Gynecomastia in men: treatment without surgery on a course of steroids

Gynecomastia in men: treatment without surgery on a course of steroids
Gynecomastia in men: treatment without surgery on a course of steroids

Such a disease as gynecomastia is familiar to many men. Its characteristic symptom is breast growth. Moreover, the pathology manifests itself not only externally, but also causes great psychological discomfort. Due to gynecomastia, men develop huge complexes. It can be treated without surgery only if the disease is not advanced.

What is this pathology?

Gynecomastia in men, which is treated without surgery with various drugs and folk remedies, is an increase in breast tissue, accompanied by a change in fatty structures and volume of the glands. This pathology has other names: tissue deformation, breast enlargement, mammary gland hypertrophy.

The diameter of the breast with such a disease can reach 10 cm, although in most cases this figure ranges from 3-4 cm. If nothing is done, then gynecomastia can lead to the appearance of a malignant formation in the mammary gland.

Breast augmentation occurs in men of all ages. For example, over 45 years of age, about 60% are prone to under 14 suffer from this disease 50-70% of children, and up to 45 - only 40% of people.

Sometimes it turns out to be quite effective when gynecomastia is found in men, treatment without surgery. The photo below allows you to see what the breast looks like with this disease.

gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery
gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery

Forms of gynecomastia

This disease in medicine is usually classified into several forms: one- and two-sided. In the first case, the pathology affects only one mammary gland, and in the second, both.

But most often, patients with a similar problem have bilateral gynecomastia. With this form, there is an increase in both glands at once. In addition, the disease is divided into the following forms:

  • False. In the chest, fatty tissue is deposited, which, as a rule, contributes to obesity. That is, there is no growth of gland tissue.
  • True. With this form, the pathology grows, and sometimes there is hypertrophy of the glandular or connective tissue of the breast, in other words, stoma.

True gynecomastia can still be physiological and pathological. In the physiological form, the increase in tissues does not go beyond the norm established in medicine. But with pathological gynecomastia, on the contrary, the tissues subjected to hypertrophy go beyond the normal range. This form of pathology is treated exclusively by surgery.

Development of gynecomastia in men

Mammary glands in the stronger sex in the normal state are underdeveloped. This rudimentarythe organ consists of short ducts, adipose and glandular tissue, as well as the nipple. Its normal functioning and development depend on the effects of female hormones such as prolactin and estrogen.

The content of the latter in the body of a man should not be more than 0, 001% of the total amount of androgens. Sometimes, for some reason, there is an increase in estrogen or a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues to testosterone. Under the influence of female hormones, the growth of male mammary glands begins with increased development of glandular tissue. Gynecomastia leads to breast growth and thickening.

gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery reviews
gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery reviews

Causes of breast hypertrophy

True gynecomastia in men, which is treated without surgery in various ways, occurs due to disorders in the body. Such a pathology may appear as a result of an increase in the secretion of prolactin. This happens, as a rule, with hypothyroidism and pituitary tumors.

But the most common cause of gynecomastia in men is a failure in the body of the ratio of estrogen and testosterone. A similar condition is observed with inflammation in the testicles, Addison's disease, prostate adenoma, as well as with hormonally active tumors or age-related hypogonadism.

Pathologies of a non-endocrine nature can also lead to breast enlargement in men: injuries or herpetic lesions of the chest, cardiovascular or renal failure, HIV infection, cirrhosis of the liver.

Often the cause of gynecomastia isdiseases that are accompanied by metabolic disorders, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, overweight or diabetes.

Gynecomastia in the stronger sex often occurs due to the intake of certain drugs that have a negative effect on the receptors of breast tissue. In addition, they increase the production of prolactin and estrogen, and are also capable of exerting a toxic effect on the body. These drugs include amiodarone, cimetidine, anabolic steroids, theophylline, antidepressants, corticosteroids, or creams containing hormones.

Mammary hypertrophy in some situations appears due to alcohol abuse or drug use.

At the same time, many are interested in if gynecomastia is diagnosed in men, treatment without surgery in young men, adolescents is possible or not. It should be understood that it will be possible to avoid surgical intervention only in the early stages of the disease.

Symptoms of pathology

Gynecomastia in men, treated without surgery by various methods, can manifest itself as a violation of libido, weakness, fatigue and even impotence.

In children with this disease, swelling appears in the chest area, and sometimes colostrum is possible. Adults with this diagnosis are faced with growth of up to 10 cm of mammary glands, whose weight reaches 150 g. In addition, darkening of the areola and swelling of the nipples may be observed, this phenomenon is typical for the weaker sex during lactation.

gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery how to treat
gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery how to treat

Stages of disease

This unpleasant disease has three stages of development:

  • Developing. It is also called the proliferating form. At this stage, you can do without surgery. For treatment, drug therapy will be enough.
  • Intermediate. At this stage, the glandular tissue begins to mature, and this stage lasts for about a year.
  • Fibrous. During this stage, the growth and development of adipose and connective tissue occurs. Getting rid of gynecomastia at this stage with the help of drugs is too difficult, almost impossible.

