"Groprinosin 500": instructions for use and reviews

"Groprinosin 500": instructions for use and reviews
"Groprinosin 500": instructions for use and reviews

Immunomodulatory drugs can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor. However, patients often try to self-medicate. Such an approach can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. Groprinosin 500 has become one of the most popular and effective immunomodulators in recent times. Instructions for use, reviews about it will be presented to your attention. From the article you will learn about the features of the use of tablets.

groprinosin 500 instructions for use
groprinosin 500 instructions for use

Characteristics of the drug

What information does the user inform about the drug "Groprinosin 500" instructions for use? The abstract indicates that this medication has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. He fights against viral pathologies of a different nature. The drug is produced in tablets, which are packaged in blisters. One package may contain 20, 30 or 50 capsules.

The main active ingredient of the drug is inosine pranobex. What alreadyyou could guess, the capsule contains 500 milligrams of this component. About the drug "Groprinosin 500" instructions for use also says that the drug contains additional components. These are potato starch, magnesium stearate and polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Medication cost

Depending on the region in which you live, the price of the drug may vary. Also an important role is played by the number of tablets in one package. A small pack (20 pills) will cost you about 650 rubles. The drug in the amount of 30 tablets will cost 850 rubles. The largest package - 50 capsules - will cost you 1400 rubles.

The purchase includes a package of medication with the inscription "Groprinosin", instructions for use, 500-milligram tablets in the quantity indicated above. You do not need a prescription from a doctor to buy medicine. The drug is freely available and is available in almost every pharmacy chain.

groprinosin instructions for use 500 mg
groprinosin instructions for use 500 mg

Indications for prescribing medication

About Groprinosin 500, the instructions for use say that it is prescribed for prevention or treatment. The main indications that are spelled out in the annotation will be the following situations:

  • viral diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, and so on);
  • bacterial lesions (often in complex therapy);
  • sclerosing panencephalitis;
  • herpes of different types andlocalization;
  • chickenpox;
  • genital infections in women and men;
  • immunodeficiency states in people of all ages;
  • flu.

For prevention, the medicine is given during the cold season. Also, the drug can be used in combination with other medicines in the treatment of bacterial complications.

groprinosin 500 instructions for use for children
groprinosin 500 instructions for use for children

Restrictions on use and recommendations from doctors

This paragraph contains very important information about Groprinosin 500. Instructions for use says that the medicine has contraindications. Doctors strongly recommend that these cases be taken into account before starting treatment. This approach will allow you to avoid possible problems and additional complications in the form of adverse reactions.

It is contraindicated to take pills for persons who are highly sensitive to any constituent substance. With urolithiasis and chronic renal failure, the medicine is not prescribed. The following situations are also indicated in contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age (up to three years old);
  • arrhythmia;
  • gout;
  • patient's body weight up to 15 kilograms.

"Groprinosin": instructions for use

500 mg of the drug is prescribed to adult patients several times a day. Depending on the type of disease, the daily dose of the drug can vary from 1500 milligrams to 4 grams. For children, a portion of the medication is calculated by weightbody. For every kilogram of weight should be 50 milligrams. The indicated portion is divided into three doses.

The duration of therapy is always determined by the physician. The medicine is usually taken from 3-5 days to several weeks. Remember not to make your own decisions about increasing the dose or duration of therapy.

Advises to swallow without chewing the tablet "Groprinosin 500" instructions for use. For children who are not yet able to take the medicine in this way, it is permissible to pre-grind the medicine. Add a small amount of water to the resulting powder and give to the child.

groprinosin instructions for use 500 mg for children
groprinosin instructions for use 500 mg for children

Drug action

The composition of the drug is chosen in such a way that one substance enhances the effect of another. The drug has an antiviral effect, blocking the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Also, the tablets have an immunostimulating effect, increasing the body's resistance. As a result of the application, a quick recovery occurs, the likelihood of bacterial complications is reduced.

The drug has a maximum concentration in the human body within an hour after application. The active substance is excreted mainly in the urine. The drug is completely eliminated from the body approximately 48 hours after the last dose. This must be taken into account when using other drugs that are not compatible with this medicine.

groprinosin 500 instructions for use for prevention
groprinosin 500 instructions for use for prevention

Adverse reactions

What elsereports on the drug "Groprinosin" instructions for use? 500 mg for children is a very large dose. The abstract says that if the allowable portion is incorrectly calculated, side effects can often occur. These include nausea, abdominal pain, allergic reaction, irritability, headache. Less commonly, joint pain, polyuria, decreased appetite may occur.

If during treatment you notice one of the listed symptoms, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. If necessary, the doctor will give individual recommendations and select an alternative treatment.

groprinosin 500 instructions for use reviews
groprinosin 500 instructions for use reviews

Medication reviews

You already know what information contains about the drug "Groprinosin 500" instructions for use. For prevention, the medication is often prescribed during the period of colds. Some pediatricians recommend taking pills for children during adaptation in kindergarten. In this case, the course mode is assigned. First, the medicine is taken for 10 days, after which you need to wait 20 days and repeat the scheme. That's what parents are talking about. However, not all pediatricians are inclined to prescribe immunomodulators for prophylactic purposes. Some doctors say that the child's immunity should develop on its own.

Adult patients say that if you start taking the described remedy at the first symptoms of a cold, then recovery will come as soon as possible. Many testify to the absence of complications from a cold infection, while inwithout the described treatment, they occur very often.

Consumers also note the high cost of the drug. In comparison with other antiviral and immunomodulating agents, Groprinosin 500 is considered expensive. Everything is explained by the composition of the drug. Consumers also say that there is an analogue of the described medicine. Its trade name is "Isoprinosine". The price category of the medicine is about the same.

Parents of children who have been prescribed this medicine report having to crush the tablets beforehand. The powder has a rather unpleasant taste. However, do not dilute the drug with juice or other sweet liquid. Dilute the medication with a small amount of water, then let the child drink down the pill. With the simultaneous use of diuretics, you must first consult with your doctor and choose the appropriate treatment regimen.

groprinosin instructions for use 500 mg reviews
groprinosin instructions for use 500 mg reviews

Conclusion of the article

You have learned about the effective, but rather expensive antiviral agent Groprinosin. Instructions for use (500 mg), reviews of the drug are presented to your attention. It is worth recalling that the information provided is not a reason for self-treatment. Before using any medicine, you must first consult with your doctor. Especially responsible is the approach to the treatment of young children. Take the medicine "Groprinosin 500" correctly, in accordance with the instructions or recommendations of the doctor. Good he alth andgood immunity!
