Immediately after birth, almost all systems and organs of the child are in the stage of maturation. Therefore, they are susceptible to various diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic flora. These include bacteria that live on the mucous membranes and human skin. However, under the influence of certain factors, they begin to harm the body. Klebsiella is one of these. In today's article, we will take a closer look at what symptoms accompany its activity, what should be taken as a therapeutic measure.
Klebsiella in the baby in the feces - what does it mean?
Klebsiella is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium. For the first time, its description was presented by the German pathologist Edwin Klebs. The microbe belongs to the category of anaerobic, that is, it reproduces exclusively in an oxygen-free environment. However, even in the air, Klebsiella can remain viable for a long time. When boiled, it dies.
There are 8 types of bacteria. In young children, there are predominantly only twoof which: Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca. They live in the intestines and feces, on the skin and mucous membranes. As long as the immune system is fully functional, the bacterium is not dangerous. With the weakening of the protective system, the conditionally pathogenic flora begins to actively develop, poisoning the body. In young children, immunity is in the process of formation, and the mucous membranes are practically sterile. Therefore, infection with Klebsiella can lead to serious illnesses.

Main reasons
Many parents are frightened by the detection of Klebsiella in infants in the feces. What is this bacterium, we told a little higher. For what reasons can it appear?
Conventionally, all causes are usually divided into two groups: external and internal. The first category includes:
- contact of an infant with an infected adult;
- spread of bacteria through dirty water, toys or sick animals;
- eating contaminated food.
Penetrating into the body, Klebsiella is not always dangerous even for a small organism. Often, it enters into a kind of symbiosis with the microflora of the host and begins to participate in the main processes of life. The ability to provoke the development of inflammatory diseases occurs with the rapid growth of bacteria.
Among internal causes are:
- compromised immunity;
- imbalance of internal intestinal microflora;
- allergic to certain foods;
- shortage"beneficial" bacteria on the background of antibiotic therapy;
- the presence of pathogenic flora in the intestine, which destroys the he althy one.
Quite often, Klebsiella is detected along with staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria co-exist. As soon as the staphylococci finish destroying beneficial microorganisms, Klebsiella take their place with their colonies.

Clinical picture
Klebsiella pneumonia in preschool children is rare. The most common is its intestinal variety. However, it is difficult for parents to identify it on their own. Due to insufficiently formed intestinal microflora, newborns often develop dysbacteriosis, for which Klebsiella infection is often perceived. Therefore, if you suspect an illness, you cannot do without medical help.
The main symptoms of Klebsiella in the feces of a baby are the following:
- bloating and gas in the abdomen;
- colic;
- frequent and abundant regurgitation "fountain";
- fever and hyperthermia;
- diarrhea with mucus impurities;
- sour smell from faeces.
Active reproduction of bacteria can lead to dehydration.
Symptoms of Klebsiella pneumonia in infants are similar to those of SARS. The temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, a strong dry cough appears. After a few days, it becomes moist, sputum may be streaked with blood and an unpleasant odor. At the same time, the child becomes capricious and lethargic, refuses tofood.
The appearance of these symptoms requires immediate treatment to the pediatrician. The doctor should schedule an examination to identify pathogens.

Diagnostic Methods
When symptoms of Klebsiella occur in a baby, a pediatrician or gastroenterologist should deal with the treatment and diagnosis. The diagnosis is established by the results of laboratory tests. Sampling is performed for analysis:
- feces;
- urine;
- blood;
- phlegm;
- discharge from the nasal or oral cavity.
CBC and coprogram may be required to obtain a complete clinical picture.
Since the activity of bacteria in the body is not accompanied by specific symptoms, during a comprehensive examination of a small patient, it is necessary to exclude diseases with similar manifestations. Klebsiella is differentiated from staphylococcus and various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
Survey results can cause concern only if the normative values of the number of bacteria per gram of biomaterial are exceeded. Ideally, this indicator should not exceed 106.
When the tests confirm and there are symptoms of Klebsiella in the baby in the feces, Klebsiella gastroenteritis is diagnosed. At the same time, the number of bacteria in a gram of biological material is 108. In case of concentration in sputum over 106 per gram, the doctor makes a conclusion about Klebsiella pneumonia.

