Fatigue drugs - this is an extensive list of drugs, including both biologically active food supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as serious drugs used in the treatment of depressive disorders, that is, psychostimulants and antidepressants. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a common disorder, so many people require specific drugs.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
This is a common pathology that has become widespread relatively recently. This is due to the peculiarities of the life of the population of megacities, the excessive emotional and mental burden on a modern person and the unfavorable environmental situation. The feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion is familiar to many, but CFS is different from physiological fatigue.

There is no consensus among doctors explaining the origin of the pathology. There ishypothesis of a viral origin, since antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus are often found in the blood of patients. Another version is depression. Half of the patients show manifestations of depression, while somatic (masked) depression includes almost all signs of CFS. Perhaps CFS is a variant of a mental disorder. However, not only antidepressants, but also anti-inflammatory drugs have proven themselves in the treatment, which confirms the complex origin of the syndrome.
Symptoms and diagnosis of CFS
Diagnosis is based on clinical signs. Mandatory criteria include a decrease in performance and a constant feeling of fatigue for six consecutive months or more in the absence of diseases and other causes that can cause such a condition. As a rule, the symptoms progressively increase and cannot be explained by somatic diseases. The rest of the symptoms are combined into several groups:
- Signs of psychological and mental problems: depression, sleep disturbances, irritability, memory impairment.
- Symptoms of hypersensitivity to alcohol and drugs, allergic reactions.
- Manifestations of autonomic-endocrine dysfunction: gastrointestinal dysfunction, rapid changes in body weight, arrhythmias, loss of appetite.
- Symptoms of a chronic inflammatory process: muscle and joint pain, fever, swollen lymph nodes, chronic pharyngitis.
Diagnosis is considered reliable if the patient has the required criteria and does notless than six months, at least four of the following symptoms are observed: malaise after physical exertion, impaired concentration or memory, muscle or joint pain, soreness and enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes, pharyngitis, headache unusual for the patient, sleep that does not give strength. Other symptoms of CFS include dizziness, chest or throat discomfort, anxiety, confusion, and other less specific symptoms.
Common causes of CFS
The main risk factors for constant fatigue are frequent and prolonged stress, unfavorable living conditions, increased radiation exposure, unbalanced diet and insufficient physical activity, monotonous and strenuous work, effects that weaken the body's resistance (comorbidities, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, electromagnetic impact, surgical interventions), lack of life prospects. Bad habits for patients usually become significant moments in the development of the syndrome: intense smoking is an attempt to stimulate performance, alcoholism is the removal of arousal.

Basic principles of treatment
In the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, several groups of drugs are used, so it is better not to start taking anti-fatigue and sleep medications that a pharmacist in a pharmacy will advise on your own. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antidepressants, sedatives, immunomodulators and vitamin complexes are used. To the general complextherapy must necessarily include diet therapy, normalization of sleep and rest, autogenic training and other methods of normalizing the psycho-emotional background (including group psychotherapy), hydroprocedures, massage, physiotherapy exercises, general immunocorrectors with an adaptogenic effect, nootropics and daytime tranquilizers.
Vitamin complexes
With a constant feeling of overwork, loss of strength and weakness, which does not go away after a long rest and sleep, you need to start taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough nutrients to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. B vitamins are responsible for energy production, therefore they are one of the most important for cheerfulness. With illnesses, injuries, a constant feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion, the need for energy increases significantly, so an increase in the intake of B vitamins is necessary.
Vitamin C cannot be called a complete substance that helps with weakness, because there is no reliable data directly or indirectly indicating this. But, according to medical observations, patients who do not consume enough vitamin C are more likely to complain of fatigue. The lack of vitamin D negatively affects the efficiency and general physical tone. This useful substance regulates the activity of the heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system. The lack of vitamins can be restored through special complexes and rational nutrition.
Vitrum Vitamin Complex

