also decreased at the same time. A low degree of blood clotting, among other things, indicates leukemia.
  • Increased number of immature blood cells. As we have already noted, this is observed in pathologies of the bone marrow, where they are produced.
  • Found many granular and immature leukocytes.
  • A large amount of lymph in the blood and, accordingly, lymphocytes.
blood test for oncology indicators
blood test for oncology indicators

Blood chemistry

What analysis shows the presence of oncology in the body? One of the most accurate, detailed here is biochemical. With it, you can determine the first symptoms of the presence of cancer cells in the body.

A biochemical blood test for oncology will differ in the following indicators:

  • Albumin, a total protein. Cancer cells actively consume protein. Therefore, its level in the blood will decrease. Along with this, the patient notes a loss of appetite and weight, since proteins, the main building material for cells, cease to enter the body in the right amount. In the event that the tumor affects the liver, the person will suffer from a lack of protein even with a normal diet.
  • Urea. If this figure is higher than normal, there is reason to suspect both deterioration in kidney function and active protein breakdown. This is observed with active tumor growth, and with intoxication with metabolic products of cancer cells, and with active decay of oncocells during the treatment of the disease.
  • Changes in blood glucose levels. An increase in the indicator indicates diabetes mellitus, sarcoma, cancer of the liver, organs of the reproductive system and other oncological diseases. The fact is that tumor cells inhibit the production of insulin, which is why the body does not respond in time to an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, several years before the onset of obvious symptoms of cancer, the patient may show signsdiabetes mellitus. In particular, this occurs with cancer of the mammary glands and uterus.
  • Bilirubin. Its level will be exceeded with any damage to the liver. Including in oncology.
  • AlAT. Its level increases with tumor lesions of the liver. But it may also indicate the development of other diseases.
  • Increased alkaline phosphatase. It may be a sign of a malignant tumor of bone tissue, as well as metastases in them, lesions of the liver, gallbladder with oncological formations.

For this study, blood is taken from a vein. It is advisable to come to the treatment room before breakfast, on an empty stomach. Otherwise, false results of the analysis are possible. The answer is prepared as standard - in 1-2 days.

Will the tests show oncology? The specificity of this study does not make it decisive. That is, on the basis of biochemical analysis alone, it is impossible to suspect oncology. But deviations from the norm here are a reason to worry, to undergo additional examinations.

genetic analysis for cancer
genetic analysis for cancer

Blood clotting tests

What tests can determine oncology? Another option is blood clotting tests. The fact is that with oncological diseases, blood clotting increases. What is dangerous as microthrombi in the capillaries, and thrombosis of large vessels.

The formation of microthrombi is fraught with the fact that it accelerates the growth of the tumor. In particular, scientific studies were carried out that proved that the use of drugs that prevent blood clotting,improves the survival of cancer patients even in the case of a deeply advanced process.

This test requires a blood sample from a vein. Specialists examine the coagulogram. The results of such analysis are provided in 1-3 business days.

what analysis shows the presence of oncology in the body
what analysis shows the presence of oncology in the body

Urine analysis

What analysis will show oncology? As for the analysis of urine, in this case it will not be specific. But any deviations from the norm here indicate the need for additional diagnostics.

It is important to note the following:

  • Blood in urine. Among other things, it can indicate cancer of the urinary tract or bladder. But it is also a symptom of urolithiasis and glomerulonephritis.
  • Ketone bodies. Their content in the urine indicates active catabolism (that is, tissue breakdown) in the body. But this can indicate not only tumor processes, but also diabetes. And also talk about following a strict diet.

For this analysis, morning urine is collected in a special container. But not only the container must be sterile. Be sure to take a hygienic shower. If skin cells get into the urine, this can distort the results of the analysis. They come back in 1-2 days. But once again, we repeat that it is impossible to detect an oncological disease based on the results of a urine test alone.

Will tests show cancer?
Will tests show cancer?

Additional Research

What analysis will show oncology? In addition to all of the above, if you suspectCancer patients may also be shown the following:

  • Fecal occult blood test.
  • Determination of the PSA level.
  • PAP test.

Laboratory diagnostics

Laboratory results are not always decisive for diagnosis. Often they need to be confirmed using instrumental diagnostics:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Mammography.
  • Scintigraphy.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Biopsy.
  • Pathological examination.
  • Dermatoscopy.

As you can see, many tests can detect signs of cancer. But not all of them are equally specific. In many cases additional diagnostics are required.
