Treatment of dysbacteriosis: treatment regimen, drugs, medical advice

Treatment of dysbacteriosis: treatment regimen, drugs, medical advice
Treatment of dysbacteriosis: treatment regimen, drugs, medical advice

The functioning of the human body depends on the ratio of the presence of microflora in the intestine. It is known that about 500 species of bacteria live in the large intestine on a permanent basis, and if the balance is disturbed, there is a high risk of the need to treat dysbacteriosis. The treatment regimen for each patient will be approximately the same, it is described in the article. Depending on the stage, the results of the tests, the age of the patient, the scheme may vary slightly. With dysbacteriosis, immunity, that is, the body's defenses, is impaired. With poor immunity, there can be no talk of the normal functioning of the body.

What is the intestinal microflora

The basis for the normal functioning of the intestines is a he althy microflora. Anaerobic bifidobacteria form its basis. Microflora provides a he althy cholesterol, lipid, carbohydrate metabolism. If there are more of some microorganisms, and less others, there is a high risk of metabolic disorders.processes. The level of immunity, the ability of the body to produce adequate immune responses, as well as the activity of the lymphatic system also depend on the normal functioning of the intestine.

treatment of dysbacteriosis
treatment of dysbacteriosis

What bacteria make up the intestinal microflora? It is almost always necessary to take tests to treat dysbacteriosis. The treatment regimen will depend on which bacteria prevail and which are lacking. Classification of bacteria according to the principle of their action:

  • those that make up the normal microflora;
  • those that are part of the opportunistic microflora;
  • pathogenic bacteria.

The first two categories are quite acceptable, opportunistic microflora is often found in he althy people. But if pathogenic microflora prevails, then treatment of chronic dysbacteriosis is necessary. A working scheduling of medications will be described below.

The difference between pathogenic microbes and opportunistic microbes in principle of their vital activity. Aerobes are bacteria that can carry out their vital activity only under the condition of a constant supply of oxygen. There are also anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen to function.

Anaerobes include gram-positive (lactobacteria, eubacteria, bifidobacteria) and gram-negative (fusobacteria, bacteroids, etc.) bacteria. They are named after the scientist who discovered them, the Dane Gram. Anaerobes are the basis of the intestinal microflora, accounting for approximately 95% of it. These microorganismsproduce substances that are able to displace pathogens of pathogenic flora. They also play an important role in intestinal acidification, contribute to the formation of a protective film on the mucosa. Some anaerobes are involved in the absorption of beneficial trace elements. Therefore, it is so important when implementing the treatment regimen for intestinal dysbacteriosis to pay attention to increasing the number of anaerobes. Roughly speaking, the quality of immunity, good he alth, tissue fullness with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids depend on a sufficient number of these bacteria. Due to the content of anaerobes, almost all intestinal preparations are effective. The treatment regimen for intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults necessarily contains the item "colonization of the intestines with beneficial microorganisms" - this is the colonization of anaerobic bacteria.

bacteria in the intestine
bacteria in the intestine

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children and adults

With intestinal dysbacteriosis, rather individual symptoms can be observed, but a number of common ones can still be distinguished:

  1. Violation of the stool is the first symptom of the disease in both adults and children. Diarrhea is permanent, in the first days the stool still retains its shape, but by the end of the week the disease passes from the second stage to the third, as a result of which the diarrhea becomes uncontrollable. Many patients try to get rid of this symptom with fastening drugs - Loperamide, etc., however, after taking the pill, the effect does not last long. Complex treatment of dysbacteriosis is necessary. A treatment regimen can be drawn up by a gastroenterologistafter receiving test results.
  2. With dysbacteriosis, the elderly may develop constipation. This symptom appears due to a significant decrease in intestinal motility. Constipation accompanies the discharge of offensive flatus. The abundance of pathogenic microflora provides an extremely unpleasant odor both during defecation and flatulence. This symptom is present not only in the elderly, but also in patients of the youngest or even childhood age.
  3. At the late stage of dysbacteriosis, rotting and fermentation of food in the intestines is observed, as a result of which mucus may appear during defecation, feces may be frothy, greenish or yellow. The exact symptoms in this case will depend on what other chronic diseases of the internal organs the patient suffers from. For example, if there is a violation of the outflow of bile, the feces become yellow, in chronic liver diseases it brightens, sometimes it completely loses color.
  4. Meteorism of varying intensity is inherent in any stage of development of dysbacteriosis. Often patients resort to the use of carminative drugs like Espumizana, but after the effect of the drug wears off, the symptoms return with a vengeance.
  5. Dyspeptic disorders in dysbacteriosis are quite common. Nausea, belching, bad breath - all this is the result of the fact that the intestines are not fully emptied, putrefactive processes develop in it.
bifidumbacterin for dysbacteriosis
bifidumbacterin for dysbacteriosis