One tablet of the Vitrum complex contains the daily norm of useful substances for the body, fourteen vitamins and seventeen minerals. The tool helps with beriberi, conditions characterized by a decrease in the body's immune defenses (gastrointestinal disorders, frequent stress, increased physical activity, poor nutrition, postoperative period). The composition includes B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin), vitamin A (retinol), E (tocopherol), beneficial trace elements and acids. Suitable for adults and children over 12 years of age.
Complex medicine for chronic fatigue (vitamin complex) is prescribed to patients with a lack of vitamin B in the body and signs of asthenia. Asthenic syndrome is a condition characterized by increased fatigue, neuropsychic and physical weakness, sleep disturbances, and extreme mood instability. The composition of "Pentovit" includes B vitamins, nicotinamide and other useful trace elements. After a full course of therapy, patients have a general improvement in their condition, activation of metabolic processes, and normalization of the central nervous system. Reviews of the vitamin complex are positive. The effect of the application is noticeable even before the end of the course of therapy.
As part of the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, drugs are prescribed from various groups (depending on the severity of symptoms, the body's response, the clinical picture and the presence of concomitant diseases):
- drugs that stimulate the body's reactions;
- drugs affecting the functioning of the nervous system;
- antidepressants and tranquilizers.
Some groups of drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. This applies to such drugs for fatigue and depression as specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Zoloft, Torin, Aleval, Stimuloton, Seralin, Serlift, Deprefolt), selective inhibitors that combine stimulating and timpoanaleptic effects ("Fluoxetine Lannacher", "Fluoxetine", "Flunisan", "Prozac", "Prodep"), true anxiolytics.

Immune resistance stimulants
Immunomodulators differ in chemical structure and mechanism of action on the body. Such drugs for fatigue stimulate the processes of humoral and / or cellular immunity, increase the overall resistance of the body, normalize performance and even out the emotional background. Nucleic acid derivatives, imidazolines, thymus preparations, pyrimidine derivatives, aliphatic polyamines, interferogens and interferons may be prescribed.
"Laennec": description of the drug
The chronic fatigue medicine "Laennec" (an immunostimulant with a hepatoprotective effect) has a general restorative and strengthening effect. The following areas of application of the drug are clinically substantiated: immunoregulation, lipotropic, angiogenic and neurotrophic effects, hepatoprotection, antifibrotic and reparative processes. The complex effect is explained by the molecular and microelement composition: many peptides,high concentration of individual microelements, enzymes of energy metabolism. "Laennec" is obtained on the basis of the hydrolyzate of the human placenta.
The medicine for weakness and fatigue is injected. A course of injections (usually ten procedures are enough) leads to a significant reduction in the severity of CFS, depression and anxiety, and an increase in the quality of life, subjectively assessed by the patient. Reception is accompanied by an increase in endurance, performance, positive changes in the metabolic profile (the work of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, the balance of organic and amino acids, energy synthesis). The therapy is safe, side effects in the form of numbness at the injection site and minor pain are observed only in 3.7% of patients. Allergic reactions are possible. Judging by the reviews, the drug is more often used in cosmetology, but is sometimes prescribed in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Drugs affecting the central nervous system
Significantly increases the body's performance in adverse conditions sodium polydihydroxyphenylene thiosulfonate (sold in pharmacies under the trade names "Gipoxen", "Olifen"). The medicine for fatigue and drowsiness belongs to the group of antioxidants. "Gipoxen" and "Olifen" improve tissue respiration (especially in organs with an active metabolism: liver, brain, heart), increase resistance to significant mental and physical stress, are used in the complex therapy of heavy blood loss, significant surgical interventions, respiratory pathologies, severe injuries, angina pectoris andchronic heart failure (including for the purpose of prevention). These are good medicines for eye fatigue and increased fatigue of the whole body. Hypoxen, for example, is recommended for people who work in extreme and adverse conditions (operators, submariners, polar explorers).
Another drug for fatigue and stress that affects the functioning of the central nervous system is aminoacetic acid ("Glycine"). "Glycine" normalizes metabolic processes, reduces psycho-emotional stress, increases mental performance, regulates metabolism. The use of aminoacetic acid is accompanied by a decrease in conflict, normalization of sleep, increased social adaptation, improved mood, and a decrease in the severity of symptoms of vegetative disorders. Released without a prescription. No contraindications (except for intolerance to components) and side effects have been registered.

