Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich, plastic surgeon, chief physician of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty

Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich, plastic surgeon, chief physician of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty
Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich, plastic surgeon, chief physician of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty

Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich is a legendary person. There are so many rumors around his name, and millions of women dream of getting an appointment with him. He is a star surgeon, to whom many luminaries of our stage turned at one time. The colossal experience in performing operations puts this doctor head and shoulders above most of his colleagues. Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich has been performing up to three surgeries a day for the past twenty years.

It is difficult to find another doctor who could repeat such achievements. He occupies a place of honor among specialists in rhinoplasty. To date, the correction of the shape of the nose is the most popular procedure, because nothing else can change facial features so much. Slightly shortening the length or removing the width of the wings, you will get a completely new look that will delight for years to come.

Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich
Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich


Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich is an extra-class specialist whose servicesthey just can't be cheap. Rhinoplasty in his performance is the standard. The name of this specialist has become a household name. All the methods, techniques and techniques that he developed, improved, and today successfully applies, add up to a single harmonious system. Today, she has a lot of fans, not only from clients, but also from young professionals who are eager to adopt her.


Artur Vladimirovich Rybakin began his path to mastery at the University. I. P. Pavlova. The continuation of training was clinical internship. This baggage of knowledge was enough to start a professional career. In the process of work, there were many more seminars and scientific conferences, which allowed not only to hone your skills and learn new techniques, but also to create your own, author's solutions. Surgeon Artur Rybakin is considered the best Russian plastic surgeon.

st. petersburg institute of beauty
st. petersburg institute of beauty

Scientific activity

Before he reached today's heights, Rybakin (a plastic surgeon with little experience at that time) began to actively engage in scientific work. Since 1994, his practical career began. Since 1997, he has already held the position of head of the department of plastic surgery. In 1998, the first practical-scientific conference took place, at which he spoke as a speaker. Topical issues of cosmetology were on the agenda. Rybakin's report was devoted to face and neck rejuvenation operations.

In 1999, the second stellar conference onplastic surgery and cosmetology. This time, his speech touched on new promising methods that aroused great interest from the audience.

Since 2001, his stellar career begins. Rybakin is invited to the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty, where he holds the position of chief physician.

The surgeon specializes in operations to restore, correct and rejuvenate the face and body. If you were a patient of Rybakin A. V., then you are familiar with the level of operations performed under his leadership.

spik st. petersburg institute of beauty
spik st. petersburg institute of beauty

Perfect face

Most often, it is with this request that patients turn to a plastic surgeon. SPIK (St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty) is known for its amazing works, creations or even works of art. This is the main direction in which Artur Vladimirovich Rybakin works. Patients book months in advance to get to this particular surgeon.

The following areas are distinguished in the clinic:

  • Rejuvenating operations;
  • Interventions aimed at changing individual facial features.

These and other procedures can be performed either together or separately. It all depends on the desire and capabilities of the patient. Until recently, the goal of a plastic surgeon was to reduce deep wrinkles. To do this, the skin was moved upward, and at the same time its excess was excised. Today, this method is considered obsolete. Rybakin A. V. uses the latest methods of periorbitoplasty. This is the concept of deep tissue rejuvenation, which inAs a result, it leads to an improvement in the external condition of the patient. Age-related changes affect not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue and muscle structures. As a result, tissue deficiency or excess develops precisely in the complex of deep tissues, where the plastic surgeon works.

fisherman plastic surgeon
fisherman plastic surgeon

Rejuvenating surgeries

Today we are talking about the most famous specialist in his field. Rybakin A. V. actively uses endoscopic technologies. This is a step into the future, which has not yet been dreamed of by most clinics for the correction of appearance. Thanks to this technique, it became possible to abandon long incisions and perform operations through miniature accessible ones. They do not leave noticeable scars, but at the same time they do not limit the field of activity for a specialist. The second advantage of this method is a decrease in tissue injury, a decrease in the recovery period, and a decrease in blood loss.

surgeon arthur rybakin
surgeon arthur rybakin


The latest trend in aesthetic surgery is the introduction of tissue engineering. And again, the chief specialist of the institute, Rybakin A. V., was one of the first in Russia to undertake its widespread use. Stem cell transplantation has taken the service to a whole new level. Modern cosmetology would be different without this innovation. It is noteworthy that now to compensate for the lack of volume, it is not necessary to take adipose or cartilage tissue from other parts of the body. To do this, it is grown in the laboratory.

