Violation of intraventricular conduction - what is it? Local violation of intraventricular conduction

Violation of intraventricular conduction - what is it? Local violation of intraventricular conduction
Violation of intraventricular conduction - what is it? Local violation of intraventricular conduction

One of the most common pathologies today is a violation of intraventricular conduction. What does it mean? The rhythm goes astray, the conductivity of the vessels decreases. The cause of such an unpleasant disorder is a disorder of some functions of contraction of the heart muscle, such as automatism, contractility, conduction, excitability.

violation of intraventricular conduction in a child
violation of intraventricular conduction in a child

What is this pathology?

The term "impaired intraventricular conduction of the heart" means that from one to three beams of the system are not functioning properly. Heart blockades appear - barriers that interfere with the normal passage of nerve impulses of the main muscle of the body. For example, the processes of the heart slow down, the rhythm becomes less frequent, in particular cases, a complete stop may occur.

The main characteristic that tells us about the presence of a violation is the appearance of a heart block (complete or partial). In the first case, the nerve impulse is completely absent and occurscessation of contraction. With partial blockade, slow activity is observed, the frequency of the impulse decreases.

what is intraventricular conduction disorder
what is intraventricular conduction disorder

Among other things, such a disease, depending on the site of the lesion, is divided into:

  • blockade of the legs of the Hiss bundle;
  • intra-atrial block;
  • AV block;
  • proximal;
  • distal.

Why is there a violation of cardiac intraventricular conduction

Of course, a person wonders about the cause of the violation of intraventricular conduction. What could it be? There are a number of prerequisites that contribute to the development of pathology:

  1. Changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, not accompanied by organic abnormalities.
  2. Patient past illnesses such as congenital malformation, ischemia, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy.
  3. The effect of the operation on the vessels of the heart.
  4. Negative effects of drugs, side effects.
vessels of the heart
vessels of the heart

Signs of disease

It is possible to suspect a violation of intraventricular conduction in a child and an adult if the following problems are identified in the state of he alth:

  • heartbeat quickens - tachycardia detected;
  • heart rate skips beats;
  • heart muscle contraction is chaotic;
  • heart pain like angina pectoris;
  • shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness - poor blood supply to the headbrain.

If these symptoms are of concern, you should urgently contact a specialist and sign up for a test, where the diagnosis can be refuted or confirmed, depending on what the heart ECG and other tests show.

How the diagnosis works

In order to accurately determine the violation of patency in the first stage, doctors use an electrocardiograph. If rhythmic inconsistencies are detected, Holter monitoring is performed - a specialized type of ECG. The third stage will be the study of the locality of the pathology using an electrogram of the Hiss bundle.

what does an EKG show
what does an EKG show

Some medical tests that detect local intraventricular conduction disturbance involve exercise testing. Thanks to them, it is possible to establish an accurate picture of the course of the disease and find out what type of heart block accompanies the pathology. Treatment will depend on how well the diagnosis is carried out.

Treatment of cardiac intraventricular obstruction

To treat intraventricular block, most patients are prescribed a cardiac glycoside. An exception may be made by patients suffering from atrioventricular blockade of the first or second degree, the drug is prescribed to them with extreme caution. To reduce the risk of cardiac arrest in patients who are afraid to administer a glycoside, a probe-electrode is inserted into the cavity of the right ventricle by the doctor. This is more of a preventive measure.

If the situation worsens, for example, the occurrence of myocardial infarction, immediatelyintroduce a probe. At first, treatment is reduced to eliminating the cause of the disease, and only then work begins to alleviate the symptoms.

Disease prevention

It is very important to take timely preventive measures to strengthen the vascular system, even if you do not have a violation of intraventricular conduction. What does it give? First of all, it reduces the risk of disease. It is better to prevent any violation in the body than to deal with it later. Basic measures to follow for people at any age:

local violation of intraventricular conduction
local violation of intraventricular conduction
  1. Walking in the fresh air is the key to a good blood supply to all vital organs, including the heart. Fresh air oxygenates tissues and cells.
  2. Balanced diet enriched with potassium and vitamins. In general, eating wholesome food adds strength, energy and he alth.
  3. Compliance with the daily routine - if you get enough sleep, eat at the same time, your he alth improves significantly, and the risk of diseases becomes much lower.
  4. Non-intense physical activity, which is very important - daily. Easy jogging, gymnastics, exercises, yoga.
  5. Power sports are undesirable, especially bodybuilding, it has a rather negative effect on the vessels of the heart.
  6. No matter how trite, less stress and anxiety. Constant emotional stress is detrimental to the heart muscle.
  7. Annual vacation at sea. If there is such an opportunity, then it is definitely worth it.take advantage. A two-week trip to clean, s alty, mineral-rich water restores both the physical and psychological state of a person. If you can’t go to the sea, you just need to arrange a vacation in nature. A trip to the forest will be a worthy alternative to the sea breeze.
  8. Timely examination in a medical institution. It's best not to ignore even the slightest discomfort when it comes to heart he alth.

It's not for nothing that the heart muscle is called a motor. It is she who regulates most of the processes and supplies the vital organs with blood. The heart should be treated with special trepidation. While it beats and does not bother, we sometimes do not attach due importance to our motor. But everyone knows that if he alth problems occur, including a violation of intraventricular conduction, it simply unbalances. Therefore, it would be much better not to run your he alth.