Principles of treatment
The main danger of a bacterium is the presence of a strong capsule that protects it from the action of the active substances of drugs. Therefore, its detection in the analyzes is accompanied by long-term therapy, which is most often carried out in a hospital setting. At the same time, it pursues several goals: the destruction of directly pathogenic agents, the restoration of the balance of intestinal microflora. For the entire period of treatment, an additional diet is required on the part of the mother, if the baby is breastfed, or the child.
Babies are usually protected from the use of antibiotics. If the infectious pathology is mixed, and its signs do not disappear for a long time, the use of antibacterial agents should not be abandoned.
The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky has his own opinion on this issue. He believes that even if there are symptoms of Klebsiella in infants in the feces, no specific treatment is required. Medicines practically do not affect the activity of the bacterium. In his opinion, it is enough to establish a diet for mother and child, normalize stools, and strengthen immunity using available methods. Over time, the baby's immune system will get stronger, and the bacteria themselves will continue to peacefully coexist in his body along with the beneficial ones.
Use of antibiotics
Treatment of Klebsiella in infants with antibiotics is indicated in the following cases:
- complicated form of pathology, when its course is accompanied by staphylococcus or other bacteriologicaldefeats;
- lack of efficacy from alternative therapies;
- high risk of complications.
In these cases, a small patient is prescribed 3-4 generation cephalosporins ("Ceftriaxone", "Supraks"). It is worth noting that the bacterium is resistant to antibiotics of the penicillin and oxacillin groups.
All medicines are selected individually. Initially "taken" from the urine or feces of a child, Klebsiella is attacked in the laboratory by several antimicrobial agents. The drug that can kill her will be chosen as the main therapy. It is given together with immunomodulators to increase the ability of the child's immunity to resist. This whole process usually takes from 7 to 21 days. It necessarily proceeds under medical supervision in order to avoid the spread of infection to other organs. In addition, with low resistance, the initially selected antibiotic is replaced with another one.
After the end of the course of taking the drugs, it is required to restore the balance of the microflora. Since their use also kills beneficial bacteria, and not just Klebsiella in babies.

Treatment with bacteriophages
If a small patient feels well after confirming the diagnosis, the ideal option to reduce the number of bacterial colonies in the intestines is the use of bacteriophages. These are specially created viruses that affect only the source of the disease. They do not harm other microorganisms, do not disturb the balance of usefulmicroflora in the gastrointestinal tract. The course of treatment is usually up to 3 weeks.
Need for rehydration
The body of an adult is approximately 75% water, and a newborn is 90%. Therefore, it is so important to replenish fluid supplies in a timely manner. In the case of an intestinal infection, the child quickly loses weight, dehydration occurs. Subsequently, it is quite difficult to carry out rehydration - replenishment of water in the body, so critical values \u200b\u200bare not allowed.
Klebsiella symptoms in babies are manifested in the form of vomiting and loose stools. Together with feces and vomit, water and reserves of mineral s alts come out. When the first symptoms of a violation appear, you should begin to solder the child.
Doctors for this purpose recommend the popular drug Regidron. This is a powder packaged in sachets. The contents of one of them must be diluted in a liter of water, given to the baby. The resulting solution contains the necessary s alts and minerals. However, its significant drawback is a rather unpleasant taste.
Specially for babies, analogues of "Rehydron" with various flavoring additives were developed. For example, "Humana Electrolyte" and "Gastrolit". They additionally contain fennel, which is responsible for relieving cramps and bloating.
When there are no special preparations for rehydration in the home medicine cabinet, you can use mineral water or prepare it yourself. You will need to mix 18 g of sugar and 3 g of s alt in a liter of water. The basic rule of rehydration is to drink in small sips. Depending on the age of the patient, a single dose is1-2 teaspoons. Otherwise, the fluid entering the body will provoke another release of vomiting. In especially serious cases, when the symptoms of Klebsiella in infants do not go away for a long time, a similar procedure is carried out in a hospital and using droppers.