Methods of tissue engineering at the beauty institute have taken rootvery good. The grown tissue is completely safe, does not cause rejection and allows you to model contours without foreign implants. If earlier it was necessary to take silicone and other artificial materials for these purposes, then there was always a risk of an inflammatory process. Today, this is completely excluded, because the filling of the volume occurs, in fact, with your biological material.

Author's methods

Just a few words about the techniques that a plastic surgeon uses to make your face look perfect. Rybakin V. A. has his own scheme of work, which gives amazing results. First of all, this is the elimination of age signs near the eyes. Such manipulations allow you to remove horizontal folds and lift the upper eyelids, making the look young and open. If there is a drooping of the outer corner of the eye, then a canthopexy is performed. With the help of this procedure, the look becomes expressive and attractive.

Rejuvenation of the middle part of the face begins with rhinoplasty and modeling of the contours of the zygomatic part, as well as lower blepharoplasty. To achieve an ideal result, the surgeon corrects the shape of the cheeks, reduces the lacrimal grooves. Endoscopic techniques and achievements in tissue engineering actively help him in this.

Rejuvenation of the lower part is another complex set of procedures. To form a beautiful contour, a plastic surgeon (St. Petersburg) performs SMAS - platysmaplasty. If this is not enough, he can decide on double chin liposuction, genioplasty. Thus, one can seethat rejuvenating techniques in his work are closely intertwined with operations aimed at changing facial features.

anti-aging operations
anti-aging operations

Star Patients

When you see on the TV screen beautiful women and men in elegant outfits, with an impeccable appearance, it seems that nature itself has given them everything for popularity. In fact, everything is not so simple. The creation of the image is influenced by professional hair and makeup, regular cosmetic procedures, but this is not all. Most of the modern pop stars visited SPIK, where Rybakov underwent a transformation. Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Katie Topuria - they all underwent a course of changes with this plastic surgeon. The list does not end here, it can be continued indefinitely. Some of them openly tell the fans that they have done plastic surgery, while others prefer to remain silent about it. But the fact that they all chose the same surgeon speaks volumes.

Perfect Body

The St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty and its chief specialist Rybakin A. V offer you a range of procedures aimed at shaping an elegant silhouette, improving the figure and creating harmonious proportions. Conventionally, all of them can be divided into decreasing and increasing. In accordance with the wishes of clients, the surgeon removes excess tissue or, conversely, compensates for the lack of volume.

The clinic of aesthetic surgery, depending on the area of correction, offers its patients various categories of plastic surgery. Without a specialist in their practicalThe purpose is difficult to figure out, so we will only briefly note the most basic ones. These are mammoplasty, gluteoplasty and many others.

plastic surgery
plastic surgery

Simply complex

Each of the techniques is not a single operation, but a complex of surgical methods that are skillfully used by a specialist. Today, a procedure called "lipoplasty" is gaining more and more popularity, that is, modeling the contours of the body by transplanting one's own adipose tissue. We must not lose sight of the fact that the aesthetic result depends primarily not on the effectiveness of the technique, but on the skill and experience of the doctor. Among hundreds of methods, he must choose the one that is perfect for you. But if you have not yet chosen a clinic and an attending physician for yourself, then pay attention to SPIK (St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty). It is here that you will be offered the best solution that will definitely not disappoint you.

Intimate plasticity

A rather young direction that is actively developing. Moreover, plastic surgery (St. Petersburg) at the SPIK center today has already reached such heights that it can offer you both aesthetic and functional changes. Let's look at the main types of operations that Rybakov A. V. performs:

  • Labioplasty is the aesthetics of the external genital organs. Large and small labia can be reduced or enlarged at the request of the patient.
  • Colpoplasty is a reduction in the volume of the vagina. Excessive stretching of its walls can not only lead to a deterioration in the quality of sexual life, but alsoaffects the he alth of the genitourinary system as a whole.
  • G-spot augmentation is another trendy procedure that is performed by injecting hyaluronic acid. Painful, but short procedure leads to the following effects. An increase in the volume of the mucosa leads to the activation of the hypersensitive zone, and therefore, sensations increase during vaginal intercourse.

Summing up, I would like to say that the choice of a plastic surgeon is an extremely important step. A specialist cannot be cheap, so do not try to save on your he alth. After analyzing the reviews, we came to the conclusion that if you change your appearance, then Artur Vladimirovich, who knows how to accurately realize your desires and not harm your he alth.