Semax nootropic agent (methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline) in small doses has a pronounced neurometabolic effect. Higher doses have an antioxidant, neutrotrophic, angioprotective effect while maintaining the neurometabolic effect. So, the medicine for fatigue and drowsiness improves memory, enhances concentration, speed of mental processes, stimulates the brain, and normalizes psycho-emotional reactions. "Semax" is contraindicated in childhood (up to 5 years), during pregnancy and lactation, with anxiety and severe psychosis, with increased sensitivity tocomponents, history of seizures. Designed for intranasal use.
Psychotropic drugs
Effective drugs for fatigue and depression are antidepressants: pipofezin (Azafen), sertraline (Deprefolt, Serlift, Aleval, Seralin, Serenata), fluoxetine (Flunisan, "Flouxetine", "Flouxetine Geksal", "Prozac"). All drugs are dispensed only by prescription. "Azafen" has a sedative effect, relieves depression and related vegetative, somatic and mental disorders, has a positive effect on asthenia that occurs with complications of mental illness, reduces anxiety and feelings of internal tension, and normalizes sleep. The medicine for fatigue is contraindicated in renal and hepatic, insufficiency of the heart muscle, heart attack, ischemia, circulatory disorders of the brain, diabetes mellitus, severe infectious diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"Zoloft", "Serlift" "Deprefolt", "Stimulon" and other specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors with prolonged use lead to a decrease in the activity of adrenoreceptors in the brain, do not have a sedative or stimulating effect. Selective inhibitors ("Fluval", "Fluoxeting", "Flunisan") have a stimulating effect, improve mood, reduce feelings of fear, anxiety and tension, reduce irritability, sleep disturbances and drowsiness, improve performance. All this is confirmed in the reviews.patients. There is indeed a positive effect. But care must be taken when withdrawing such strong drugs for fatigue and depression, as there is a risk of withdrawal syndrome.
"Daytime" tranquilizers for CFS
To relieve fatigue, a drug with a stimulating effect can be prescribed quite strong. In this situation, much depends on the severity of the symptoms of the pathology and the presence of concomitant diseases (especially depression and similar neurotic disorders). Tranquilizers suppress the feeling of fear and anxiety, emotional stress, anxiety, reduce irritability both in relatively he althy people and in various disorders (neurotic, nerve-like). Since such drugs reduce excitability, so-called “daytime” tranquilizers are used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. These are very effective anti-fatigue remedies, but they need to be used with care. This is confirmed not only by doctors, patients also talk about the need to strictly follow the recommendations. The dose is increased from the minimum effective to the optimal for the therapeutic effect, the cancellation is made gradually, if long-term treatment is necessary, the course is carried out according to the method of intermittent therapy.
"Phenotropil": nootropic psychostimulant

One of the best medicines for fatigue doctors call "Phenotropil", but this is a serious drug, the appointment of which must be guided by expediency. The patient must complyrecommended dosage and duration of therapy. The drug was developed to increase the physical and mental performance, as well as the mental stability of astronauts during various stages of the flight. The drug has passed into clinical practice, confirming its effectiveness and safety.
This is a cure for the fatigue of the whole organism. "Phenotropil" has an antidepressant and sedative effect, reduces emotional excitability, irritability and conflict, increases the level of clarity of consciousness, performance, concentration, thinking and memory, has a positive effect on resistance to adverse external conditions (including drugs, which must be taken into account when prescribing a course of therapy) and exposure to extreme factors, restores the tone of blood vessels and joints. When applied externally, it has a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates age-related changes in the skin.