Morrison's gorichnik, otherwise called "Adam's rib", is a fairly powerful antitumor agent. In addition, it is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, colds and bronchitis. Since ancient times, this plant has been used in folk medicine. For the preparation of medicines, not only the roots are used, but also the entire aerial part of the mustard.
Description and characteristics

Morrison's gorichnik (photo can be seen in this article) belongs to the umbrella family and is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has the following characteristics:
- Umbrella-shaped inflorescences are often bright yellow.
- Grows mainly in the forest and forest-steppe zone.
- The root of the gourd is quite large, with characteristic stripes.
- Leaves are small and dissected.
Heightthe stem sometimes reaches 110 cm. The plant loves moisture and is quite sensitive to drought.
Chemical composition

For the preparation of remedies from traditional medicine recipes, almost all parts of the plant are used, but the most attention is paid to the root. The healing properties of Morrison's gorilla have been practically studied. It is quite large, striped, contains a large amount of useful substances. In its composition, components such as isomeratorin, bergaptol, peudacedanin and so on were found. In addition, the roots are rich in pectin and carbohydrates. Leaves, stems and inflorescences contain rutin, kaempferol, gum and resinous substances.
Properties of Morrison's mustard

It is used for many diseases. For example, a weak decoction of the root is used for epilepsy, gastrointestinal diseases, vitiligo. A strong decoction of water is most often used to treat diseased joints, and tincture of alcohol for toothache, inflammation of the genitourinary system and oncology. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the root perfectly relieves bronchitis and pleurisy, helps in the complex treatment of pneumonia.
Gornicina grass is included in the list of antitumor plants due to the presence of very rare components in its composition. The active effect of preparations from parts of this herb on the division of cancer cells was noticed. It becomes especially noticeable after chemotherapy, when the patient needs help to remove toxic substances and restore the body after stressful loads. It strengthens the immune system, whichpromotes recovery.
In case of oncology of the lungs and stomach, Morison's yogurt improves blood circulation, acts as an anesthetic and maintains general tone.
Root decoction

It can be made either more concentrated or less. For ingestion, as a rule, a composition is prepared in which the ratio of dry raw materials to liquid will be 1:10. The most optimal method of preparation is a decoction in a water bath. To do this, pick up two pans, one of which will be smaller in size, and the other about half as large. The future broth will be in a small container, and water is poured into a large one. One pan is put on fire, and the second - inside the first. The water begins to boil and heat up the liquid in the small container.
Be sure to cover the pot with the broth with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape. In about an hour, the product will be ready. It is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Instead of a small saucepan, you can use a liter or half-liter jar. It can withstand high temperatures well when heated slowly.
Use the resulting remedy three dessert spoons no more than three times a day. Reception time should be in the intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner. If the remedy is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the best option would be to use the decoction before the meal itself and only on an empty stomach.
Alcohol tincture

For hercooking, you will need either good quality vodka, or medical alcohol, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2. A glass of pre-prepared raw materials is poured with a half-liter bottle of vodka and sent to infuse in a dark place at room temperature. Daily tincture is taken out and shaken. In two weeks the composition will be ready. It is filtered through double gauze and sent to be stored in the refrigerator. Use the product in a very dosed way, no more than one dessert spoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You can not treat this composition as a regular alcoholic drink. Despite the fact that it contains alcohol, the product has a rather high biological activity. An overdose can lead to undesirable consequences. The tincture is used mainly to combat oncology of the digestive tract. In addition, she has proven herself well in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and dropsy.
Toothache is treated with a cotton swab dipped in tincture. To do this, a sick tooth is covered with gauze or cotton compresses and held until the pain subsides.
Purulent wounds are treated in a similar way. First, they are washed with tincture, and then a compress is applied for a while.
The course of treatment is usually 1-2 months. After a short interval, it is continued.
Cold tincture

It is used both in diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by colds, and in acute bronchitis. To prepare the product, it is advisable to take a thermos. For onea dessert spoon of crushed raw materials will need no more than 2 cups of boiling water. The raw material is poured into a thermos, which is tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for 1 hour. The drug is taken according to the scheme: 100 grams from 3 to 4 times a day. Thanks to the thermos, the broth does not cool down throughout the day. In addition, there is no need to cook fresh every time or reheat existing ones.
In case of bronchial asthma, inhalations are also done with the help of a concentrated decoction of Morrison's mustard. The lungs are cleared of phlegm and mucus fairly quickly.
Procurement of raw materials
The roots of this plant are harvested either in early spring or late autumn. One of the main conditions is the absence of leaves and inflorescences. It is during this period that the root has full strength, which it did not have time to give to the ground part. The dug root is shaken off the soil and laid out to dry. Raw materials must not be washed or treated with anything. As it dries, you can periodically shake it off the ground.
Another raw root is cut into several parts in advance, so that it can be conveniently used later. It is best to grind the root into a powdered state. Pharmaceutical preparations are sold in this form. If it is problematic to do this at home, you can leave small cuttings no larger than 3-4 cm in size.
Contraindications for use

Morison's gorichnik has practically no contraindications, except for pregnancy of the first and last trimester. During this period, absolutelyit is recommended to use any biologically active herbs so as not to harm the baby or cause premature birth.
In case of exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should also refrain from taking drugs with Morrison's boletus.
User reviews
In their reviews, patients very often discuss the medicinal properties and contraindications of Morrison's boletus and recommend the use of this herb for the treatment of oncology, pulmonary diseases and stomach ulcers. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases note a fairly rapid positive effect of this remedy. In their opinion, the first improvements occur already on the third day, and by the end of the course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease disappear.
Those who have already tried Morison's decoction for bronchitis or acute respiratory infections once, highly recommend it. It has a pronounced antipyretic effect. In their opinion, this herb is no worse than linden or plantain root. It is given even to small children from three years old. The dosage is used the most minimal. Children, according to parents, recover quite quickly and after a while become cheerful and cheerful.