What is a vision chart?

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What is a vision chart?
What is a vision chart?

Video: What is a vision chart?

Video: What is a vision chart?
Video: TACROPIC 0,1% 2024, July

Every third inhabitant of the planet has vision problems. Probably, many regret that they did not turn to an ophthalmologist and did not pass the test. Timely treatment and proper correction would help them change the situation for the better.

When is the eye test done?

vision check chart
vision check chart

Children are being tested at the children's clinic. Organized examinations are also carried out in the kindergarten. It is also mandatory to check before enrolling in the school. An eye test table is available in the office of every school doctor. Adults, when undergoing mandatory medical examinations, have to check their eyesight upon admission to study, employment, and also if a driver's medical certificate is required. There are professions for which mandatory periodic medical examinations are defined (for those working in hazardous working conditions). In this case, a medical examination, including a visit to an ophthalmologist, is organized by the head of the enterprise. So every person faces an eye test.

What do they do in the optometrist's office?

table for checking visual acuity
table for checking visual acuity

To determine how mucha person sees well, there is a table for checking visual acuity. Although this is not the only controllable indicator. As a rule, visual acuity is determined by a nurse or an ophthalmologist. This is done using special devices, using pictures for children or letters for adults.

How does the vision table work? Schoolchildren and adults are tested using the Golovin-Sivtsev method. On the wall in the office hangs a small box with illumination from the inside. The brightness of the lamps providing light must comply with the established standard. The bottom edge of the box must be at a distance of 120 cm from the floor. Frosted glass closes on the left a table of letters for checking eyesight, on the right - 12 rows of rings of different sizes, open in a circle. Exactly opposite, 5 meters from the table, there is a chair for the person being checked. The left check table also consists of 12 rows of letters of the Russian alphabet, decreasing in size from top to bottom. It is recommended to keep your head straight so as not to strain your neck and not look down.

Ophthalmologist's Vision Chart - Classic

The vision of each eye is tested separately. Another organ of vision is suggested to be covered with a small shield, without pressing on the eyeball. The nurse shows the letters to the subject with a pointer, starting from the bottom, from the tenth row, and asks to name them. Vertically, the pointer rises to the topmost row. Each row has its own numerical value for assessing visual acuity from 1.0 (good vision) to 0.1. In addition, the sister shows the letters horizontally in each row. Sometimesa person does not see all the signs of a row.

eye test chart
eye test chart

Thus, the vision chart allows you to assess whether you have nearsightedness or farsightedness. If 2 letters are not recognized in the top four rows, and 1 character is not recognized in the four rows below them, visual acuity is considered incomplete. When a person sees poorly, and only the uppermost letters (which corresponds to a visual acuity of less than 0.1), his chair is brought closer to the table by 0.5 m according to the marks on the wall or on the floor until he begins to distinguish letters. The doctor gives a conclusion on the sharpness and completeness of vision in each eye. Then he corrects with a set of lenses.

Other ways to check visual acuity

If it is not possible in the office to set the required distance of 5 meters for testing, the patient is seated closer, and the doctor uses special formulas to calculate the actual vision. The right table with Landolt rings also allows you to set visual acuity. This vision chart is adapted to cases where the patient either does not know the letters or cannot name them if he is, for example, deaf and dumb. Here you need to indicate with your hand where the gap of the ring is (right, left, top or bottom). The rings are shown by the he althcare worker in the same order as the letters. There is an opinion that the table can be learned by heart and deceive the doctor. Believe me, it's not. In these cases, the right side of the table also helps the doctor.

How is vision examined in preschool children?

vision check chart for kids
vision check chart for kids

To determine the ability to see well in preschoolers, there is a special vision test table for children. By the names of the authors, it is called the Orlova or Oleinikova table. The creators proceeded from the fact that preschool children do not know letters, so they used popular icons or pictures. Working with children requires a patient preliminary explanation of what exactly is required of them. It is recommended that you first bring the baby to the table, show the pictures and ask them to name them in order to make sure how correctly he does it. And only then begin to show images, and in the same order as the adult letters, but more slowly. Now it is possible to check visual acuity by demonstrating tables with a special projector. This method is good because it allows you to identify the problem yourself and force you to contact a specialist. But still, communication with a doctor is much more useful.

Prevention of visual acuity disorders in schoolchildren

ophthalmologist's eye chart
ophthalmologist's eye chart

It is very important that the child, despite the ever-increasing school load, retain good vision until reaching adulthood. Here are a few tips to help prevent your child or you (adults also apply) from getting farsightedness or nearsightedness:

  • monitor the lighting - it should be bright enough, especially while reading, working at the computer and so on;
  • the distance between the TV and the child should not be less than 2-3 meters;
  • every 2 hourstake a break for 10-15 minutes from working on the computer, reading books and the like;
  • also the doctor may recommend special exercises to strengthen the eye muscles and prevent vision loss;
  • take special supplements with vitamin A and lutein, the latter is also abundant in blueberries;
  • spend more time outdoors, walk, exercise.

Follow these simple tips, then vision problems will bypass you and your child.