Complications of gynecomastia in men

This pathology can cause an inferiority complex in a patient and leave serious psychological consequences. But the most dangerous consequence is if it degenerates into a malignant tumor. According to statistics, 20-60% of cases of breast cancer in the stronger sex occurs precisely against the background of gynecomastia.

If the disease was treated surgically, then after the operation infectious complications, ruptures of the skin, scars or breast asymmetry may appear. In adult males who are obese, circulatory failure can develop after too much tissue has been removed. Because of this, necrosis of the nipple occurs, the sensitivity of which, as a result, when the habitual position changes, will decrease or disappear completely.

Methods for determining gynecomastia in men

First of all, the doctor examines the patient, feels the testicles and mammary glands, finds out the family history. In addition, he evaluates thesecondary sexual characteristics, learns about existing diseases, drug and alcohol addiction.

With symptoms of breast enlargement in men according to the female type, the representatives of the stronger sex are referred to an endocrinologist. Diagnostic equipment helps to detect hormonal disorders in a patient. Laboratory examinations allow you to determine the content of nitrogen, estradiol, prolactin, testosterone, urea, creatinine and hCG in the blood.

To exclude tumor processes, the patient is sent for computed tomography of the adrenal glands and brain, as well as for x-ray of the lungs. If the doctor has suspicions of testicular cancer with an increase in the content of testosterone and human chorionic gonadotropin, then an ultrasound of the scrotum is performed. Additionally, a breast biopsy and mammography is done.

gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery in adolescent boys
gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery in adolescent boys

Gynecomastia in men: treatment without surgery

Reviews on drug therapy for breast augmentation are mostly positive. To eliminate this problem, different means are used, depending on the reasons for which gynecomastia develops in men. Treatment without surgery on a course of drugs helps to completely get rid of this disease.

If the growth of the mammary gland occurred due to hypogonadism, then the patient is prescribed male hormones:

  • "Androgel";
  • "Omnadren";
  • "Sustanon";
  • "Chorionic gonadotropin".

Use listed drugsintramuscularly. The last remedy must be taken once every 5 days. And containing testosterone "Androgel" is used as an ointment, applying it every day to the skin. The effectiveness of such therapy is quite high.

For the treatment of gynecomastia, it is additionally recommended to take biological substances. True, they are only allowed to be used in combination with the main therapy.

In the case when it is not possible to reduce estrogen, the following drugs are prescribed: Tamoxifen and Clomiphene. They are able to suppress the production of this female hormone, however, when using them, s alty foods, alcohol and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet.

Remember that if gynecomastia in men is detected early, treatment without surgery is quite effective. The duration of therapy is at least 2 months if treatment with male hormones and biological supplements is prescribed. In the case of taking medications, in order to suppress the production of female hormones, the disease is eliminated with stimulant drugs. The course of such treatment lasts more than six months until the symptoms of gynecomastia completely disappear.

gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery on the course
gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery on the course

Gynecomastia in men: treatment without surgery

How to treat this disease with weaker drugs? When surgery is not required or has already been completed, folk remedies can be used to eliminate this disease: trepang extract or bee pollen.

In some cases, it helps if gynecomastia is found in men, treatment withoutoperations. How to treat an additional breast augmentation is of interest to many. For these purposes, such traditional medicines as peony tincture, motherwort extract and valerian are suitable.

Moreover, your doctor may recommend doing physical exercises at home when male gynecomastia is detected. Treatment without surgery on a course of steroids in this case is impossible, because it is because of them that the disease can develop.

treatment without surgery than to treat
treatment without surgery than to treat

Tamoxifen Gynecomastia Therapy

This drug is in great demand because it can block the production of estrogen. Moreover, in some cases, treatment without surgery is much more effective if gynecomastia is found in men. "Tamoxifen" is also good because it is an antitumor agent.

How to get rid of this disease at home?

When gynecomastia is found in men, treatment without surgery at home helps only if the breast is not too enlarged.

Cold compresses will help in the fight against this pathology, which help to reduce and reduce fatty tissues. To do this, ice cubes should be wrapped in a cloth, and then applied to the chest for a few minutes.

Another excellent result is given if gynecomastia in men has been diagnosed, treatment without surgery. Reviews with such therapy are positive about turmeric, because this plant increases testosterone and actively burns subcutaneous fat. Therefore, people with such a diagnosis will benefit from a drink made from this spice.

gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery at home
gynecomastia in men treatment without surgery at home

Last tip

If you do not treat gynecomastia, the disease will cause a lot of trouble. After all, the growth of the mammary glands brings both physical and psychological discomfort to a man. In addition, it must be understood that a violation of the structure of the organ can provoke the development of tumors. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to contact a specialist at the first suspicion of a disease.
