We are so arranged that we cannot get the whole complex of minerals and vitamins we need during the day, only with food. Very often people do not monitor what they eat and how much. It is rare that anyone will strictly count by grams and vitamins what he ate today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow …

In special periods of life, our body needs nourishment. This may be increased mental stress, a period of severe stress, seasonal weakening of the immune system, and so on. At this time, our bodies receive less important elements such as vitamins and minerals. To combat this phenomenon, there are various vitamin complexes that help the body recover and continue to function effectively. The complexes contain different vitamins, but they all help all processes in our body to proceed smoothly and well. How to characterize the drug "NeurobeksNeo" doctors and patients?
"Neurobeks Neo" - what is this drug?
This is a multivitamin complex that helps to normalize the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in the body, cope with a lack of vitamins leading to disruption of the human nervous system due to poor nutrition of neurons that transmit impulses, as well as improve blood clotting, permeability blood vessels, solve other problems with the stomach, intestines, liver, skin, heart, eyes and hearing.
The action of the constituent elements of the drug

Contains the following Neurobex Neo vitamins:
- B1 (known as thiamine) - regulates the proper passage of metabolism, affects mental abilities and neurology.
- B2 (scientific name - riboflavin) - very important for the skin, mucous membranes and eyes.
- B3 (PP, or common name nicotinamide) - lowers cholesterol levels.
- B5 (calcium pantothenate) - essential for hormonal production in the adrenal glands (production of glucocorticoids).
- B6 (known as pyridoxine) - promotes red blood cell formation, amino acid metabolism and fat utilization.
- B9 (otherwise folic acid, foliacin, vitamin M) - helps form hemoglobin.
- B12 (under a different name cyanocobalamin) - promotes the formation of red cells and helps the nerve system in the body to function properly.
What are the indications for the use of the drug?

"Neurobeks Neo" (reviews confirm this) is excellent for eliminating vitamin balance disorders, neurotic disorders, alcoholic, post-infectious and toxic polyneuropathy, paresthesia, neuritis. It also works well in violation of radicular conduction, osteochondrosis manifestations and neurocircular dystonia, asthenia and myasthenic diagnoses, encephalopathy, neuralgia, crying, traumatic lesions of the nerve system (CNS).
What else do doctors say about Neurobeks Neo? It is prescribed for the complex treatment of various eye lesions (degeneration in the retina, retinopathy, diabetes, macular degeneration problems, optic neuritis, toxic damage, high photosensitivity). Especially noted is its effectiveness in damage to the auditory nerves (auditory neuritis, sensorineural hearing loss, when the nerve is exposed to toxic medications).
The Neurobex Neo multivitamin complex (doctors' reviews confirm this) is an excellent tool for combined therapy after suffering cardiovascular diseases (during the recovery period), with circulatory disorders, inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle and myocardial dystrophy. But the agreement with the attending physician is required, self-treatment is unacceptable here.
What else can be said about the scope of the drug "Neurobex Neo"? The reviews that doctors leave indicate the possibility of its use in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems (such asduodenitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, liver damage). Due to the use of the vitamin complex as an additional therapy, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract recover faster.
"Neurobex Neo" is also effective in solving dermatological problems, asthenia, alcoholism, smoking and antibiotic therapy. The complex is multifaceted in its effect on organs, so it is often used.
Are there any contraindications?

Use "Neurobeks Neo" instruction prohibits without medical advice and appointments, especially during pregnancy and lactation. The use of the drug should be abandoned in case of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, acute thromboembolism, erythrocytosis, erythremia.
The drug is given to children after fourteen years.
Features of use
The instruction recommends very careful use of "Neurobex Neo" when taking drugs together, the effectiveness of which decreases when taken simultaneously with vitamin B6. These are Levodopa, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin.
Vitamin B6 is incompatible (when taking medications) with isoniazid, thiosemicarbazone, serine, hydralazine.
On the contrary, the decrease in the effectiveness of Neurobex Neo is affected by the simultaneous use of hormonal and diuretic drugs, as well as alcohol.
Issue form

The vitamin complex "Neurobex Neo" is produced in hard capsules. Capsulesconsist of gelatin (size zero, orange in color, have a black lid). They are not too big, which makes it easier to take Neurobex Neo. Capsules, inside of which there is a powdery mass of different shades of orange-yellow color (up to yellow-brown), are easy to swallow.
Are there any side effects?
In most cases, the complex does not have any negative effects on the body. But there are cases when the use of the drug was accompanied by nausea or allergic reactions. These reactions can be reddening of the skin area, as well as a rash. This complex in rare cases can cause poisoning of the body, which is accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, agitation, pain in the chest, and heart palpitations. In this case, you should immediately contact your doctor. For such reactions, specialists prescribe certain medications, as well as standard therapy for poisoning.
"Neurobex Neo": price

Price policy of pharmacies in different regions is different. The cost of many drugs depends on this. Depending on the area where the pharmacy is located, and some other factors, the price of the drug varies significantly. On average, the tool costs from 170 to 220 rubles. For vitamin preparations, this is an affordable cost, moreover, Neurobex Neo is known for its effectiveness. The price of the drug is comparable to the quality, which is very important in our time!