Each of us has experienced a cold or flu in our lives. It is always unpleasant to get sick, but it is even worse when an incorrectly or incompletely cured disease smoothly flows into a complication. Bronchitis often occurs precisely for this reason. Therefore, as soon as you feel unhe althy, try to start helping your body in the fight against the disease. Phytopreparations will be of great help to you. The object of our attention will be one of these means - "Bronhofit". Instructions for use, principle of action, composition and other recommendations - in our article.

Cough and cold
Our grandmothers always knew very well what herbs to brew to make the cough go faster. Such treatment has always been very effective, because today in almost every pharmacy you can find such funds. They are sold in the form of tinctures, fees or already packaged in tea bags - all that remains is to brew. Collection medicinal "Bronhofit" containscarefully selected herbs. They allow you to solve several problems at once: strengthen the immune system and help the body fight infection, restore protective functions and relieve inflammation, remove accumulated toxic substances, and normalize lung function. Such a drug can and should be used not only in the event of an illness, but also for prevention during the cold season.

How does it work?
For ease of use of the drug "Bronchofit" instructions for use are written directly on the package. The main action of the collection is aimed at expelling sputum from the respiratory system. The components in its composition act on the glands of the bronchi, forcing them to produce a serous component. Mucus becomes less thick, and therefore it is easier to remove. The drug normalizes cough: it becomes less debilitating, but at the same time provides effective expectoration of sputum. In addition, the collection of medicinal "Bronhofit" has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and restorative effect on the body. Improves well-being, normalizes sleep, lowers temperature.

Indications for use
If you are suffering from a cough, you are going through a period of cold or flu, then your condition will greatly help alleviate "Bronchophyte". Instructions for use recommends using it for a variety of diseases associated with coughing and the formation of stubborn sputum. It is also chronic and acute bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic or acute inflammation of the respiratory system,bronchiectasis. Phytopreparation will help to normalize the condition with pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. The product can be used not only as a medicinal tea, but also as a rinse.
Composition of the drug collection
Total 12 medicinal herbs were included in the preparation "Bronchofit". Instructions for use contains a complete list of them. The collection contains: roots of calamus, licorice, elecampane, marshmallow, flowers of black elderberry, linden, chamomile and marigold, thyme, leaves of nettle, sage and peppermint.

Bronchofit tincture contains the same medicinal herbs, but infused with alcohol. The drug has the same qualities as the herbal collection. You just have to choose for yourself the tool that, in your opinion, is more convenient to use.
How to take the drug
"Bronchofit" is used in the form of medicinal decoctions, teas or tinctures.
To prepare a decoction, you need half a liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. dry herbal mixture. The collection should be poured with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour. After it, you need to strain and take a third of a glass half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.
How to make Bronchofit tea? The instructions will come to the rescue here. For 2 tea bags you only need 150 ml of water. Pour the phytocollection with boiling water, cover with a lid, after 15 minutes it is ready for use. Drink this tea 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of herbal treatment is a month.
"Bronchofit"-tincture is recommended foradults. In the acute course of the disease, the remedy is taken as follows: 2 tsp. the drug is diluted in half a glass of warm water and drunk half an hour before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening. When the patient's condition improves, the dose of tincture is reduced to 1 tsp. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
If the disease is chronic and the drug is used constantly, then it is necessary to arrange regular breaks: 2 months of admission - 1 month of rest.

Phytopreparation is not recommended for children under 7 years of age. With caution during pregnancy and lactation. In general, Bronchofit is well tolerated. In rare cases, allergic reactions are noted with individual intolerance to one of the components. You can not take the drug simultaneously with antitussive drugs, and also use it after the expiration date (2 years).
The drug is considered one of the best and has proven itself in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Its action will be most productive with complex therapy. It is also nice that the cost of the drug is low. Bronhofit tea (price per pack) costs around 70 rubles, but the cost of tincture, depending on the volume of the bottle, will range from 100 to 180 rubles. The product is completely natural, does not contain chemical additives and is well tolerated by patients. In the cold season, you can brew such herbal tea for prevention instead of the usual one, it will be not only useful, but also tasty.
Be he althy!