Stages of development of dysbacteriosis

It should be noted that dysbacteriosiscan develop not only on the intestinal mucosa. Women often suffer from a violation of the microflora on the walls of the vagina - while, of course, digestion does not suffer, but there is severe discomfort and an increased risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as local immunity suffers. The development of dysbacteriosis in the gynecological part is somewhat different from a similar disease in gastroenterology, however, the same stages of development can be distinguished, and the cause of the pathology is the same as in the case of the intestine - a violation of the microflora.

The reasons for the development of dysbacteriosis are as follows:

  • parasitic infestations;
  • malnutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • stress situations;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • neoplasms in any part of the intestine.

Consider the main stages of the development of dysbacteriosis:

  1. The first stage is characterized by a persistent violation of the protective endogenous microflora (in the analyzes there is such a thing as "by two orders of magnitude" - this means that the average indicator of the presence of certain bacteria differs from the norm by two conventional units). At the first stage, the patient does not suffer from a violation of the bifido- and lactoflora. The first stage is also called the latent stage of the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. The treatment regimen for children and adults at this stage is not complicated. As a rule, it is enough to ensure the colonization of the intestines (or vagina) with beneficial microorganismsthrough taking medications. This is usually enough to restore local and general immunity, and restore the absorption of useful components from food.
  2. The second stage is characterized by a pathogenic process, which is characterized by a rapid increase in pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, the patient begins to experience rather ambiguous symptoms: constant bloating, heaviness after eating, flatulence - all these unpleasant consequences of dysbacteriosis haunt the patient every day. It should be noted that such symptoms can develop not only with dysbacteriosis, but also with a number of other diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, before starting to adhere to the treatment regimen for intestinal dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out exactly your diagnosis. In the second stage of dysbacteriosis, an inflammatory process often develops, as a result of which the patient may experience pain in the peritoneal region. Left untreated, this process can lead to more serious illnesses.
  3. The third stage of intestinal dysbacteriosis is characterized by an aggravation of the condition: the patient already suffers not only from the directly described disease, but also from concomitant ones (intestinal ulcer, erosion, etc.). Pathogenic microflora almost completely replaces anaerobes, as a result of which there can be no talk of a normal digestion process - urgent treatment of dysbacteriosis is required. The treatment regimen includes not only taking medications, but also following a fairly strict diet. Some foods and drinks will have to be excluded from the diet for a long time.

Kwhich doctor should I contact?

It is quite difficult to draw up a treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis in adults on your own. Why do I need to take tests and consult a gastroenterologist? The fact is that only after examining the patient's feces and after comparing the results with a biochemical blood test, it is possible to accurately diagnose not only "dysbacteriosis", but also to verify the presence or absence of other diagnoses. Often dysbacteriosis is a consequence of chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver. Also, dysbacteriosis can develop in patients with chronic pancreatitis. The results of the tests will help to draw up a clinical picture, as a result of which it is possible to develop a successful treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis for a child or an adult.

So, for the necessary tests, you will need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. As a rule, he paints a treatment regimen after drawing up a clinical picture. To alleviate the current condition, the patient can be prescribed fastening and carminative drugs, if necessary, enzymes or hepatoprotectors can be prescribed.

Treatment regimen for intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults

As a rule, the treatment of the disease of the second or third stage takes about a month. Depending on the clinical picture and the presence of concomitant diseases, this time may slightly differ both up and down.

Treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis in adults:

  • eliminate the causes that caused dysbacteriosis - you need to get rid of parasites, go into remission if you havechronic diseases, normalize nutrition, give up bad habits, get into the comfort zone with constant stress;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora with the help of pharmacological preparations;
  • settlement with beneficial bacteria, which was mentioned above;
  • maintaining a he althy balance of microflora.

The four stages are closely related: without the full implementation of any of them, the treatment will be useless. The treatment regimen for intestinal dysbiosis in adults differs from therapy in children in that more aggressive drugs can be used without fear of side effects. Adults will also have to limit themselves (and ideally, completely exclude themselves from their lives) in terms of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are detrimental to the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Reviews of the treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis in adults are positive. Many patients tried to get rid of dysbacteriosis solely with the help of drugs, and for some time this therapy strategy brought relief. However, after some time (several weeks) the symptoms returned again. As a result, the use of drugs alone turned out to be futile: constant relapses were repeated. And only an integrated approach to treatment made it possible to forget about the symptoms of dysbacteriosis for years.

Symptoms of gynecological dysbacteriosis

As mentioned above, in addition to intestinal dysbacteriosis, there is also vaginal. Hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, non-compliance with personal hygiene, infectious processes in the vaginaThere are many factors that contribute to the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis. The consequences of this disease are exactly the same as in the case of the intestines: a decrease in general and local immunity, poor he alth, and a decrease in vitality.

Pathogenic bacteria that lead to vaginosis in most cases:

  • gardnerella;
  • Clostridia, Klebsiella, Corynebacteria;
  • streptococci and staphylococci;
  • E. coli.

Symptoms of vaginal dysbacteriosis:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • highlights of an unusual nature;
  • Sensation of itching, burning in the genital area and vagina.

Diagnosis of vaginal dysbacteriosis includes:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • smear for microflora;
  • vaginal culture test.

Before you undergo an examination and take tests, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for several days, do not douche, do not use candles. These actions with a high degree of probability will contribute to a change in the analyzes and will not allow the doctor to draw up a correct clinical picture. And consequently, the treatment regimen for vaginal dysbacteriosis will be drawn up incorrectly. If the doctor prescribes drugs that are effective in combating the wrong bacteria, then we are talking aboutrecovery may not be possible. If the patient follows all the necessary rules before taking a smear, then the result of the analysis will be reliable and, accordingly, the treatment will be prescribed correctly.

vaginal dysbacteriosis
vaginal dysbacteriosis

Scheme for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in gynecology

As in the case of intestinal dysbacteriosis, an integrated approach is important. Otherwise, the remission will be short-lived. Treatment regimen for vaginal dysbacteriosis:

  • exclusion of those factors that provoked the development of the condition;
  • with the help of suppositories for topical use and preparations for oral administration to eradicate pathogenic microflora;
  • using vaginal suppositories to restore favorable microflora.

Where eradication of pathogens takes only about a week, the restoration of favorable microflora takes longer - about one month.

The drugs that are used to get rid of pathogenic bacteria are different. The choice of the drug should not be carried out independently. The drug is prescribed by a gynecologist after the exact number and name of the bacteria that must be destroyed become known. Such drugs as "Clindamycin", "Fluconazole", "Terzhinan" have proven themselves well. To restore a favorable microflora, suppositories and tablets "Gynoflor", "Laktogin", "Ecofemin", "Lactobacterin" are prescribed.

Scheme for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in a child

Treatment of dysbacteriosis inthe child is complicated by the fact that not all drugs that are effective in therapy in adults can be given to the baby. The child's body quite often produces side effects and allergic reactions when taking seemingly safe and mild drugs.

First of all, a complete examination of the digestive tract is necessary. In recent years, cases of detection of pancreatitis in children have become more frequent. It would seem, how can a five-year-old child have gastritis or pancreatitis? It affects the low quality of food consumed, stress, high demands from parents, a change of scenery. The children's body reacts even to a little stress in an unpredictable way. If during the examination certain chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are found, one should treat them, and only then take preparations that restore the microflora. Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children should be carried out in parallel with a change in diet towards proper nutrition. To restore the microflora, children from five years old are usually prescribed Bifidumbacterin, Linex.

The treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis in infants is as follows:

  1. Creating favorable conditions for the baby. If necessary, refuse breastfeeding in favor of artificial. Often a change of formula is required if the baby is already bottle-fed.
  2. After receiving the test results, the doctor prescribes a drug whose action is aimed at destroying the pathogenic bacterium that caused dysbacteriosis (E. coli, staphylococci, etc.).
  3. Restoration of microflora -babies are usually prescribed "Subtil", "Bifikol".
bifikol from dysbacteriosis in children
bifikol from dysbacteriosis in children

The best drugs to restore he althy microflora

The most effective way to get rid of the manifestations of the disease as soon as possible is to take the right drugs. In the treatment of dysbacteriosis, the following drugs are usually used:

  1. "Lactobacterin". It is produced in two forms of release - powder for suspension and tablets. It is not prescribed for candidiasis and hypersensitivity to active ingredients. Parallel administration with antibiotic drugs is possible as a prevention of the development of dysbacteriosis. It can be used for the treatment of pregnant women - both as part of complex therapy, and as an independent remedy. An important nuance is that the drug should be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it loses its medicinal properties, as the bacteria that make up the composition die.
  2. "Probifor". It is used to treat dysbacteriosis in adults and children from six months and older. Populates the intestines with beneficial microflora, long-term use is possible. It is acceptable to use for the treatment of pregnant women. Together with "Probifor" and antibiotics, it is included in a comprehensive treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis.
  3. "Enterol". Available in the form of capsules and powder for suspension. Both the powder and the capsules are powered by the lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii contained in it. These bacteria displace pathogenic microflora. Judging byaccording to patients, significant relief is observed already on the first day after administration.

Scheme for the treatment of dysbacteriosis with diarrhea with effective drugs:

  • on the first day - two tablets of Levomycetin or Loperamide (one in the morning and one in the evening);
  • from the first day of treatment and for at least ten days, take "Bifidumbacterin" or "Lactobacterin" in the dosage recommended by the instructions based on the weight and age of the patient;
  • from the first day of treatment, adhere to proper nutrition (it should be noted that if the rules of nutrition are violated, the symptoms may return).

In most cases, diarrhea disappears on the first day, bloating and pain in the peritoneum - on the second. The stool returns to normal approximately on the third or fourth day after the start of treatment.

The whole variety of probiotics (drugs to restore he althy microflora) can be classified as follows:

  1. Drugs based on lactobacilli. There are tablet and powder forms of release. The first includes "Lactobacterin", the second is represented by "Biobacton" and "Acilact".
  2. Preparations based on bifidobacteria have been used in medicine for several decades and have many forms of production and names.
  3. Drugs that combine both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This category of drugs is the most modern, however, their cost is higher. These are Florin Forte, Linex, etc.
lineks with dysbacteriosis
lineks with dysbacteriosis

The importance of proper nutrition in the treatment of dysbacteriosis

Simple nutritional rules that will help achieve long-term remission:

  • completely eliminate fast food, fatty and fried foods, refuse to eat fresh bakery products, grapes, persimmons, legumes;
  • should completely abandon coffee, chicory, sweet carbonated drinks, sweet fruit drinks and compotes, from alcoholic beverages;
  • boiled lean meat, fresh vegetables, low-fat sour-milk products, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge should be included in the daily diet, you can drink hot drinks without added sugar, prepare compotes and fruit drinks with a sweetener;
  • drink as much clean water as possible (boiled or artesian, plain tap water can only aggravate the patient's condition);
  • you can dry bread in the oven and eat these crackers with first and second courses (fresh bakery products negatively affect the balance of microflora and provoke flatulence).
nutrition and dysbiosis
nutrition and dysbiosis

How to avoid relapse: advice from doctors

Whatever the patient's treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis, the gastroenterologist's advice to prevent relapse will be common to everyone:

  • drink any probiotic once every six months - this will help to immediately prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • follow the dietary principles outlined above;
  • give up bad habits;
  • avoid stresssituations;
  • prevent recurrence of chronic diseases of internal organs (pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, erosion, etc.);
  • check regularly for parasites;
  • avoid hypothermia (this is true for patients with vaginal dysbacteriosis).
