Symptoms of stomatitis in a child. Causes, treatment, prevention

Symptoms of stomatitis in a child. Causes, treatment, prevention
Symptoms of stomatitis in a child. Causes, treatment, prevention

Stomatitis is an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa, which can be caused by the presence of bacteria. These harmful microorganisms can enter the baby's body through environmental objects, but in most cases they are already there. This is normal, because each person has their own bacteria. But just like that, they do not begin to multiply, this can only happen due to a decrease in immunity. There are very few children in the world who have managed to avoid this disease. Because they encounter microbes every day, these are the same nipples, bottles, toys that babies love to put in their mouths so much. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the items that your baby uses in order to avoid the development of stomatitis. Never give a baby a pacifier without treatment if it has already been on the floor. After all, washing it is not so difficult!

symptoms of stomatitis in a child
symptoms of stomatitis in a child

Symptoms of stomatitis in a child

Very often this disease is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, the baby becomes lethargic, refuses to eat. If these symptoms are present, parents should immediately examine the child's oral cavity. Particular attention should be paid to the place under the tongue andbehind the lip At the first stage of the disease, the mucous membrane in these places will be shiny and red. And if treatment is not started in time, the process of development of stomatitis will go further. Spots with a characteristic white coating will begin to form on the mucous membrane, which can later develop into sores. But having managed to identify the symptoms of stomatitis in a child at the initial stage, you can prevent their occurrence. After all, these sores can cause great inconvenience to your baby.

Stomatitis in children: causes of the disease

stomatitis in children causes
stomatitis in children causes
  • Unwashed hands.
  • Contact with sick stomatitis (most often this happens in kindergartens, when a he althy and sick child play with the same toys).
  • Unexpected biting of the tongue or cheek (a wound forms on the mucous membrane, which can quickly get germs that are contained on the teeth).
  • Various chronic diseases (dysbiosis, liver dysfunction, spastic colitis).
  • The result of herpes or allergies can also cause the child to develop symptoms of stomatitis.
  • Bad habit of nail biting.

How to treat stomatitis in children with folk remedies?

Of course, in no case should you self-medicate, it would be right to immediately contact a dentist. He himself must prescribe the necessary therapy, but there is one "but" …

stomatitis in children folk remedies
stomatitis in children folk remedies

Almost always, along with drugs, doctors advise provenfolk remedies. An infusion of herbs has helped more than one child. To prepare it, you need to mix sage, chamomile, calendula and blackberry leaves in equal proportions. For one teaspoon of this mixture of herbs, you need a glass of boiling water. Pour, cover with a lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. If the patient is older than 4 years, then he will not have problems with rinsing his mouth, and if he is still small, then you need to wrap a clean bandage around your finger, dip it in the infusion and completely treat the baby's oral cavity. The more often you do this, the faster the symptoms of stomatitis in a child will pass.


The most important thing is to maintain personal hygiene, and washing hands is necessary not only for the baby, but also for his parents. Treat children's toys periodically. Brush your teeth.
