When answering the question: "The term "moron" - what is it?" - many are guided by the colloquial, non-medical definition of the term.
If you jump into a departing bus on the move, and then try to jump out, realizing that you have sat in the wrong place, you will definitely hear: "Moron!" Or at school, students are hard hitting each other, kicking portfolios, and one good Samaritan will undoubtedly shout: "Well, you're a moron!"

A well-aimed, biting word is used all the time in an offensive way. And few people think about its true meaning. And how else to call a person who runs along the road with doe jumps?
Who is this moron
Let's try to answer the question: "Medical termin "moron" - what is it from a scientific point of view?" In the modern sense, this term is interpreted in several ways. However, its exact definition means only one thing, a moron is a person who suffers from a debility disease. In turn, debility is a disease characterized by a mild degree of mental retardation, slowing downneuropsychiatric development, delayed reactions.
On the one hand, the use of the word "moron" as a characteristic of a person's strange behavior is quite justified. After all, it is precisely weakly expressed mental abilities that make you commit stupid, thoughtless actions, those because of which a rude word flies from the tongue. However, in fact, the term is only legitimately used in the medical and educational industries, where a variety of studies and observations are carried out.
There is another understanding of the term. A moron is a stupid, narrow-minded person. Although it is used in colloquial speech, its use is undesirable. Since the true meaning of the concept of debility is distorted.
By what criteria can I identify the disease
A moron is a person who behaves quite adequately, the child is almost no different from his peers. Well-developed volitional sphere, mechanical memory. Therefore, often the disease is not diagnosed in the early stages of development.

The conclusion that a person suffers from debility can be made on the basis of several indicators:
- Difficulty fixing and getting attention.
- Memorization is slow and rather fragile.
- Almost no ability to abstract.
- There is only descriptive thinking.
- No ability to capture logical connections (space, time, etc.).
- There may be some speech impairment (poor vocabulary, difficulty inpronunciation).
- Sometimes they can't tell what they read or heard.
- Sometimes partial talent is possible (in drawing, calculation).
- Negativity developed.
- Impulsive, choppy, scattered movements.
At the same time, morons are able to study at a normal school, but do not always finish it. Sometimes such children have to study in special institutions or a special school. Despite this, people suffering from debility can adapt well in society and work in a normal environment.
Among the morons there are several groups:
- Eretic (excitable).
- Luminous and lethargic.
- Evil-stubborn.
- Vengeful.
- Torpid (inhibited).
The first two groups of morons have better mental abilities compared to others. At the same time, groups 3 and 4 pose a threat to society, so it is extremely important to identify debility at an early age in order to refer the child to a specialist.
How to treat?
It is impossible to completely cure debility, in most cases it is only a symptomatic treatment.
- Improve blood circulation, stabilize pressure, use drugs that speed up the brain.
- Traditional medicine is also widely used, when tinctures and herbs improve the general condition of a person, accelerate metabolic and other processes.
- Correctional, pedagogical measures that are very successful in restoring many body functions, developing mental activity.

Modern science does not stand still, numerous developments and the latest drugs can reduce deviation rates many times over.
Each of us is a Human! Each of us has the right to a normal and fulfilling life. A moron is a disease, and when it knocks you down, you need to help the patient get up. And how inappropriate and rude to point out to a disabled person the absence of a hand. So now you think about whether it is worth shouting insulting words after someone maliciously.