Probiotic use
The main indications for prescribing probiotics are the following cases:
- Self-therapy to eliminate Klebsiella. We are talking about mild forms of the disease, when nothing bothers the child.
- One of the measures of restorative treatment. After a course of therapy, especially with the use of antibiotics, it is necessary to populate the intestines with beneficial microflora.
For this purpose, to eliminate the symptoms of Klebsiella in infants and treatment, "Bifiform baby", "Bifidus", "Primadophilus Baby" are used. The drugs are available in powder form. They are easy to add to water or milk. Probiotics allow you to quickly restore the work of the digestive tract, save the child from problems with stool.
Possible hazards and consequences
The choice of method for eliminating the symptoms of Klebsiella in infants always remains with the doctor. The prognosis for recovery and the duration of therapy are largely determined by the timeliness of the appeal to the pediatrician by the parents. That is why it is important not to self-medicate. Even ordinary vomiting and diarrhea can cause Klebsiella. If these signs appear, you should call a doctor.
In case of deterioration of the clinical picture, when thetemperature and severe diarrhea is present, the risk of dehydration increases against this background, an ambulance should be called. You should not be afraid of an infectious hospital. In the conditions of a medical institution, the child will be provided with the necessary assistance, competent treatment will be prescribed.
It is worth noting that the symptoms of Klebsiella in the intestines of a baby are not limited to a violation of the stool. In a neglected and aggressive form, the disease can lead to meningitis, adversely affect the condition of the joints, and cause bacterial systemic sepsis. Despite the fact that the likelihood of such complications is small, it is not worth risking the life of a child.
Parent reviews
According to reviews, the pediatrician should deal with the symptoms and treatment of Klebsiella in infants in feces or urine. Independent attempts at therapy in this case are not only ineffective, but can provoke the development of complications.
Most parents whose children have had to deal with this bacterium warn about long-term therapy. However, you should not be afraid of antibiotics. Modern drugs prescribed by doctors for the treatment of children help to cope with Klebsiella with little or no consequences. It is only important to follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician, not to neglect probiotics and bacteriophages at the recovery stage.
Prevention Methods
Symptoms of Klebsiella in infants, according to parents, are almost always manifested by vomiting and diarrhea. Treatment only in some cases does without the use of antibiotics. Therefore, parents wish by any means to warn their child against thisbacteria.
Prevention comes down primarily to strengthening immunity, and not to creating sterile cleanliness at home. For this, even a newborn child should spend enough time in the fresh air. His diet should contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to ensure the full functioning of the whole organism.
When the first signs of any disease appear, do not give the baby syrups and pills right away. The thing is that a variety of viruses and bacteria literally train the immune system, which gradually forms antibodies to various pathogens. In an attempt to strengthen the immune system, some parents begin to give immunomodulators and immunostimulants. For preventive purposes, their use is not recommended. The exception is confirmed cases of immunodeficiency, when such drugs are prescribed by a doctor as the main therapy.

Concomitant prevention of the onset of symptoms of Klebsiella in infants is based on the observance of elementary rules and hygiene standards. Adults often do not even realize that they are carriers of this bacterium. Therefore, they should wash their hands with soap every time after going to the toilet. The child himself also needs to wash his hands with soap, especially after contact with animals, walking.
Only one type of bacteria is transmitted by airborne droplets - Klebsiella pneumonia. It is quite difficult to prevent its penetration into the body. You can only avoid crowded places.
Reduce frequencythe parents of an already infected child themselves can also become morbid. After confirming the diagnosis by tests, they should limit the baby's communication with peers, sharing toys and bedding until a full recovery.