Monthly while breastfeeding - the norm or deviation?

Monthly while breastfeeding - the norm or deviation?
Monthly while breastfeeding - the norm or deviation?

After the long-awaited birth of a baby, the mother's body begins to change, hormonal changes begin. The hormone prolactin is actively produced, which is responsible for the production of milk, which blocks the production of hormones by the ovaries. Accordingly, the egg does not mature, and menstruation does not occur. This should continue as long as breastfeeding lasts. However, this is ideal, in reality, menstruation during breastfeeding is far from uncommon. It depends on various factors:

  1. Lactation. With its decrease, the production of the hormone prolactin falls and the menstrual cycle is restored. If you are not breastfeeding regularly or you are not getting enough milk and you are forced to switch to mixed feeding, expect your period.
  2. Modern technology interventions. Hormonal drugs as contraception, medical childbirth leave their mark on the woman's body.
  3. Individual characteristics of the body.

If you intend to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, learn all about breastfeeding from your doctor first, andalso read specialized literature.

all about breastfeeding
all about breastfeeding

Compliance with the rules of breastfeeding will help to avoid various problems such as stagnation of milk, inflammation, etc., as well as prolong the period of breastfeeding, which will provide your baby with everything necessary for he alth and proper development.

Do not confuse breastfeeding periods with lochia. Lochia is postpartum bleeding that disappears about a month after delivery.

The menstrual cycle is fully restored within the first two or three periods, if this does not happen, consult a doctor. An irregular menstrual cycle may indicate various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, so do not put off visiting a gynecologist. Also, too abundant discharge (if the first menstruation lasts more than a week) is not normal, as well as meager periods. When breastfeeding, some mothers note some additional inconveniences when menstruation resumes: for example, nipple sensitivity during PMS (difficulty feeding). This problem can be solved with a warm compress on the chest before feeding.

breastfeeding baby food
breastfeeding baby food

When your baby is six months old, it's time to think about the first weaning food. Complementary feeding of a breastfed child is discussed with the pediatrician, in each individual case, only the doctor can advise what to start introducing into the child's diet without violating or weakeningbreastfeeding.

Remember that menstruation does not affect breastfeeding in any way, the baby will eat the same as before. But the monthly periods themselves during breastfeeding are sometimes irregular, they may appear and disappear, you should not panic about this until the feeding is completely stopped. However, it doesn't hurt to see a doctor.

He alth to you and your kids!
